Sci-Fi Movies People Still Don't Understand

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A mysterious sex box, a 150 year long dream, and so many time loops. These sci-fi movies still have audiences scratching their heads.

#Movies #SciFi #Actors

2001: A Space Odyssey | 0:00
A.I. Artificial Intelligence | 1:25
Donnie Darko | 2:54
Beyond the Black Rainbow | 3:58
Ex Machina | 4:51
Inception | 6:11
The Lobster | 7:28
The Endless | 9:04
Tenet | 10:36
Annihilation | 12:03
12 Monkeys | 13:22
Stalker | 14:36
Predestination | 15:51
High Life | 17:18
Vanilla Sky | 18:36
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | 20:03

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Do you like it when an ending is left open, or do you prefer clear cut explanations?


2001 was completely explained by none other than Stanley Kubrick himself, but also by the author Arthur C. Clarke in his novelization of the movie based on his original short story. The aliens behind the monolith are super-advanced beings that have merged with technology and transcended human comprehension. Dave is cared for in a simulated environment designed to approximate what they can grasp as a human existence until his body wears out. His mind is uploaded and he is expanded to become a transcendent being like the aliens are, only he is like a baby to them - they are ancient. He returns to the earth and considers what to do with his now effectively godlike abilities. In the book, he begins by eliminating all nuclear devices in orbit and on the earth below. There is no question about any of these details. Anyone can read them and they are easily available.


0:29 to be fair, HAL was never "evil". HAL was given conflicting directives. HAL was instructed to rely all information accurately. But, secretly, another directive was added - to cover up any information about the Monolith. HAL could not reconcile these two directives, began to malfunction, and ultimately "solved" the conflict by killing off the crew. With no crew around, there's no way the secret about the Monolith is revealed, _and_ the first directive is not violated. Really, this was human error.


They neglected mentioning the masterful film "Primer". It was a very simple made low budget film with two key actors maintaining the entirety of the amazing film. It was one film that demanded your full attention 100% of the time in order to fully grasp it. "Primer" was one of the most under-rated films of the last 20 years.


A.I. is one of the best movies ever made. It brought me to tears when I first watched it in the movie theater, and the ending is perfect. It is a wonderful parable about childhood and life.


I disagree with the Ex Machina explanation.

Ava was manipulating Caleb(and the audience) from day one, that was the test all along.

He was warned, but he refused to accept it. The same way the audience knew she was still a machine, but expected her to good intentions, and reciprocate love.

The end was fitting, As both Caleb and the audience, saw a pretty face/damsel in distress, becoming human before our very eyes, when in reality it was all a mirage. He was playing checkers, she was playing chess. There was no love or hatred, just a machine designed for self preservation. A very human quality.


While this is an interesting list, several of these entries misrepresent the endings. For example, 12 monkeys clearly explains what was the outcome and reasoning, it's not confusing and Inception has had several discussions tipping the ending towards one outcome.


In 12 Monkeys, I did not get the impression that "nothing changes". At the end, the old woman scientist arrives on the plane seated next to the culprit that released the virus. That was a progressive step forward in solving the mystery of the source of the virus, which they needed to defeat it. Each time travel venture brought them closer to the information they needed. She sacrificed herself by getting infected by the original virus to bring it to the future so they could study it and find a cure.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was such a fantastic movie! So very well written, performed, filmed... God, ....such a great movie!


Perhaps the best Sci-Fi list I've seen in a while! I'd add 2014 "Primer"


Add one more on the list, 《THX 1138》, that is a great movie


Inception: The director said that EVERY time Michael Caine was in the scene, it was REALITY. That means the last scene was him ACTUALLY with his kids. :)


AI: Artificial Intelligence
The film that reduced me to a blubbering wreck for days. Just on the ending. Damned close to tears just hearing about it ffs!
Ftr, I held it together when my fiancée passed away and her 3 kids (not mine by blood, but mine by heart) needed a rock. Silently bawled myself to sleep every night for a month after that, but while they were up, I was there for them. But AI, nope, a snivelling wreck for days.


12 Monkeys- Our protagonist is NOT sent back in time to stop the virus, as according to the time travel rules of this story, the pivotal events cannot be overcome. He is sent back in time to collect evidence that will help the present population of scientists create a vaccine or find another way to combat the virus which still keeps them off the surface.


Surprised Blade Runner isn't here


Ex Machina. I don’t think EVA kills Caleb because *reasons*, I just think the point here is that EVA is a machine with no feelings. Just make the next move in the most productive way. No feelings or sentiments at all.


For Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind: Joel breaks out of his reticence, and Clementine figures out she's projecting her issues on him. Both characters evolved as a result of having the procedure done, and I choose to think that erasing those traumas made them able to deal with their own problems and stay together.


donnie darko will always be a legendary movie


Glad to see "Predestination" getting some love. Saw a recent interview with Ethan Hawke, where he called this movie his most underrated film.


The Endless and Annihilation are two of last decade's best cosmic horror movies. The sense of existential dread they convey is really frightening.