ACTUAL Honest Trailers - Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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“Far superior Boba Fett”
Best description of Jango Fett.


Honestly, I never got the hate behind the dialogue of AOTC, like the film isn’t flawless but the dialogue with anakin is SUPPOSED to be awkward because he’s literally a teenage monk who hasn’t ever had a girlfriend, it kinda makes sense he’d not be all that charismatic yet


I'm telling you, the prequels never deserved any of the hate they got. Sure, they aren't perfect, no movie is, but to us nerds and geeks, it was one of the greatest things we've ever seen.


I find it weird how Youtube adds a note in the description that goes "this content was made with altered or synthetic content" I mean no shit sherlock


This video couldn't be anymore true.


I can’t share this with anybody. If it didn’t have obscenities I would share this on all my platforms and text the link to my loved ones. Most unfortunate.


I love sand u can build a castle out of it


Ah yes the movie where Obi Wan plays detective but doesn't follow up on his leads. Where the great Jedi Knight that was corrupted by the dark side commits genocide before he even became a Jedi Knight. And the strong female characters falls in love with him after telling her he committed genocide. Where the villain only shows up halfway in and is paid off by killing him in the next movie less than halfway in. Phantom Menace has some good stuff with great spectacle and Revenge of the Sith is a mostly solid movie but Attack of the Clones is trash and only the die hard prequel babies defend this. My younger brother and I would watch the Star Wars movies on DVD when they only had 6 and even he knew to skip to the last 30min of this movie.


Aotc is a great film overall, not flawless as I have a few issues with it but still great nonetheless.


the AHHHCTULEEWEL honest review was dropped years ago, this is fanboying


Okay, first, I've never once heard anyone criticize this film for not having a "charismatic young Hispanic-Mexican model" instead of Hayden Christensen. Nor have I ever heard anyone say that Yoda shouldn't have saved anyone in the arena. I think you're employing strawmen here.

But let's go into what you did address that I thought was valid: The bad dialogue. It wasn't just the dialogue, but the entire badness of this so-called "romance" between Anakin and Padme. It's so forced, no pun intended. There's no reason why Padme ought to be interested in this guy. He might have bad-boy vibes, but here's the thing: We really don't know much about Padme Amidala from the first movie other than she's the (elected) leader of her people. That implies quite a few things, but none of them good or even compelling. In this movie, she's the target of assassination, and we find out that it's that Trade Fed dude from the first movie who, for personal reasons I suppose, wants her dead. More on that later. We don't know much, really, about her that would make us understand her motives, her interests, and why she might want to go with a man at least five years younger than she is, who's a bit unstable, whiny, angry about his state in life, when odds are she ought to have been surrounded by paramours both in and out of her political life. Just him being a Jedi and physically attractive isn't enough to be believed.

Anakin himself is smitten with her. Got it. And I can imagine that he's a bit awkward with her, given his feelings, but the way they started out in this film is really cringeworthy. He's creepy.

I've often thought of a way to fix all this: Not have him necessarily attracted to her, starting out. Make him less of an asshole. Because, in this film, Anakin isn't very likeable. He may be rather defensive personally, unable to take good criticism, and he doesn't seem to have a good relationship with his master even though the film tries to openly tell us, in words, that they're friends. They're obviously not. The better way to make him more likeable would be to make him helpful, attentive, optimistic, and make the two really good friends than having Obi-Wan belittle him. Here, George was trying to use argumentative banter, in the hope to generate some chemistry, like what was done between Luke, Han, and Leia, but this is a different kind of relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin is Obi-Wan's apprentice. Sure, there could be some teenage rebellion going on, but you can have that without making Anakin an asshole. Anakin should never criticize Obi-Wan behind his back to Padme (which is not attractive at all). He should've said something like, "I'm always worried about him, " and smile to Padme, "I feel like it takes everything I have to keep up with him, and I worry I will fail to save him." That would've endeared him a whole lot more to both Padme and the audience. Then have him try to keep up with Padme, put them both in a bad situation (which is what they did), but not murdering a bunch of Sand People, again, would've made him more endearing. But we have to see why he becomes bad, and George is in so much of a hurry here. There were better ways of going about that. He did give Anakin a good motivation, but it was poorly executed. So much so that it makes the Jedi around him blind and stupid to what's going on with him. Sending him alone with Padme was a silly thing to do, and inexplicable.

But because George needs these two to fall in love in this movie, we have this really awkward, forced situation and the dialogue that goes with it. Harlequin Romances write better stuff than this.

As for Nute what's his name, wanting to kill Padme....for what? Why? I suppose he's just a petty asshole, but that's really silly. That motive makes it difficult to take this guy seriously. Maybe that was the point, but that's not too good, because it doesn't really explain why he wasn't pointing fingers at the guy in the black robes in the hologram. Apparently he got off scot-free from the courts, probably due to Sidious' influence, but it really is weak sauce. It would've been better if he went to prison and was simply replaced.

Now, let's go to why people didn't like Yoda whipping out a lightsaber. It's simple: He looks ridiculous. Yoda, as presented in Empire, was shown to be above using weapons like this, that using the Force was more than just about fighting. He's too short, so the movie has him jumping around flailing about because he doesn't have the arm-length or the height to be able to defend himself against Dooku in a believable way. Yoda should be using his mind, to beat his enemy without fighting, if necessary. But by giving him a lightsaber and having him dance and bounce off of walls diminishes his character, makes him more cartoonish, and makes everything he said about the Force in Empire basically silly.

Then there's the whole Jango Fett thing. I posted why this was not very good in another video you did; the problem was that the Jedi just go along with all this. They go along with the war, not bothering to investigate further into these Clones, and they know that Jango was working with Dooku. Oh well! We got this army, I guess we should use it! That ought to have told them that this whole war was being contrived and orchestrated, which it did, but they go along with it anyway. Yes, I know in The Clone Wars they do look a bit further, but that show makes the Jedi (and everyone else who isn't Palpatine or maybe Dooku blind and stupid).

Like nobody has any agency here. Characters need agency, and when they're doing dumb things, like marrying a psychopathic asshole even though he told her what he did, that doesn't bode well. George needed to take this story to a real writer, someone who understood people and how they behave, work on the plot, and everything else.


I think you're trying way too hard to defend these movies, dude. It's making you come off as kind of a douche, especially when you did the trailer for the third film.


Episode 1: 4/10
Episode 2: 5/10
Episode 3: 10/10
Episode 4: 9/10
Episode 5: 10/10
Episode 6: 9/10


This is a very good video, but those movies still aren’t very good.
