How Dogs Tell Us What We Need to Know | Barbara Sherman | TEDxSandhillsCommunityCollege

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Barbara shows us how to read the body language of our dogs so that we can anticipate and alleviate their anxiety.

Barbara Sherman, a board-certified veterinary behavior specialist, is the Director of Behavioral Medicine Service at NC State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. In addition to teaching veterinary students, she treats the behavioral problems of companion animals and directs the Behavioral Medicine Residency Training program. In an effort to enhance their welfare, her ongoing research focuses on canine-human communication and the assessment and attenuation of fear responses in dogs and cats.

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Animals are not accessories. They are souls that have wants and needs just like humans


My dog saved my life. I thank God for him every day!


dogs are truly gods gift to the world. They teach us unconditional love and provide many years of pure joy


Considering yourself an "owner" is the first mistake. They are companions on a journey with us. They are there to teach and support us.


I remember watching a video where a dog would visit a neighbour and sleep there because he was from a house with many kids and needed a break.


Once the owner is properly trained, getting the dog to behave properly is really a piece of cake.


Respect an animal's needs and emotions!


My dogs have taught me so much about love. I would not be the person I am without them.


My little dog is a dear friend and a cherished member of our family "pack." His love is unconditional, and his personality is as complex as any human's. He is also more intelligent than many humans!


Dogs are our best and most honest friends !
Treat them with Love and affection !


I could barely contain myself watching the video of the boy and the dog wondering why on Earth the parent could not see how dangerous that was! That dog was an absolute Saint! Educating those parents would have been first on my list. I admire this vet for her patience.


I had a terrible panic attack once and before I had the attack my Golden retriever started putting his head on my lap and looking at me very concerned. I didnt know at the time it was coming but he could tell. They are amazing creatures.


I think that this is an important add on. My 2 year old brother awoke our German Shepard out of a dream & the dog bit his face & he had to have 22 stitches & nearly lost his eye. Children need to be taught to give a dog it's space on sleeping, eating & just general alone time. Please be safe with your child & give your dog it's space!!!


That’s one good dog and one owner who is really needs to learn more about dogs. That’s no decoding, that’s just paying attention.


I got a puppy to help with ptsd issues. I never get angry now because doing so is very reflective in my dogs. Seeing them in fear of me being emotional has help me to know and understand myself. Unfortunately many people who get a pet, take their anger out on the pet, instead of dealing with their own underlying issues. On a further note, those same people abuse their wife and children as well. Thanks for posting.


I held my breath through that entire clip of the little boy & dog interacting!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s incredibly frustrating to watch a parent allow their child to be in that situation & equally as upsetting to watch a dog give every “warning” sign to the owner that says, “I’m not comfortable, make it stop!” Not always, but often it’s scenarios similar to that one, when a dog does bite/snap/growl & a child gets hurt or scared. Then, the poor dog gets blamed/punished. 😔 When it was totally AVOIDABLE!!! It’s not the child’s fault, they don’t understand boundaries or see potential danger at that age. Parents have to be the ones to teach, set boundaries, and be proactive. I can’t stand when parents let their kids hit/grab pets, put their face in a dog’s face, aggravate them, and then if or when the pet reacts, they’re treated like a monster. Ummm Noooo... let’s do all of that to you & see how you react! Please teach your kids to be kind to animals, to respect them & their space, to play appropriately, etc. If you’re a new dog, cat, bird, hamster, rabbit owner...educate yourself FIRST on what the animal needs. It will allow your family & your pets to have a far better relationship. ❤️


I'm glad you showed a positive way for parents to work out a relationship between the toddler and dog, but more could be said about the teachability of children from an early age. Years ago my brother, who had some experience as a dog trainer, taught his young daughters that when their little terrier went into his crate or when he was eating nobody was to bother him. This worked very well, and the dog caught on quickly that he could go there when he wanted a break. For their own safety, children have to learn to respect animals. Many dogs would not be as tolerant as that JRT.


Barbara, thank you so much for the key observations. I'm a 67-YO granny who's thinking about getting a rescue shelter dog. Looks like I've got a bit more to learn before getting a dog.


Having gone through a very tough divorce my little jack Russell has been a life saver for me with his love and companionship


My dog licks me when I’m upset or ill. He protects me if someone comes towards me. It’s best love I’ve had in my life.
