What Is Quantum Teleportation?

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In 2017, Chinese scientist were able to teleport a photon to a satellite in the Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) of Earth. This news spread like a wildfire. Some even thought that teleportation that was shown in ‘Star Trek’ was now possible. But it wasn’t the case. What they achieved was in fact Quantum teleportation. What teleportation actually means is, dematerialising a body from one place and materialising it at another. But what the scientist obtained was Quantum teleportation, which means transferring Quantum information without any medium. In the rest of the video we will tack about what is Quantum Teleportation and is it reality?
The idea of teleportation has been around in fiction and mythology for over a thousand years. As discussed above Quantum teleportation is very different from the classical teleportation, because only the quantum information is transferred. Quantum computers can make future networking and communication hacking proof. In today’s world , we have successfully done this experiment over a thousand times using photons. What exactly is Quantum teleportation? In Quantum teleportation one object is not transferred from one place to other rather it’s quantum information is teleported without any medium. The no cloning and no deleting theorem tells us that quantum information neither be copied nor destroyed. But before that we need to understand Quantum entanglement.

When a parent particle with zero spin decays and creates two particles. Spin is a conserved quantity so it means that it cannot change and so, the daughter particles have opposite spin.All fundamental particles in the universe have a property called spin .this does not means that they actually spin, but they possess an angular momentum and an inclination in space. We can measure this spin of particle. As a result we get two outcomes, either up spin or down spin, both having a chance of 50-50% for outcome unless observed by an observer . If one is up the other will be down, so tahrs the simplest example of quantum entanglement, in which two particles have opposite spin and have a single wave function. Quantum engagement allows for weird behaviour to be seen in the sizes as big as humans and more. The important thing here is that both the particles have a single wave function that governs both of the particles. These particles are then called entangled particles. The entanglement doesn’t depends upon the particles being close to each other. As long as the two particles don’t interact with anything we can separate them by feet, miles or even more distances and the two particles are connected by a single wave function and have opposite spins. Under certain circumstances, when two particles are created from a single particle, then the two particles show a very unique link to each other . This link in known as quantum entanglement .This idea seems a bit weird and called it ‘spooky action’, claiming on multiple occasions that  " God does not play dice "  and it would also ruled out the theory of relativity . However ,  Einstein ’s idea was dismissed and Bohr ’s idea still remains a vital part of modern physics.

In quantum computing and teleporting qubits are used. They have the same function as the bits we use today. The difference between qubits and bits is that, the value of bit can be either 0 or 1, but the value of a qubit can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously! This is the reason why quantum computers are way more faster than today’s computers.


Credits: Ron Miller
Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/Esa
Credits: Flickr

Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
00:54 What Is Quantum Teleportation?
03:58 Understanding Quantum Teleportation
08:13 Problem

#insanecuriosity #quantumteleportation #physics
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I appreciate that your videos don't dumb-down.


Man I could listen to this 50 times & still not understand you


I think this is just the beginning, and wouldn't get very excited yet, but saying that all great things, start off small. Teleporting a Photon is one thing. A human is another. You know I love science. And without science nothing happens. So hey one day in the future you never know. Another great video, top marks, great stuff.😁😆😉🧐😇👍


I learn more from YouTube then my actual teachers😂


Teleportation Study Experiment. (working model)

Take a very very thin, perfectly round hollow metal (copper, steel, etc) ball and put it on a flat glass table at least 5'x5' in once location of the table surface and call that (location A) then strike the ball with an object or with sound and measure its frequency vibration with sound or other devices, then put the ball in another place of the glass table and call that (location B) and measure the vibrational frequency of that ball in that location, then put the ball back in location A and infuse, bombard the ball with the location B frequency vibration, either sonically or electromagnetically, etc... The ball will either disappear and reappear on location B or it will move from location A to B physically and this depends on how precise the instruments used are measuring and infusing the new frequencies.

Please save and share this experiment with as many people as possible. This experiment is how we will learn to map the vibrational frequencies equations of any location in our universe.

(This is not a joke)


sounds interesting and it make sense that we can't Teleport a person because we would have to control those particles spin and they would have to materialize in the destination with the same spin they had or what would materialize would be something totally different than what we started with.


In the fall of 2019 I had encountered 2 different girls inside and outside of my home on 2 different occasions each.

