The Wireless Valve Index is DEAD // Wait for the Valve Deckard and skip Nofio

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Today we are checking out a wireless Valve Index. What would have once been a dream come true is now a nightmare. The Nofio adapter brings wireless functionality to the Valve Index but at what cost. It looks like we need to wait for the Valve Deckard , Valve Index 2 or Nofio needs to give us a wireless Bigscreen Beyond.

Intro 00:00
Sponsored AD 00:48
What is Nofio 01:12
The issues 03:15
Hope for the Future 07:30


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Thanks for watching The Wireless Valve Index is DEAD // Nofio Adapter Review

- best vr headsets 2024
- new vr headsets 2024
- wireless valve index
- valve deckard
- valve index 2
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I absolutely value your opinions. When you're this hard on a product you wanted to like so badly, and that you got for free, it makes me confident that your _positive_ reviews of products are valid as well. Thanks.


everybody is always talking about the Deckard, but we have 0 evidence of when it will release. It could be in 6 months, could also be in 3 years.


I am waiting for Valve's next headset. Hopefully Daddy Gabe can deliver a standalone feature.


I got spoiled by going wireless with my quest 2 and 3, just turn on my PC and quest, start up virtual desktop and click on the game app and play!


In Australia the Index, available only on Amazon, costs AU$2333 full kit, while the Quest 3 (512GB) costs AU$1049. And that doesn't even consider the Nofio.


Let me ask you....did you do the Firmware update in the Nofio program?
I had exactly what you described as a blurry vision before the update.

After the update my games work and look like a charm


Just got it in the mail today, and literally everything you said in your review was spot on. Additionally, It made me experience BAD VR sickness for the first time in my life. I felt sick after 5 minutes of use, I had to rip the headset off.

Oh and that recording of the fan? It's akin to a hairdryer behind your head at 10% volume. It's awful. I'm so bummed. It feels and looks like a solid product, but literally everywhere you look its "Report back to us here for support" and after years of waiting on a pipe dream, this thing sure did wake me up to reality.

I'm so bummed, I may give it a proper few tries, tweak my room, play with my routers and mirrors etc. and see if I can salvage this thing.. maybe even just for certain games? Who knows.. very disappointing.


Ah man that's unfortunate, but very reasonable. In this day and age, we just want products that are basically plug and play. This is why I haven't been in VR in so long, because the setup in the past was just too much for me. This is why the Quest products seems perfect for any normal Joe Blow. I've always been a console gamer because of that.


As soon as i saw the the price....i was like nope....300 is my max


I 100% agree with you. I know they haven't confirmed if this can be used the the Bigscreen Beyond but they have entertained the idea. Hopefully they get the firmware/software fixed and then see if they can get it working with the Beyond. This made me hopeful for the beyond, I have an Index and a quest 2 and I still use my Index more. I'm weary upgrading to a Beyond if it isn't wireless. If they get this working with the Beyond I'd order one today.


Got same issues, quality is significantly lower than with a cable, I think USB driver might be an issue or cables quality, as cables are quite long and signal loss should be significant there..


If they can't deliver high quality video image on the Index, there is no way they can use their technology for the bigscreen beyond; the higher resolution requires much more (wireless) bandwidth and processing power.


Yep can confirm, I have used my nofio adapter for a few hours and I have the same image quality issues. It's actually quite bad, you are not exaggerating in the video. I must say I'm disappointed, I was one of the kickstarter backers and had to wait over a year, and then just to discover this bad of image quality. I really hope this can be fixed somehow with software updates, otherwise this product is not recommendable at all...


Brother, good talk and thank you for this. Wanted an Index but was skeptical of its late tech, you highlighted that and I changed my mind on wanting it. Good video


unfortunate topic but your honesty is always much appreciated!


Having tried the Quest 3, I don't really think people are right in acting like the Q3 makes the Valve Index so outdated or whatever. Sure the resolution with Q3 is better but the FOV, audio, and mic are still noticeably worse, there's no finger-tracking, the 3D effect is less pronounced with the Q3 than the Index, the Q3 colors all look washed out and gray, and the headset is very dim. I haven't tried them both side-by-side to confirm but I think the Index is better on all of those things.
Oh, not to mention the light leakage under the bottom of the Q3. Not a huge issue but I can see it being an immersion problem for some people considering Q3 needs lights on to work and Index tracking works fine in a pretty dark room.

I think people put too much value on resolution. When I'm in the Valve Index in a fast-paced game I don't really notice the fact the resolution is lower unless I stop playing for a second and just stare at things, which I don't do in the course of normal gameplay.

The Q3 FOV is such a noticeable problem though. When I'm in the Valve Index I feel like I'm in a different world, but when I'm in the Q3 I feel like I'm just wearing a sophisticated pair of 3D goggles or something. The small Q3 FOV makes it feel like I'm looking at the virtual world through a pair of binoculars or something... it's bad.

The main advantage the Q3 has over other headsets is the fairly extensive library of Meta exclusive games, not the quality of the headset itself (which honestly isn't that great).


After Quest 3, I sold my index on ebay. Q3 makes for an awesome PCVR headset.


I was closed to do the kickstarter, but then the price was roo much, at 250 I’ll buy it


This product was dead from day 1 due to price. If it were wigig 2 and pushing the envelope with uncompressed video I could understand the price. But regular wifi 6 is nothing special, this adapter costs as much as a quest 3 which literally does all the same stuff plus processing, display, controller, ect. It's rediculous. This product needed to be like $200.


Never watched you before but I appreciate this video. Saved me some money.
