Relationship Saving Tip: When She's Upset, She Just Wants To Know You Care

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Reassuring words, perfect! Whereas "giving space" appears like a lack of care, hence the upset escalates.


"When I'm hurt I want to know that you care"
So true... With partner, with friend, with kids....
Thank you ❤


Came to this video for some less “red pill” type advice thanks for the help man


What I dislike is when a man does something wrong ( hurt my feelings or were rude to me) and I point that out, they brush it off like “ I didn’t do anything, I didn’t mean it that way, you are sensitive” or they blame on my seizure medication which I don’t have any side effects.
I end up getting more frustrated because my feelings are ignored, they guilt trip me and I no longer want their touch, I don’t want to be nice and yes, I put a huge wall. But after expressing so many times I get tired. I see lots of man saying that they live in a sexless marriage. Maybe, a lot of those people needs to focus on how to break that wall. Woman needs to feel protected, deserving and respected before even considering being touched. If you don’t try to fix it soon, she’ll grow colder and colder until is too late. If you don’t fix your way of dealing with a more emotional person. You will find yourself in the same boat in all of your relationships.
Afterwards, they still don’t acknowledge the situation and ignores me too. I am actually thinking about this one person. I am thinking about staying single for life.


Im in a relationship with a man, im a women, but the emotional part i dont agree with. I become passionate when theres an injustice, when something isnt fair. Especially when the man breaks our mutual promise and yet take it back the next day. And hasnt been home since for four weeks . And the fact that he thinks i have to call him so he comes home this is so he can screen me to find out if ill be nice"". I wouldnt be frustrated if he just, come home.,


When I told him what hurt me . He turned it around against me.per usual. Blaming an argument and deception he had 2 years ago.


I tried, I really really tried just that. It wasn't even me that she was upset about. But after trying, ahe spun everything around on me and began lashing out at me for something I did that was days before.


You are so right my brother!! ✨🎇❤🙌😣 I'm in a long distance relationship, ... be with her .. you are right .. very helpful my brother ... i feel bad to be giving that to her but.. like i try to be the good guy and say it`s alright which is good to do but.. just be there for her .. ❤✨🎇 lots of love you hit the nail on the head for me and I'm guessing many other relationships with masculine regardless of gender some times depends on where you are on that relationship ~ ❤ it's all around men can be feminine and women can be masculine but just being there.. cuts all that out.. 🎇✨🎆 so much respect you opened my eyes 😊😊


I didnt even had to see the video, the title Said enough. Thank You


Yea guys you all deserve a girl that treats you with respect. If shes disrespectful following this advice will train her to keep a bad attitude. Remember the strongest negotiation posistion is being able to walk away and mean it. Dont become a woman to try and keep her she wants a man. If there is aproblem youwant to train her to ring it up in a sweet loving way or else shes not worth it. Life is short boys


My girlfriend doesn’t understand that I will sometimes hurt her and that that is the nature of relationships and she thinks that I can be changed and gets mad when I hurt her feelings. I can tell she is done dealing with me doing anything that makes her even a little upset she will become colder, even though I try to comfort her and be understanding.


My boyfriend just tries to be more egoistic after hurting me and putting the blame back on me :)


I feel rejected and attacked. So I have tried to show effection and reasure her but she just gets mader. So I will try your way. It helps A LOT to understand her thinking.


She told me she can’t do this anymore and told me I make her feel like something she’s not, because I told her I wasn’t coming to see her and later ask her if she is at home for me to come over


i do care and i show her and tell her that but she is still mad at me so what do i do now?


I find this approach just reinforces the same behaviour. It's a good short term solution but not long term. When should you end a relationship?


Why do some people say to leave her alone for a little


This was an awesome reminder. Thank you.


You did do something. You learned some knowledge about women


Im a guy and I know this But she(fatima) doesn't even care about me, she doesn't wanna be around me
