No Man's Sky Frigate Mission Testing 1 vs 5 And Rewards Gained Captain Steve NMS

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No Man's Sky Frigate Mission Testing 1 vs 5 And Rewards Gained Captain Steve NMS #nomanssky #nomansskyguide #ncaptainsteve Testing to see if I get the same sort of rewards if I send 1 or 5 frigates, I normally send 3 per mission... but feel after this testing sending 1 is just as likely to bring back awesome stuff as sending 5 frigates, also don't feel the star rating plays any part in the rewards.

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I have never seen a 4 or 5 star mission since frigates became a thing. 3 star missions are harder to find in recent versions.


The original saying is "no skin off my BACK" and it come from getting in trouble and whipped.


I’ve probably done approaching a thousand of these over the years since they were introduced. No 4 or 5 star difficulty missions offered ever. I’ve upgraded my freighter and frigates so much that any one frigate, regardless of type, can do any mission, regardless of type or number of stars with no chance of failure or damage. So at this point it is pretty boring. The missions get cheaper as your freighter and frigates get upgraded so it now matters very little in terms of fuel spent whether you send 1 frigate or 5. My observation is that the “profits” gained don’t seem to mater at all as far as the number of ships sent, but apparently you must send living frigates to get living ship upgrades. It does seem that the industrial mission are the one that most often get the living ship upgrades. I kind of got into the habit early on of sending at least one organic ship on each mission, but my one living ship has been maxed out for a while so there really isn’t any point. The missions have always been just a low-time-expenditure, slow-burn way of acquiring materials, relics, cash etc for hypothetical future use.

I did have fun naming all my ships, frigates and my freighter after ships in the Iain Banks Culture series of space opera Sci-fi novels (highly recommended), which actually turned out to be the main occupation and reward I got out of the whole NMS ecosystem of ships as far as I was concerned. If you don’t know this series, in the highly advance spacefaring civilization known simply as “The Culture” there are humans and non human biological creatures living along side highly advanced sentient AIs, and every ship is itself a sentient AI, including even to a lesser extent every drone down to miniature missiles. Imagine if every bullet you used in you gun had its own personality to a certain extent and you get the picture. Anyway, some of the larger ships with sentience, from battle frigates up to nearly planet-sized habitation ships with billions of people living on them have both very distinct personalities and have chosen very distinct names for themselves. Apparently the AIs in this universe have interesting senses of humor.


it indeed requires an update to make them more logical and coherent in amount, frequency and difficulty of missions, there is no need to have 30 S class frigates if you can only need 5, max 10 per day


This has to be an oversight. Time for all of us to hit up Zendesk in force.


Personally, I'm still waiting on a fix for what I can only guess is a memory issue. Ever since either a late 3.8X or a 3.9X update, the more people I run across in multiplayer the worse the game runs until it randomly crashes. Since 4.0 it's included planets I visit and the space anomaly. After visiting just a few planets, or even exploring around on one to a lesser degree, it takes a minute or two at least to render the surface or to enter the space anomaly. My ship will slowly come to a stop just before entering the space anomaly whether multiplayer is on or off. When multiplayer is on and I'm facing towards the space station I can see other players markers who are in the space anomaly next to the space station, as if the game just doesn't want to load the interior as it does for surfaces of planets. The crashes themselves almost always happen while saving so now that autosave is a thing it just does it randomly. It is quite aggravating, especially when trying to build a lager base that takes a bit of time.


I have only had 2 missions come back with spawning sacks in the last 7 or 8 days, 5 missions a day, but there were 2 each time. Haven't seen more than a 3 star mission in a long time.


I think this needs more investigation. I'm not sure if anyone in the community has tested extensively yet. It would be interesting to know what star rating and mission length have on rewards given. My untested assumption was always that longer missions granted more rewards.


I've never seen 4*, 5* missions either, been looking for them....


Yes been having the same random experience with getting living ship upgrades. I've tried 100% organic expeditions. 1 organic frigate per expedition. 3 star, 2 star, 1 star variations. Some days I get a butt load of stuff others I get nothing. It is just random.


Never have I seen 4 or 5 star missions. 3 Stars are quite uncommon in my play too.


They need to add new ships like destroyers cruisers battleships and corvettes


I can only remember 4 and 5 star missions when the whole system was implemented and I only had a couple of C class frigates in my fleet...


Never seen 4+ star even with all s class frigates in my fleet. Some say it is based on the quality of your fleet. But don’t seem to work for me.


I just make sure my frigates are at least 2 stars above the mission rating, and let it be.


"It's no skin off my nose!" is related to keeping one's nose pressed firmly upon the proverbial grindstone.
"Oh man I wouldn't want his job for anything."
"Yep, it's no skin off my nose, either!"


I can only speak for myself but I sent out missions with three frigates and got only seven eggs. No spawning sacs. Tonight I will see what I get after sending five frigates out with each mission. That's what seems to work for me. But it does sound random doesn't it. I do know when I wasn't sending out five I got no spawning sacks


What about Frigate Mission Interactions?
I heard a Rumor regarding the Dream Aerial, where to make it drop you had to have 2 frigate missions active, 1 had to be 3 star, and you had to debrief one of them while the 3 star was still out.
Key concept: what if other rewards are also doing bizzaro interactions like that?


I've been sending 5 ships on each mission for a long time - time seems to be the only significant item to me - still 1 - 5 ratio


I send 5 every time to make them go to s.
