Handle UI Like a Commercial Game (Custom Animations + Different Control Schemes) | Unity Tutorial

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In this Unity tutorial, you'll learn about Unity's handy Selectable interfaces (like ISelectHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, etc) and how to utilize these to create custom UI animations. After that we'll look at how to handle things like swapping control schemes mid-UI screen and how we can still seamlessly navigate around.
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Unity Selectable Documentation:
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Contents of This Video: ------------------------------------------
00:00 - Intro
01:31 - Different Interactable Transitions
02:29 - Creating a UI animation with code
04:28 - Adding Selectable Interfaces so we know when the card has been selected
06:33 - Adding Controls for Gamepad or Keyboard
08:40 - Tracking which object should be selected with gamepad
09:54 - Setting Up UI Input controls
10:42 - Finishing up
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