How To Fix the HTTP 415 Error in WordPress

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Let's look into the “HTTP 415” error- and talk about what causes it- in this video 🚀

While using images, video, and GIFs was not typical in the early days of the web, we now expect that a site offers appealing visuals as well as informative text. It’s also no surprise that when the communication between the browser and server goes awry due to a mismatch in media you’ll see an error. In this case, the “HTTP 415” error.

Because media is almost a prerequisite of the modern web, seeing an error relating to it means you’ll need a fix, fast. However, unlike other error fixes – especially for WordPress websites – this issue is one tough cookie. You may need some coding knowledge to solve this one, but this is something for later on.

In this video, we’re going to look into the “HTTP 415” error, and talk about what causes it. From there, we’ll discuss how you’d fix it.


0:00 Intro
0:53 What the HTTP 415 Error Is
1:24 Why the HTTP 415 Error Happens
2:15 How To Fix the HTTP 415 Error in WordPress
3:22 Finding a Fix For the HTTP 415 Error Code


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🛠 How To Fix the HTTP 415 Error in WordPress

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