Classic Stossel: Makers vs Takers

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Some people say, either you’re a maker … or a taker. And today makers and takers are battling for America’s soul.

Arthur Brooks says "It’s a battle because we’re deciding on our culture... Because the government is threatening to take us from a maker nation into taker nation status."

He points out "60% of Americans take more out of the public finance system than they pay in. They get more in public services than they pay in taxes. "

Star Parker was a taker. She lived off welfare for 7 years. She says the welfare bureaucracy encouraged her to be irresponsible… and stay dependent.

She says "It's so much easier to take than to make. I never even thought about it. I think that that's one of the greatest tragedies of becoming a taker is you don't think about that somebody else had to make this."

A Classic Stossel from 2009.
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“The welfare state has always been judged by its good intentions, rather than its bad results.” -Thomas Sowell


My wife and I went on welfare a number of years ago after we moved from CA to OK with the promise of a job that fell through when we arrived. We had three kids and needed support. I got a job within a couple of months and when my wife went back to get off of welfare the social worker was confused as to why we didn't want it anymore. When my wife was adamant that we didn't need it the social worker had to find a manager to tell him how to get someone off of welfare because he didn't know what to do - he had NEVER taken anyone off! The system isn't broken, its abused. It helped us the way it was intended to, but we refused to abuse it. Others need to do the same.


When you're dependent on the government you're very easy to control


Long time welfare worker in CA here. For the most part welfare is a destructive force.


Many, many years ago people were _ASHAMED_ to take public assistance/charity. In 2022, they're *PROUD* to be leeches!


A wise friend of mine once said about welfare: " a safety net is a good idea, a trampoline is a bad idea and a hammock is the worst idea."


"how do you get a rebate if you didn't put any bate in" 😂 Stossel always finds the best clips!


When I worked at a Dollar Tree in college I had an older coworker with kids who claimed she has no desire to make more money than she was there, because any more and she'd lose access to government handouts that were keeping her afloat. That's how bad this kind of stuff is, it kept her working at a dollar tree for 10+ years, refusing raises, because more money from her employer would mean less from the government.


"Uncle Sam's Plantation" is the PERFECT title for any book about these handouts. It boggles my mind how most of the black community doesn't see what they are and have become because of liberal handouts.


It is just human nature. I remember when my mom forced me to go get signed up for unemployment back in the early 1980s. It was a very HOT building no A/C the line was long and it was note easy! I remember seeing a guy next to me in his mid 30s. I asked him what he did. He said he was a plumber. I was like, how can a plumber be out of work? He said the government will pay me $16 an hour not to work. Since when I work I make $32. I felt like punching him in the face. I mean I was on it for like two weeks and got a job asap. My mom taught us boys to work hard and earn your money! But I think all humans can be lazy if that is promoted. How is it OK if you are a fit person to not take any job? I would. My first job was maintenance and I was pround of my cleaning job and mopping floors. Yet I've worked my way up to technical support position that paid me more than $19 an hour 20 years ago. Now I own my own business but of course the government does everything it can do to put me out of business. All of this is about Control! Government wants to control us. They want us to be slaves to them. It is horrible!


People who live on welfare and public housing most certainly do not pay taxes. They can't contribute if the amount of money they take exceeds the money the pay back.
If I give you a dollar and charge you 10 cents tax then in reality I'm only giving you 90 cents and then telling everyone else you're paying your 10% share.


Human beings need responsibilities to give meaning to life. Meaning, self improvement, family are the tenants of happiness.


I was on the edge of this equation years ago due to hard times and I directly saw what it did to people. I couldn't afford standard housing & I made too much for welfare housing, so I had a choice to make, earn less and get "free" housing or earn more and pay for standard housing, I immediately went out on a job hunt looking for more money. One of the best decisions I ever made.


Wow, I haven't been hearing this same exact message for the last FIFTY YEARS!!


"Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" is secret code for whatever program I like


Stossel is one of the best journalists.


The safety net has become the landing strip. God bless Star for seeing the light, she's now a productive member of society!
Thanks for shining some light John!


Mark Lamont Hill is a taker like Sharpton, Jackson, and others.


During "15 day to slow the spread, " I was loving staying in bed all day. After 3 wks or so, I finally couldnt NOT be doing something. Started doing yard work. The next day, we were all called back for work. I could have done so much more if I had not looked at it as a vacation, but instead as an opportunity to work on the to-do list.


I’m a proud engineer, one of the few creators of wealth left in this country.
