Do Random Dogs Often Come up to You? Here Is Why!

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You have probably noticed that some people get approached quite often by random dogs. You may be wondering what it is about these people that draws dogs to them.
In this video, we’re going to go in-depth on all the reasons that make some people more attractive to dogs.

Food Source
Dogs are very food-driven and always follow their noses to their next meal.
Most random dogs, especially those that are stray, are motivated to survive and will embark on the quest for food. It is possible that the pup across the street may be approaching you because you smell like food, and they are hungry.You may not smell this morning’s bacon on your skin or clothes, but the neighbor’s dog most certainly does.
You Make Them Feel Safe
Dogs are naturally cautious animals, and they can sense predators with ease. When you are not an intimidating person and show no signs of threatening behavior, they are more likely to be attracted to you.
When you have a kind and peaceful demeanor, dogs are more likely to approach you.
Interestingly enough, as the figures stand, men are 1.8 times more likely to be bitten in their lifetime than women. Women often have a less threatening demeanor, friendlier pheromones, and a softer tone of voice, which may explain why fewer women are attacked by dogs than men.
You Have a ‘Welcoming Vibe’ About You
Some individuals become anxious when they see stray dogs or other pets belonging to strangers. Dogs set many people on edge—and our canine friends can sense discomfort and fear. A lack of fear on our part creates a relaxed and friendly environment that draws in dogs.
You Have Friendly Pheromones
A canine’s nose leads the way. As humans, we’re largely unaware of pheromones. Dogs however, register and process all of the information contained in our pheromones.
Dogs use our pheromones markers to determine whether we are an interesting person or someone to avoid. Depending on what your pheromones are saying about you, certain pheromones may make dogs attracted to come visit you.
They Perceive That You’re Sad or Lonely
Dogs are very perceptive and empathetic animals. If they think you’re sad, they may move to console you.
If a dog sees a frown and hears crying or a sad tone of voice, they know we’re sad.
Put simply, some dogs will approach you to show empathy and be friendly in the hopes of comforting you.
You Understand How to Communicate With Them
Another characteristic that draws random dogs to you is your keen observational skills towards the animal. It is likely in these cases that you are not engaging in any activities that the dogs find unappealing or threatening. You listen to the dog’s body language signals. You may be aware of what they are requesting, whether it’s some physical space, food or strokes.
You Look Trustworthy
Canines are not fortune psychics. However, they are very perceptive of their environment.
They can usually determine whether or not a person is someone they can trust. Some studies have even shown that dogs remember untrustworthy and deceitful humans.
If dogs view you as a kind and trustworthy figure, they are more likely to be drawn to you.
Pleasant Scent
One of the main reasons dogs may enjoy being close to you can be due to your scent. A dog’s sense of smell is between 1,000 to 10,000 times stronger than ours.
That means dogs can smell things on us that we don’t even know are there.
If they enjoy the smell that’s coming off of you, they will generally want to get closer to you to interact and see what’s going on.
Can Dogs Detect the Presence of a Good Person?
Dogs can sense when someone is a good person. Your dog may not know the moral decisions a person has made, but they can pick up on scent clues and subtle signs of fear, playfulness, anger, or nervousness. Dogs notice specific things about humans that even other humans are not aware of. When a person has tensed muscles, wide eyes, or starts sweating, dogs can tell.
Likewise, when we are happy or angry, our bodies produce certain chemicals and hormones that have distinctive odors. Dogs use their keen sense of smell and an exceptional ability to interpret body language to determine how to react to different people.
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There was a dog who belonged to my neighbors. I had just moved into the rural area and lived alone. The dog would go around the area during the days and he started coming to my house and he would follow me on hikes through the 100+ acres of woods. One day, after a long walk I was setting in the shade and he was cooling off next to me. I noticed that he was covered with burrs and decided to do something about it. I found an old comb and spent a half an hour combing the burrs out. When I finished I sat back in my chair and then he got up, jumped onto my lap with his front paws and started licking me in the face. After that he was at my house from sun up till dark and his owners said if I wanted to take care of him, he could be mine. Well I had never fed him up to that time but as soon as I did he never left. He was 9 years old then and it was a very sad day when I lost him at the age of 13. I think he was ready at the end but he hung on for several weeks because he didn't want to leave me. On one walk in the woods with me he had chased a coyote away and acted very proud afterwards. That is where I buried him with a large stone marker.


Receiving trust from animals is a beautiful thing.


One dog that approached me saved my life. Not figuratively, but literally.
I was in a bad part of San Diego about two o'clock in the morning. I was walking back to the Navl Base not realizing the dangerous neighborhood. Even cabs wouldn't come when I called them. Suddenly a low rider type car with dark windows and loud music pulled up alongside me and slowed down to mimic my walking speed. There was no one around, not even any other traffic.

