10 Must-Read Authors of All Time for Beginners

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These 10 authors are my favorite writers of all time- and here is a guide on how to start with them (which are their best entre-level books and my favorite books of them).

After reading fantasy for the best part of the last 15 years, these 10 authors are my favorite. The ones that never miss to score 5-star reads!

Of course, a list like this is very nuanced- there are some great authors such as Robin Hobb or JR Tolkien that I haven't read enough to include them in my list!

After reading more than 400 fantasy books and being a fantasy reader for 10+ years, this is my ultimate guide to getting into fantasy. These 20 fantasy books are perfect for newbies, and readers that want to start reading fantasy (adult fantasy mainly, with 2 fantasy young adult books).

I will divide the guide based on different subgenres, allowing us to cover cozy fantasy, historical or magical realism, fantasy romance, and epic fantasy!

· 🐉 Myth Minders: Dani, AJ, Zuzka, Kimberly, Ana, Elaine, Wanda, Ana, Etienne, Diane
· 🦊 Prose Protectors: Jess (Honest Fiction), Scott, Stacy, Mel, Andy, Sean
· 🐭 Story Stewards: Andrea, Ina, Jenn, Ini, Lisa, Mirjana, Elsa, Jozsef, Simon, Bev, Lina, Gregory, Jacqueline
·🦉 Word Whisperers: Laura, Library of a Viking, Tori, Eli, Kerryn, Rob, Felix, Don, Kiala, Melissa, April, Andaline, Antonella, Koya, Yessi, Andreas, Anni, Lindy, Linda, Emma, Lisa, Morgan, William, Brooke

00:00 Honorable mentions
06:04 Top 10
07:20 Top 9
08:57 Top 8
10:07 Top 7
11:37 Top 6
12:30 Top 5
14:24 Top 4
15:57 Top 3
17:05 Top 2
18:41 Top 1
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Great list and some great authors. Predicted No.1 before starting. Not sure what my Top 10 would be but ones i would have to consider that didnt feature in your list would include Robin Hobb, Peter V Brett, Joe Abercrombie, Raymond Feist (always seems to be left out by younger booktubers), Mark Lawrence, Angus Watson, James Islington, Jay Kristoff, Laini Taylor, John Gwynne and Brent Weeks!


Guards! Guards! was my first my first Pratchett too, City Watch are my favourite of the Discworld books I've read.
I know you like Guns of the Dawn by Adrian Tchaikovsky, he's done some good sci-fi too. I read Cage of Souls, Alien Clay and Service Model this year, also I'm currently on book 2 of his Shadows of the Apt series which is kinda steampunk fantasy where the people (and their abilities) are based on insects and arachnids (Wasp-kinden, Beetle-kinden, Ant-kinden, Spider-kinden). He's quickly becoming one of my favourite authors. Ten book series though, so a big commitment


I always love your videos! They are so much fun! I think my list would have Fonda Lee, R. F. Kuang, Ava Reid, Scott Lynch, Brandon Sanderson, James Islington, Octavia E. Butler, George R R Martin, J R R Tolkien, and Susanna Clarke! Not in that order though. There is still much more that I need to read!


Nobody is surprised about #1! I was expecting to see Tchaikovsky somewhere in there though!
I find it so difficult to make a list of my own, because I feel I can't consider an author a favorite unless they have written multiple series and standalones I loved, and for now there's no repeated author in my favorite series!


Thank you, another excellent video! You’ve encouraged me to take a break on Wheel of Time (read 1-3) and Stephen King and start Mistborn and Sanderson.
As always so many other great recommendations - where is the time to read so much!
I’ve also discovered Tracy Higley who writes historical fiction, time travel and archaeology - my favourite combo!
I love your work Isa, you’re the best. Thank you 😊


I have a bout 10 chapters left in the 5th book of The Wheel of Time series, and I never thought I would enjoy the series as much as I am.


Great great authors! Especially appreciate the honorable mention for Becky Chambers ❤️ and the great spot for Kuang ❤️ but the lack of Adrian Tchaikovsky breaks my heart 🥺💔😅 will have to make you read his books more! (Cage of Souls, City of Last Chances) 🙈


An author that has never steered me wrong is F Paul Wilson more Sci-Fi than Fantasy but his Repairman Jack series is a great urban fantasy.


I have only just realised that fantasy is becoming my favourite genre, so it was great to see some of my most loved bookson your list and now I havexa few more authors and books to look out for. Thank you.


I'm currently reading "Jade City".


I don’t understand why you dislike Fourth Wing so much. It’s loved so much, they split it in two for the audiobook, just so people could spend twice as much. ;-)


The lies of Locke Lamora... Brilliant!!!


Cool list! Have you ever heard or read the Lockwood and Co series by Jonathan Stroud?


Love this list! Most of these authors would be on my list as well, though I'd also include Pierce Brown, Patrick Rothfuss, Stephen King and Christopher Ruocchio.


Great video, spectactular authors and picks! For the ones I've read so far at least 😂
Happy to hear you're enjoying JS&MN. Have you read Ken Liu's short story collection? People seem to really love it.


Hate when youtubers talk and talk only to reveal the book at last. Like come on
