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I fitted both my cars with Touch N Go RFID and this is the review of this system. This system requires you to bring your vehicle to any appointed fitment center and engage their service to have it installed. So far Installation is free of charge.
Steps to register and install Touch N Go
1. Download and install Touch N Go E-Wallet on your mobile
phones. Only Android and IOS are supported.
2. Activate your Touch N Go E-Wallet by registering with your
mobile phone number and email address.
3. Top Up your E-Wallet using online banking or credit card.
fitment appointment. Specify where, when and vehicle info.
5. Photocopy your IC and vehicle grant (Perakuan Pendaftaran
Kenderaan - Old A4 size ones or Sijil Permilikan Kenderaan - New
smaller ones)
6. At the time and day of fitment bring both original and photocopy
vehicle grant and IC to the fitment center and have it fit.
Steps to register and install Touch N Go
1. Download and install Touch N Go E-Wallet on your mobile
phones. Only Android and IOS are supported.
2. Activate your Touch N Go E-Wallet by registering with your
mobile phone number and email address.
3. Top Up your E-Wallet using online banking or credit card.
fitment appointment. Specify where, when and vehicle info.
5. Photocopy your IC and vehicle grant (Perakuan Pendaftaran
Kenderaan - Old A4 size ones or Sijil Permilikan Kenderaan - New
smaller ones)
6. At the time and day of fitment bring both original and photocopy
vehicle grant and IC to the fitment center and have it fit.