One was a young girl about 7 years old, Caucasian with long brown curly hair dressed in contemporary clothes. First time she was in my garage painting on the floor. We made eye contact, she got spooked, she uttered an "ah!" and suddenly disappeared. The second occasion I found her in the foyer drawing on the tile floor with a pencil. Again, we made eye contact, she got spooked, uttered an "ah!" and disappeared.

The other girl was a Caucasian teenager blonde hair dressed in a grey hoodie and jeans. The first occasion she was seen through the front door window on my porch. I opened the main door and within a split second she was standing off the porch in front of the steps looking up at me. I opened the screen door and she vanished. I ran around the house looking for her but I couldn't see her. Walking around to the front of the house I saw the grey hoodie girl sitting on the front porch of the house 5 doors up the street. She appeared to be looking down at a cell phone while another girl stood by. I yelled at them to stay away from my home. Then the girls vanished and two flashing blue orbs appeared, hovered in the air and vanished. Suddenly, large strange writing began to appear on the lawn in a language I did not understand. The writing stopped and the blue flashing orbs reappeared in the same spot they had been.

The next day I stood in front of my house discussing the previous nights events with my very christian neighbor. Suddenly, as I finished describing what happened my neighbor points up the street and says, "Are those the blue orbs you are talking about?". I turned around and saw the two blue orbs in the same spot as the night before. In the same fashion the blue orbs disappeared and writing began to appear on the lawn. In amazement my neighbor could only mutter the words, "Don't tell my wife". Dumbfounded and afraid my neighbor went into his house.

The second time I encountered the grey hoodie teen was in the same spot I had encountered the young girl in the foyer. We made eye contact and I stepped towards her. she bent down and slid something on the floor towards my feet. I kicked the item and she vanished. I stooped down to examine the item: it was a small box of car fuses that I had placed in a basket on the table in the foyer months prior.

This, and a host of other phenomenon occurred to me: especially discovering strange complex math equations around the house and what I can best describe as magic number circles.

Raised Catholic, these events thrusted me to seek a spiritual explanation. I found an understanding priest that sensed I was telling the truth. He said to me, "This happens more than people realize. Others are afraid to talk about it in fear of losing their family, friends, and jobs".

I am unabashed to reveal to anyone my true experiences. Unfortunately to my demise: loss of family and friends and to the point of unwillingly placed in behavioral health units by unbelievers.

I know that there is an explanation. I know these events were not figments of a warped imagination. I have had people laugh so if you do you are not the first and wont be the last. Your opinion of my experience bears no weight only to yourself.

Could these girls have the technology of quantum teleportation? I dont know the how, why, or where that is certain. So far, quantum teleportation is the best deal going as of today.

God Bless.


For a human to be transported or teleported the subject must first be transformed into a substance lighter than a photon and for no reason should they be Conscience or slightly alert during the exercise. Otherwise the connection will be lost.


With a quantum computer system and one thing not mentioned is what is still in star trek. A pattern buffer. To store the information and send it to a resequencer then reintegrate the person or even food. Still about 20 years to the fruit or inorganic matter. 50 years till maybe the first human for several kilometers then 1400 kms that will be cool. My grand kids will love it.


Ask *Dr Sam Beckett* LoL 😂 This looks fascinating! 👍🏻


ok im dumb....please do we measure article a and c together if observing them would change their state?


good word! the images were a little distracting from time to time but the information was ultimately intriging


5:59 Where does the "C" come from and how does A interact with C?
If Alex measure "A" to determine whether it is upstate or downstate with 50%-50% chance, then how does he send a particular state of "C", which is either upstate or downstate? i.e., how exactly does Alex send an "1" to the space if "A" and "C" are both in superposition with both 1 and 0?


So we can send you the information, but we will need to inform you that we are sending the information .
Sounds useful to me.


I guess if you can figure out how to encode data on a photon, and then have a device that can decipher the data and script it onto a pc you have got instant internet connection that's not limited my current bandwidth capabilities.


AMD just patented a quantum computing processor that would utilize teleportation! Future is looking good!


We already can teleport a message around the world using messenger, that's teleportation


20 years from now we may have quantum teleportation/wifi #7G


I think we've been using quantum teleportation for a very long Star Trek is a documentary
