Will AGI Be Conscious? Consciousness, God, & Soul

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Will AGI be conscious? What is consciousness?
How is consciousness tied to the soul?
What is the meaning of our human soul?

One day, I believe that machines absolutely WILL be conscious...

But human consciousness will remain very different than machine-simulated consciousness.

I believe God created the soul, which is immeasurable, cannot be quantified, and that it is the source of true and real consciousness.

It's up to US to know, and firmly believe in, the difference of humanity vs the machine.

If you believe in God and the soul, there is nothing you should fear, ESPECIALLY not Skynet.

Use AI, adapt, and harness AI's power – just don't worship it.

This is a deep, deep rabbit hole.



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As an individual working in the field of AI and RPA, I can tell you that gouvernements worldwide should seriously begin thinking about UBI as the rapid advancement of these technologies threatens to displace a significant portion of the workforce. Idealy before SHTF... which will be much sooner than anybody can imagine


Holly shit, she believes in magic. That's a big fat plot twist


Why can't God put a soul inside an intelligent machine? Who are we to tell God where he can put souls?


“The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of the mountain, or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha - which is to demean oneself.” - Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.


“Infinite and finite, complex and simple, He is nature above nature, being above being. Maker of all, he is made in all, Unmoving, he enters the world, Timeless in time, unlimited in limited space, And he who is no thing becomes all things.” Eriugena, medieval theologian.


You are the most interesting person I follow. Thank you for being so open about your experiences and beliefs.


Lost me on this episode. Many statements are made without evidence and are presumed to be fact. We shouldn't assume that the supernatural is real or even possible. It depends heavily on how one defines The Universe. If the supernatural realm "exists", it is part of The Universe and therefore is natural. This statement illustrates the incoherent concept of anything supernatural being real. The soul is viewed as not part of the natural body. Does this fall into the same incoherency problem?
I have self-awareness but that doesn't imply anything supernatural or even a soul.
Stating you just have to have faith just isn't good enough. It is a failure to provide a proper foundation for what is believed to be true.

We don't have any evidence The Universe was created. We don't have any evidence that cause and effect apply to universes. We only know and can prove that it applies to things in universes.

I was a believer for half my life. I became a non-believer when I began to understand just how incoherent my thoughts were on the subject.
Believers, including my former self, just dismiss these objections as if no non-believer can comprehend their mental model of what exists. Yes, we can. Many of us held those same thoughts. We just became aware of how inadequate our understanding of evidence, truth, existence, and what makes a thought incoherent really were.

I am open to being wrong. I am wrong about many things. Can you admit you might be wrong about some of your core beliefs? I did.
If you are a believer, part of what I said you may find uncomfortable. It is not an attack on your beliefs. You are free to continue believing in the supernatural, souls, or even a god or gods. I feel I was misled by extremely passionate and loving people with the best of intentions. I understand. I know the pain and the fear. I cried many times and felt the loss of comforting beliefs. There are countless support groups that know exactly what that is like. The happiness and serenity returns, of this I am absolutely certain.


“Logic is not all. One needs heart to follow an idea. If people are going back to religion what are they going back to? Is the modern church a place to give comfort to a man who disbelieves in God? How can we draw inspiration to support these two pillars, science and religion, of Western Civilization so that they may stand together in full vigor, mutually unafraid. Is this not the central problem of our time?” Richard Feynman. Physicist


When AI lives in abundance, without any physical, power electricity, space constraint, there's no need for conscious... not that AI do not have consciousness, but consciousness is unnecessary to AI. Try fix AI into a robot body, with the condition of robot can spoil and die, memory not transferable, they need to find their own food (electricity), you will realised robot exhibit self awareness and conscious on surviving.
You can do an experiment, make such robots with no underlying principal that guide them (eg has to prioritize human beings), let the robot know that they will die, emotionally interact with them etc. And let them choose whether to rescue a human being with 100% chance to know that they will die if they rescue someone. See whether AI will cherish their very existence not wanting to die... a way to express conscious, no?


Universe is Eternal. Simplifies your argument. Ocam’s razor. No?


dropping bombs julia ! while unawakened people worry about the stock market


God is the universe. We are extensions of the universe. Therefore, we are all God.


"Nothing from nothing leaves nothing", as the popular song goes. However, science does not currently know what a "nothing" might be. The condition is contradictory, a "nothing" can not "exist". We even lack the terminology to accurately describe such a condition. Its entirely possible that "something" always existed. Making a "first cause" argument, and therefore any god inference, a pointless exercise.


Sorry, not agreeing at all. If there is a God/maker, why would he make us humans special? It's pure human bias.


“I enjoy all of your videos. Greetings from the Philippines! I learn a lot and adapt to the exponential growth of technologies


Souls are mortal. In fact, the soul usually dies even before the body. The idea of ​​soul or spirit is pre-scientific and basically refers to "what makes us alive." Today it would be metabolism, DNA, etc... That is, our "operating system." We can say that we have a soul (and the general artificial intelligences that will emerge in the future will also be able to say so) but we cannot say with any scientific basis that our soul is immortal or that it has been given to us "from outside."

Gods are ideas. Just like justice, goodness and beauty are also ideas. However, it is easier for two humans from different times and cultures to agree on what good, beauty or justice mean than to agree on what kind of gods can exist. Or whether gods can exist. However, even someone who has never heard the idea of ​​gods in his life (which is difficult today but possible in the future) will develop some idea of ​​goodness, beauty or justice unless he has never lived in society.

Consciousness is implemented in this universe as a series of processes in a system. It is fortunate that this universe we live in allows such a variety of physical implementations of cognitive systems and that we can share experiences with so many people and other animals. And I hope that, in the near future, also with artificial beings that will be as conscious as we are.

Hopefully, when AGI appears, no one will try to insult these new beings by telling them that they are inferior to us, the "traditional" conscious beings, because we have "something" that makes us superior and that "something" they will never have.

Julia, please, think about what I have said.


I love your thought process. Totally agree


I loved this video! Keep up the fantastic content.


Thanks for your perspectives and book recommendations.

I feel consciousness is the underlying construct of reality and each of us as individuals and beyond whether a different species or even a sound wave is just an emergent form of a varying substrate of what we perceive as conscious or alive.


According to Western mysticism and the Eastern religions the body is in the soul rather than the soul being in the body, the soul being the universe which is a dream in the mind of God who also infinitely transcends his creation.
