If you have no money to pay for a meal in Tokyo, this diner helps you out.

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No money to pay for a meal?
No problem at this Tokyo eatery.

This is ms. Kobayashi’s recipe to combat hunger
The former engineer will not turn away hungry customers at her restaurant in Tokyo
The daily lunch special is priced at 900 yen (around €7/£6)

“We offer meals in return for 50 minutes of labour at the restaurant.
I use this system because I want to connect with hungry people who otherwise couldn’t eat at restaurants because they don’t have money.”

The eatery seats 12 at the counter and has a staff of one: Ms. Kobayashi
Diners can opt to pay for food or earn a free meal by serving customers, clearing tables and performing other tasks.
So far, more than 500 people including university students, have worked for their meals to save money.
Those who work can either eat for free of receive a coupon that can be left at the restaurant’s entrance for anyone to use.
Ms. Kobayashi’s engineering roots have not gone to waste: To manage the restaurant she uses an open-source model and posts the restaurant’s business plan and finances online to collect input from the public on how to make improvements.

This information is also available for those who wish to open their own restaurants

“Sharing something with others means supporting those with ambition. That underpins my approach to work,”
Ms. Kobayashi

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