Top 4 Unsolved Mysteries in Science.

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Prepare to have your mind blown as we dive into the Top 4 Unsolved Mysteries in Science! From the baffling nature of dark matter to the perplexing question of time, these mysteries will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the universe. Join us on this thrilling journey as we explore the unknown and challenge our understanding of the world around us. If you love science, mystery, and mind-bending questions, this video is for you! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more amazing content.

#sciencemysteries #unsolvedmysteries #darkmatter #originoflife #consciousness #fermiparadox #gravity #time #BlackHoles #multiverse #massextinction #quantummechanics
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Quick and straight to the point. Nice short!


First one was good, we aren't sure about dark mater (if it exists). The paradox is low hanging fruit but I'll give it a pass. We understand gravity pretty darn well and it's called the general theory of relativity. Quantum mechanics and biology are as far as I am aware fairly unrelated considering that quantum mechanics kick in on a subatomic level a the scale of life is waay bigger, also a field of study is not an "unexplained mystery" in my opinion. So this was impressively accurate for a "mysterys science cant explain video" which are normally filled with pseudoscience and propaganda. So bravo
