The most unique Ray-Tracing Shader? Minecraft - Soft Voxels - RTX 4090
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This is a rather unique pack among all the Minecraft shaderpacks using voxels and path-/ray-tracing, since it has a strong focus on a rather soft and aesthetically pleasing lighting, as well as competitive performance. In order to achieve these things it completely ditches the traditional shadowmap for dynamic shadows and instead it fully relies on a solution that is a mix of a light-propagation-volume (or short LPV) and path-tracing. This produces fairly fast and performant lighting, which is a perfect fit for the overall visual goal of a softly lit world. This is accompanied by a unique skybox as well, which produces more of an overcast and cloudy look than other packs usually do, which also sets it apart from other shaderpacks with a more realistic goal.
I9 13900k 5.8Ghz
Nvidia RTX 4090
0:00 Comparison
2:03 Gameplay TAAU OFF
7:47 TAAU 75%
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