How Do Sci-Fi Movies Look So Real? (feat. MKBHD)

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This new tech is changing how movies get made. So @mkbhd and I tested it out...

I’ve been obsessed with sci-fi movies since I was a kid. I love being transported to another world. But lately, I’ve been wondering: How do those worlds look so… REAL? The tech behind movies has exploded in complexity and realism, changing how stories come to life on screen.

Luckily, at the same time, those tools are becoming more and more available to more people telling stories. It’s not just blockbusters like Avatar 2 or Avengers or Dune. It’s also smaller budget films like Everything Everywhere All at Once or even… YouTube creators?

In this video, Marques Brownlee and I test out 3 movie-making tools that are changing how movies, shows, and maybe even YouTube videos (??) get made. We’re at ZeroSpace Studios in New York to show you how each of these crazy technologies work - and how you might be able to use them. Along the way, we hit big questions like: What is the future of video? Can actors stop aging? Can WE? Do you care if an actor has a digital double? Should the audience choose where the camera goes? Most of all, what we discover is a new world of video creation, hopefully open to more and more people’s creativity.

00:00 How do movies look so real?
1:18 The future of green screen?
3:31 The problem with green screen
4:33 How was The Mandalorian filmed?
6:11 How to shoot two scenes AT ONCE
8:39 How motion capture works
10:06 Why was Avatar 2 filmed underwater?
11:05 What happens if you can be... anyone?
13:51 What is volumetric video?
15:33 What's the future of video?

Thank you to the entire team who helped make this video possible! They are:
From ZeroSpace:
- Creative Director: Kevin Peter He
- Head of Research: Evan Clark
- Technical Director: Eric Chang
- Producer: Elena Piech
- Mocap Operator: Sammy Sords
- Mocap Asst./ PA: Kimani Reid
- Disguise Asst. / PA: Omar Jones
- 3D Modeler: Maya Lila
- CEO: Jon Kreutzer
- CTO: James Tunick
From 4Wall Entertainment (a joint partnership on the XR/ICVFX Stage):
- VP of Special Projects: Ben Danielowski
- VP of Special Projects: Mathew Leland
- L1: Zach Sager
From Scatter Depthkit (a joint partnership on the volumetric video):
- CEO & Co-Founder of Scatter, creators of Depthkit: James George
- Lead Technical Producer: Cory Allen
From Cause + Christi Immersive XR Design:
- Co-Founder: Austin Caine
- Co-Founder: Christi Fenison
From Scheimpflug:
- Photogrammetry Lead: Joachim Pfefferkorn

Cleo Abram is an Emmy-nominated independent video journalist. On her show, Huge If True, Cleo explores complex technology topics with rigor and optimism, helping her audience understand the world around them and see positive futures they can help build. Before going independent, Cleo was a video producer for Vox. She wrote and directed the Coding and Diamonds episodes of Vox’s Netflix show, Explained. She produced videos for Vox’s popular YouTube channel, was the host and senior producer of Vox’s first ever daily show, Answered, and was co-host and producer of Vox’s YouTube Originals show, Glad You Asked.

Additional reading and watching:

Gear I use:
Camera: Sony A7SIII
Lens: Sony 16–35 mm F2.8 GM and 35mm prime
Audio: Sennheiser SK AVX

Music: Musicbed

Welcome to the joke down low:

What do you call security guards at Samsung stores?
Guardians of the Galaxy.

Use the word “galaxy” in a comment to let me know you’re a real one :)
Рекомендации по теме

It’s nice of cleo to feature small creators like MKBHD


OK that xr screen alternating thing is kinda insane


Cleo and Marques give off such amazing vibes when they get so excited about tech


Cleo and MKBHD are an iconic duo, indisputably


Wow! Two great tech influencers collabing?! This just made my day better


More of this collab, please. You guys look good together!


I am SO GLAD that Marques led me to your channel. I’m already enjoying your content. You have an amazingly clear voice, both in writing and narrating your work. If you have a team backing you up, they are top notch.

I love what I’ve seen so far. Kudos!


God I love your enthusiasm for tech and science. It's so contagious :D


Thank you MKBHD for introducing me to Cleo’s channel.


Using a high frame rate display for different camera angles is beautifully efficient


As a 3D artist, it's so amazing to see Unreal Engine not just being capable of doing this but actually being used in big productions. Like, this originally solely was a freaking game engine, and now we're at such a photorealistic level that it can be used in movies and shows


9:47 Did not expect to be able to guess a celebrity impression so easily. I'm dying.


What a collab. Never seen so many smiles on Marquees’ face. 😇😊


What a nice duo, I bet collab with this unknown Marques guy is gonna give him millions of subs


This is awesome and scary at the same time. Imagine how it's going to affect politics, blackmail, commercials, porn, etc. In a not so distant future, it's going to be so difficult to tell the difference between real and generated.


6:11 — the amazing part about this is that when you’re shooting something complex and you’re unsure if it’ll need additional fixes later on, you can capture one camera with a baked in background and one camera with a greenscreen and layer in VFX elements easily. Amazing stuff!


Didn’t expect my favorite YouTube crossover to come back so soon!


I was curious why you two dropped videos around the same time! Seriously love your take on tech & science! Really are all here for such an approach.


My only take from this video: Please keep collaborating. The chemistry between you two is so natural. Also, the content you guys bring out together. First supercomputers and now this XR stage.

I'm very much engrossed in the tech world and I keep reading about these things a lot. Only reason I watch you guys is the way you people simplify the information and make it accessible. Both of you are amazing, keep making amazing content.


I had no idea the LED Volume tech could do the 120fps into two 60fps outputs thing. That is incredible and I had the exact reaction as Marques.
