RC Sproul 06 What is the doctrine of Total Depravity?

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In 2004, Real 2 Real Ministries / The Apologetics Group produced a 4-1/2 hour video documentary, Amazing Grace - The History and Theology of Calvinism. It was popular and sold over 30,000 copies. RC Sproul's interview was the high point of the series as he succinctly explained the Reformed doctrines of grace. However, much of Sproul's interview was cut from the final product. In this series, we present the raw, unvarnished interview with RC Sproul in its entirety.

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Simple and correct explanation of how, without the gospel, a Christian is utterly unholy in the light of the perfect Laws of God.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance : against such there is no law..(Galatians 5:22)
Faith is the fruit of the Spirit...
It is true that we must believe ( have faith ) in Christ Jesus for our Salvation
But The faith that you and i have is not ours at all, it is one of the nine folded fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Without regeneration you and i would never have faith to begin with..that is why we are totally depraved..but praise be to our God..Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ( By Grace ye are saved ) - Ephesians 2: 5
And you hath he quickened, who were once dead in trespasses and sins..( Ephesians 2:1)


First and foremost, 12 seconds in, Augustine is the authority. Augustine, from whom Roman Cath adopts purgatory, Mariolatry, infant baptism to wash away original sin.


He is not describing the T in tulip. He is not describing what calvism teaches which they call total depravity. He just described what i and most christians teach that the bible says. We are all born sinners in need of a Saviour. No matter how potentially good we think we are. Our goodness doesnt hold a candle to God's holiness.


He said nothing to confirm the T in the poison tulip. Zero zilch natta


God’s own word makes it clear that God provides grace, but we must employ faith to access it. You are not totally depraved; everyone has the ability to come to Christ.

This isn’t rocket science. It’s more profound, since it’s God’s word that says it.


Is the nature of man defined by our Creator or by the created?

Romans 1:18-25 NASB
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, [19] because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. [20] For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. [21] For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing to be wise, they became fools, [23] and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. [24] Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. [25] For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.


If you totally understood what is the GRACE OF GOD, THEN THEREFORE, that moment; you can avail the Gospel of Christ. Though we Both physically and Spiritually our standing before God is totally fell apart/ fell short Rom. 3:10, 23 yet we couldn't deny the fact that we could still know what is good and bad; we can differentiate between bad and wrong; unless if He or She will deliberately twisted and mixed everything.Eph. 2:8 "For by grace (Jesus Christ) are ye saved through faith (putting our faith to the right person) and not by our works (self- righteousness). Thank you. R.C Sproul


How is it people can worship other gods, or devote their life to walking a path of enlightenment to achieve nirvana (albeit false pursuits), but it is only Christ, and the Gospel, one cannot genuinely be drawn to?

John 12:32 KJV
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.


R C Sproul has taught total depraved depravity most of his life.
If you glean from his endless teachings and put it together you get something like this Totally Depraved view of who god is.

We love you, little Johnny, but we accept the fact that God might not love you, and that He may have plans to send you to hell for your future sins. If you do find yourself one day burning in hell because He hasn’t elected to save you, just remember that we will always love you, even if God hates you.
Take comfort knowing that we are not like God.
We will be in heaven forever only because we were unconditionally chosen for salvation before we were born. That would be the only reason that we won’t be in hell with you if you find yourself there. It won’t be because of anything we did.
So also take comfort in knowing that. It may not seem fair, but who are we to judge God?
So again, if you find yourself in hell, remember that we will always love you as we forever worship the God who loved us but who hated you, the God who sent His Son to die for us but not for you.
Please, we ask, don’t let it bother you—if you find yourself in hell—that we love the God who hated you and showed you no mercy. We must accept the fact that God is sovereign, and He does what He pleases.
I know as Calvinists parents we should be more grateful for our own salvation! It’s like, ‘as long as our eternal destiny is secure, as long as our life is all planned out and taken care of by God, we shouldn’t give a damn about family, friends or anyone else!’
After all, the lost hate God because God first hated them. We as Calvinist parents should hate what god hates, but it is so hard, because we can’t help but love you little Johnny and our families and neighbours!

John Calvin Institutes proof texts:

“ God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6

“…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)

“We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)

“…we say that God once established by his eternal and unchangeable plan those whom he long before determined once for all to receive into salvation, and those whom, on the other hand, he would devote to destruction…he has barred the door of life to those whom he has given over to damnation.”
(John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 7)

“The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as HE COMMANDS, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even FORCED to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11)

John Piper states it plainly: Quote from John Piper:
"God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn the evil aspects of our world to good for those who love him; it is rather that he himself brings about these evil aspects for his glory (see Ex. 9:13-16; John 9:3) and his people’s good (see Heb. 12:3-11; James 1:2-4). This includes—as incredible and as unacceptable as it may currently seem—God’s having even brought about the Nazis’ brutality at Birkenau and Auschwitz as well as the terrible killings of Dennis Rader and even the sexual abuse of a young child . . .

Galatians 1:8-9 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!

Truth in Love


The scriptures should be our only compass and how we should view and BELIEVE everything, not through the eyes of sinful men like Calvin or Augustine. They were never inspired by God.


*Jeremiah 23:6*
*States how our life* *is Seen in Gods sight*
*Not ours but Jesus'*


You are helpless if you believe Gods law is to show you your sin and and you're not required to follow it for salvation as Jesus says in Matt 19 17. This guy is a Paulinist


All men have sinned Rom. 3:23.
1 Tim. 2:4-6: 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
God wants all men to be saved and Jesus died for all men. (That goes against Limited atonement)
Acts 17:30: And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
If we are Totally Depraved, as you say, and unable to even seek God, then why is God commanding all men to do something you say they CANNOT do?
This doctrine is false to the core.


No doubt that we are depraved BUT we are NOT totally. We can still think through and make a decision.


If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well sin lies at the door and it's desire is for you but you should rule over it.
Jesus said in the NT
" I am the door".
I read ! Therefore if you not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know.


Calvin’s idea of this concept justifies lots of bad actions towards humans and clouds understanding of what is meant by “god is love.” Man was made in gods image. Man has a natural affinity to look up in search of god. Sure the Holy Spirit guides humans but man is capable of acting as Christ in union with Christians.