For some reason the car sped up and turned at the next corner, and then again at the next corner as they circled around to make another pass by me. Who knows what they were going to do, but people were occasionally mugged and murdered in this neighborhood... especially sailors, which I was. I was going to turn toward the nearest alley and try to get out of sight, but when I did... Standing on the sidewalk about a dozen feet away was a very large German Shepard. The same kind of dog I had for years as a child.

I dropped down to a knee and extended a hand. He sniffed my hand, circled me and sniffed me all over, then looked me in the eye and started wagging his tail. With no time to waste, I regained my original position on the sidewalk of the main road and continued my walking, only this time with dog whose head was even in height to my rib cage. The car again pulled alongside me and slowed down to match my speed. I once again looked at their dark windows and this time adlibbed a little head nod. Then watched them speed away, this time for good. The dog stayed with me for the next three hours and walked me right up to the gang plank of my ship. I said, "thank you" and hugged him and then said, "goodbye". Never saw the dog again... but I know it was my childhood buddy.

All dogs are my childhood buddy... and they know it.

(PS... there is a second chapter of this story, with some additional dogs further down in the replies, if you want to read more... The stories are tied to each other and form a bitter/sweet ending.)


I always feel honored when a random dog comes to me for attention. I even like it when my friends' dogs do it, but it's even more special when it's a dog I've never met, in an unfamiliar environment.


If you have a dog that is normally friendly and they don't like someone -- take note and listen to your dog.


I feel very honored when dogs I don’t know approach me with joy. I love them all!


I’m a HVAC tech and in and out of peoples homes on the regular. I can’t count the number of times homeowners are astounded how I make quick friends with their dogs. They say he never likes strangers, especially men. It’s all about being at ease and open to the dogs body language and your own. And yeah I’m a dog lover.


getting approached by a random person...hate it
getting approached by a random dog... love it


I actually had a strange experience with a Military Police dog when I was enlisted in Korea years ago. We were doing training with one of our Canine Handlers initially and I got to be the “bad guy” for the exercise, it was kind of fun honestly. Anyway later in the night I was on patrol and we met up with the same handler who wanted to ride out to a remote area with us so he followed along. When we got there the dog began nudging me for pets, I got down on my knee and began loving on the puppy and he actually started licking my face. The handler was shocked by this, he said that dog was the toughest dog in the kennels and it took him forever to warm up to him. He later said he expected the dog to rip my face off when I got down on his level and said he’d never seen anything quite like that with that dog. I felt quite special the rest of the night!


Years ago I was going through a bad time and was profoundly depressed. I was sitting on the beach, just staring out at the water. Suddenly a dog came bounding out of nowhere and started snuggling with me and rubbing its head against mine. His parent came up behind him and said, "I'm sorry, he never does this! He usually stays away from strangers."
I think the dog sensed how deeply sad I was and was trying to comfort me.


My hubby is a dog magnet. Whenever we visited my aunt's house for holidays, her pup would always walk over and sit in his lap!


My daughter is a vet assistant and a dog / cat magnet. Most of her patients love her. Not to mention those poor shelter animals who get treated in the pet clinic where she works. Small wonder that she ended up adopting three of them (they're currently sleeping next to me).


I read somewhere that if a random comes near you that means you have a pure soul. I couldn’t agree more.


I’ve always been a dog lover and have always had a dog. I was diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic when I was 30 and it changed my life and career path (you can’t be in the armed forces and be insulin dependent). Anyhow, about 10 years after that I adopted a yellow lab/Aussie mix and it was life she was sent to me by god. This dog was never trained but knows before my insulin insulin pump realizes I’m dropping. She has save my life so many times, especially at night while I sleep. She will slap me with her paw and mouth my nose until I wake up and correct my issue and then we cuddle back up and sleep the rest of the night. She’s my guardian angel with fur instead of wings.


I can't help but to smile when I see a dog. I always have good loving reactions to dogs and I know they pick up on that. You can tell if a dog has been spoiled with love because they are so loving to strangers. Some dogs go into watch-dog mode when they see a stranger, but I love dogs so much that I can't help but smile at those dogs also and they usually get calmer when they since my calmness. The only time I get sad around a dog is when a dog looks like my recent dog that passed away. The pain of losing a dog can be just as painful as losing any family member.


I walk to and from work a lot and people are always apologizing for their dogs coming up to me, I've never had a problem with it because I absolutely love animals, dogs especially and I've always wondered why that happens. Thank you for clearing it up for me!


It is always nice to have a good doggy come and interact with me. We humans are co-evolved with dogs. Dogs are life.


What I find fun is when I ask if I can say hi to someone's dog and they say their dog isn't friendly and it yanks them over to me anyway, lol. Its like its saying, "Please ignore my ignorant human!"


It’s such a good feeling when a random dog gets excited when they see me as I do with them💕 every dog I see I always wanna just go up to them and give them hugs and kisses!!!


When i was a kid, they were 5 stray dogs in my local park, following me everywhere. We were like a pack, funny thing is that those dogs were never together without me.
The old people in the park, disparagingly called me the dogboy. I never feeded them and i still wonder what made them so fond of me.
