The History Of The Kamado Family Explained #shorts

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How Tanjuro learned how to do Sun Breathing, or perform Hinokami Kagura,is quite the history lesson. It goes all the way back to the time of Yoriichi and oldest known Kamado, Sumiyoshi.
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if you really think about it hard sumiyoshi possibly one of the strongest character in KNY learning how to use sun breathing is so hard


The truth how he ACTUALLY got it is that he was trying to slice rui’s neck but used his longest attack and accidentally sliced the sun and the water got on fire and then it was permanently there


i am already on chapter 149 - 154 (in the manga) so i already know but i still just love this anime and i am THE THIRD COMMENT YEAH


Some people say sumiyoshi is strong but i don't think they got really strong at first by learning sun breathing because these breathing techniques is so hard to master even the first hashira couldn't nor even a family of charcoal maker that doesn't have proper training, remember they first use it as a dance move for rituals and if tanjuro really got that strong without proper training then bro this dance is seriously not just trying to copy sun breathing's move but it's actually the real deal but still is not 100% sun breathing bu tho it's not 100% sun breathing is still hard to master or even copy so the kamado family slowly adapted their body to master sun breathing through generations by passing down the hino kami kagura, getting stronger and slowly being able to use the sun breathing, like tanjuro and tanjiro


is it possible to read all the mangas for free?


question remember how shinobo's the one that died to douma? after they defeat douma rhey get the hair pins of shinobu and konae but how did't douma absorcd her?? how did he get the hair pin and i think that shinobu didnt even wear kanae's hair pin beacause kanoa did then how did douma absorb the hair pin after he died ( tell me wat u think?)


How does tanjiro know sun breathing forms and their name like burning bones, summer sun


Can you pls explain how tanjiro was able to fight rui and cut the webs with his fire like Ik that breathing doesn’t produce any effects, but I was more confused when tanjiro cuts the webs with no blade but instead with the fire on his sword.


How do demons actually learn how to control there demon arts


Your content is so good but so much spoilers
