The History of the Arkenstone - Artifacts of Arda

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The Arkenstone is the heirloom of the Kings Under the Mountain in Tolkien's works. However, there is a theory about the Arkenstone that may identify it as an object of even greater importance: a Silmaril! Thank you all for watching, please let me know your thoughts about the Arkenstone in the comments below! As always, a great thanks to the online artists whose visual works made this video possible! If you are one of the artists, please let me know and I will post your name and a link to your work in this description!

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Perhaps it was made by Aule, maker of all rocks, gems and minerals, for his dwarves. A token to them like a Silmaril.


I cant even begin to describe how much i like your videos man. Thank you so much for making them


I'm of the opinion that the Arkenstone is its own gem, a treasure unique to the Dwarves. There are other precious gems in the stories like the Elfstone that Aragorn possesses, the famous emerald necklace from the Hobbit, etc.

Consider also the Phial of Galadriel which contains light from Eärendil's star, a Simaril. Maybe the Arkenstone is similar and holds light from the Simaril that was cast into the earth?


For me, and besides the good points made here in this video, what could make the case also, or just keep us wondering, is the way Thorin acted around the stone. He coveted it greatly. This attitude is similar to that of Feanor, Feanor's sons, Morgoth, and Thingol in the way they desired the Silimarils. Also, and this is what kept me enamoured about this theory for a while, is the fate of the Arkenstone after the events of "The Hobbit". It was buried with Thorin and so it was returned to the earth, where one of the Silimarils is supposed the remain until the final breaking of the world, and so it almost creates a parallel in that respect.


I actually forgot that the Silmaril's burn the hands of those who hold it, you rightfully pointed out that the Arkenstone did not have this effect on those who held it. you my friend have just earned yourself a subscriber


I always liked to imagine it was a sliver from one of the two lamps, created by the Valar to light middle earth before the time of the trees and cast down by Melkor.
There was a LOTR rpg I had back in the late 90's, I can't recall the publishing house now, that had a supplement set in the time of the kingdom of Arnor's last wars against Angband. In it, either the Witch King or one of his underlings had a fell stone of power, a corrupted shard of one of the lamps.
They would have been colossal, and crafted by the Valar, imbued with a great deal of power. The living light of the gods.


thanks for keeping this series going. other channels run out of gas or throw in the towel or move onto seemingly brighter horizons.... they all fail to keep up your mystical love for this lore. tolkien would be proud or abhorred how crazy this all is but hey we enjoy it. thanks sir. keep it going well. ps. hope you enjoyed those intro references that I honestly have personally experienced with many lore channels I tune into for anything lotr and then they bottom out. I know it's only so much to do but like I said, they don't do it like you. :)


Most likely one of the prototypes (forgot the name) of the silmarils


One of the great works of the Valar was when Varda scattered the first stars in the sky. I think it is the heart of one that fell to earth..


The Arkenstone was not a Silmaril, but it was cursed( by whom I don't know, but I have a suspect) against Dwarfs until Thorin broke the curse, by regaining his honour.


I was doing homework, I am no longer, priorities


What if Fingolfin never went to fight Morgoth in single combat? The fact he did this, amd hurt Morgoth several times is why i think fingolfin is one of the best characters in all the legendarium


Wasnt Thranduil born in doriath? If it was a silmaril he would of recognized it because Thingol had a Silmaril, and Dior after him. He wouldnt have used it to barter with if it was one. I believe, as you stated from a non-canon book, that it was inspired but silmarils but not one itself.


I've binge watched almost Every episode you've made, and I must say, you sir are epic.

You talk very well, too. You do a good job explaining a lot of Tolkien's works for us "laymen".

Keep up the good work!


Out of curiosity, what's the crystal that Gandolf places in his staff while passing through Moria in LOTR?


I like to think that The Arknestone was actually the heart of the mountain, i don't know why, but it makes me happy, so i'll go with that


4:44 - I love that piece of artwork depicting Tolkien talking with a dwarf.


"The Arkenstone - The Heart of the Mountain" - Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit Video Game 2003).


Your videos are so amazing! I've been waiting for a channel like this for years! It's so hard to make sense of all the beautiful history of Arda yet you manage to do it. I would love to see a video on the Downfall of Numenor sometime. Despite their faults, the Numenoreans are my favorite race


I have been really depressed lately and I always really appreciate when you find some time to make a video :D
