Why Personal Style Is (Mostly) A Lie

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Personal style is generally described as the goal people should be aiming towards with how they dress. Conversely fashion, or following fashion trends, is demonised as NPC behaviour despite having more in common with personal style than people would like to admit.

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Personally believe fashion is understanding the fundamentals and how to play with them vs. personal style is taking the fundamentals that work for you and leaving the ones you don’t like for other people to rock


i honestly think it comes down to people just wanting to feel better than others. im stylish and youre just fashionable therefore me good you bad


Fashion is what's available, style is what you choose to wear...


I personally go with: as long as i’m having fun with my fits, i’m doing good! 😆


personal style: people say 'thats something he would wear'
trends: people say 'its what everyones wearing'
fashion: people say 'look at that outfit'
whether any of it looks good or not is also independent of all 3 categories


I remember when every “teaching style” channel recommended double monkstraps. Double monks were timeless, went with everything, and never went out of style. When was the last time we saw them recommended?


I really like Madeline's Pendelton perspective on personal style vs fashion (she is a fashion designer, quite popular on TikTok). She says that fashion trends are responses to what's currently happening in the world/in pop culture etc (you know, for example when inflation grows, usually high heels are back) and fashion is a visual way of communicating with each other. She says everyone already has personal style because by choosing what you like and what you don't like you filter the clothes you gonna wear. And here comes what you mentioned in the video - if you tried many styles, you have a better idea of what you like, and you are not afraid to risk and combine items from different styles or trends. I think people should focus more on trying out new things, rather than looking for a personal style. Personal style will come naturally, with the exposure and experience.


I think you nailed it, I'm grateful to people that are the early adopters because then more iteration of said pieces are made available. Which often means they are A. Available in a size appropriate to my body type and B. Available to my budget. Plus there are so many juxtaposing trends and styles running at the same time now and I need help filtering through them. It was a lot simpler a few decades back. Much less variety back then. Great work, always. Cheers!


We have completely opposite styles but I resonate with your style and what you said here. I've basically accepted that I dress like an elderly man who somehow gets Paris Fashion Week lookbooks due to a mixup at the post office. Cozy and comfy with some inspiration from what's trendy. You have to get exposure to trends and learn what you like and don't like through experience. Like anything else, you have to practice. Though if skinny jeans and slim fits come back, I don't think I'll be doing that.


"I have a very unique style" - People who have been wearing nothing but band t-shirts, hoodies, jeans/cargo pants and white sneakers every day everywhere between ages 13-45.


This is so refreshing, I've been seeing so many videos on how to find your personal style and it's all so wrong, having made it to the other side (7 years later...) Pushing the idea of having a minimal wardrobe that simultaneously being true to yourself and your style straight away is impossible without experimentation and dabbling in trends and relevant fashion is almost the only way to know what you like.

Thanks for this


I saw this article and thought it was great; fashion trends are there as a sort of mirror. We can see ourselves relatively using the mirror.
A unique outfit exist because there is trend


That's why i gravitate toward dressing elegant or casual-elegant. It's classic, it's comfortable it always looks good. I experiment with more 1930-40 fit from time to time, to spice things up.


Great video, Animal Rescue! I've a friend who constantly tells me to dress myself up in brighter colours and in more "normal" streetwear clothing, all HM/Uniqlo fit kinda stuff. For a while I explored that with her advice and bought a few pieces, but while they look OK on me I always have a feeling that I'm just "wearing clothes". It was a good lesson exploring new styles, and whilst I still wear those clothes for family visits, I've taken it in as more of a reminder to try out new things but not go head first into whatever people tells me look good, and that the important thing is that I like the combination of what I'm wearing.


“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”


I just buy things that have colors in places that look good from a distance, match with other items I have, and have finishes that keep me reaching for them, and lasting for years. You pretty much just have to make fits that look good while squinting, feel good up close, and create harmony with other pieces. You can then use the “anything can work” to randomly combine pieces from multiple styles you own.


Pretentious video title suggestion:

"A Hegelian Dialectic of Style vs Fashion in a Late Stage Capitalistic Society"


a lot of inspiring insights!
probably even struggling to admit a certain involvement with fashion trends may keep us away from experimenting and having fun with our clothing, while in reality it's not about being outside of trends to stand out, but rather building a conscious style that works and makes us confident
thanks Ant as always for the interesting topics !


Bro im not even lying, the image of pedestrians with the words "my style inspo" is fucking art. It reminds me of the turn-around from pick-me girls saying "im not like other girls" to people now saying "actually, i am like other girls, and other girls rock." And i dont know, theres just something touching about looking to the real people of our society and feeling warm and inspired. I know im being too deep but i loved that shot


Your big brain content like this is the best. I’ve just been slowly going through and binging all your videos
