Setting The Wrists This Way Creates A SIMPLE & EFFORTLESS Golf Swing

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This video will teach you how to simplify down the wrist set/wrist hinge so that you can control the face, create great width, get on plane, de-loft the club and massively improve your impact position. In this video I will talk about the correct way to simply set the wrists so that you can produce a simple and effortless golf swing!

A lot of amateurs do not know how to set the wrists/hinge the wrists correctly in the golf swing. As a result the causes the club to get off plane, they lose control over the clubface creating, most commonly, a very open clubface throughout the golf swing. All in all this will result in huge inconsistencies in your golf game, making it far harder than it needs to be.

In this video I will go through how the left hand and right hand need to individually work to create the proper wrist set. As well as this I will go through the correct way they need to work together in order to work as one super efficient unit. Not only this but I run through an amazing alignment stick drill that will speed up your learning ensure you master this move. Finally, and most importantly, I run through the reason as to why focusing on one hand rather than the other will massively help you improve how quickly you learn this move.

By following the steps in this video you will learn how to set the wrist/hinge the wrists correctly in your swing. This will produce a better impact position, more shaft lean, better clubface control and compression. If you can do this then you will play better golf and your scores will start to lower fast!

Check out this video and like always let me know what other golf coaching videos you would like to see!

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Thank you for choosing my video! I'm thrilled to have you on board as I've created this channel to assist fellow golfers in their quest to master the game. Learning golf can be quite a challenge, but don't worry – I'm here to provide guidance and support.

In my early days of learning, I too faced the struggle of improving my game. Despite diving into books and videos, progress seemed elusive. Through years of dedicated study of swing biomechanics and testing various techniques, I've developed a systematic approach to mastering the golf swing.

On this YouTube channel, I deliver cutting-edge training that's currently yielding real results for my clients. Regardless of where you stand in your golfing journey – whether you're a beginner, dealing with flexibility concerns, or aiming to lower your handicap – this platform is designed to cater to your needs. It's a community where you can learn, exchange ideas, ask questions, and find the support required to relish this wonderful sport.

Be prepared for an authentic journey. If you're looking for quick fixes, I might not be your ideal source. Instead, I offer step-by-step guidance that you can directly apply on the practice range and course. It demands dedication, embracing mistakes, consistent practice, and the joy of watching your scores progressively improve.
With the privilege of coaching thousands of students worldwide, I'm excited to extend the challenge to you. If you're ready to step up and dive into the game, let's embark on this journey together!

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Hi Everyone, would love to know more about where in the world my audience is! Comment below which country you’re currently watching this video in ⬇️


I have been working just recently on exactly this as my iron play has been awful since returning to the game after 17yrs not playing..Your drill will help so thanks very much.I know you are are great teacher as you have helped me achieve longer drives at 66yrs than i have ever done .I was gobsmacked at first when the ball seemed to hang in the air so much longer, so i know whatever you teach works.Best coach on Youtube and can't wait to apply this drill.Best wishes from a grateful subscriber.


Brit in Florida, great video, 73 yo and I felt like a kid again after using your excellent video, thank you!


Watching from Melbourne, Australia. Best advice on Youtube


Giles - Tiger said to not watch YoutTube - but this video has changed my game. It's the advice I needed for a natural takeaway. Thank you so much


This is your first video I have ever watched, it was recommended as I have watched an insane amount of videos, I have been playing on and off recreationally for 20 years and have never hit a draw, I mean never, I was told to stick with my natural fade, BS, my driver was a slicing nightmare, I am now hitting draws AND ONLY DRAWS with my driver, increased distance and roll out, I will be back to finish this comment after finishing my happy dance, I HIT A DRAW, I HIT A DRAW.


The pushing down action with the lead hand is something few instructors mention. Even fewer mention the underlying cause and effect of the physics ❤👍

The brilliant thing about the Vardon-style grip in which the pad of the trail hand is up over the lead thumb is how it forces the trail wrist into maxed out extension very quickly in the backswing when the pushing down action of the lead hand is used. As metioned here, that maxing out of the trail wrist then forces the trail arm to fold elbow down, the same biomechanics used by a food server lifting and controlling a heavy tray with LEVERAGE rather than strength. In the golf swing that trail arm folding leverage is what allows the golfer to automatically and effortlessly guide the club up and back down on a path which allows the golfer to stay in balance—not critical for generating power, but essential for consistently accurate ball striking.

The biggest faults I see in recreational golfers are: 1) not applying the Vardon style grip correctly and as a result not getting the ideal automatic trail arm action, and; 2) as a result of the club head mass not automatically swinging on the ideal balanced path they must grip the handle with their finger too tightly which inhibits the lag and release which generates the most club head acceleration.


Giles, your videos are consistently excellent but this one takes the cake. IMO it’s one of, if not THE BEST instruction videos I’ve seen, as well as very timely for me.
First, kudos for acknowledging that there isn’t just one dominant side in a golf swing. I’m a right-handed person (I write, throw, and play racquet sports with my right hand) who plays golf left-handed… Canadian, eh. I find it irritating that most golf instruction presumes that the trail side is a golfer’s dominant side. There is no difference between a left-handed swing and right-handed swing except for the side of the ball on which one stands. There is, however, a massive difference between a right-sided swing and a left-sided swing as you pointed out. Any lessons I’ve taken that required my left side (my trail side) to be dominant have failed. They may have worked on the lesson tee and for a few holes in the next round but in the heat of battle the naturally dominant side (right side for me) wants to run the show. Precious little golf instruction recognizes that fact.
Second, I recently purchased a HackMotion training aid. It’s a genius device and I’ve been slowly making progress with it towards correcting overextension in my lead wrist both at the top of my swing and at impact. After seeing your suggestion to push the lead hand down toward the trail big toe, I tried it in my basement training station. Using the HackMotion audio feedback function, I found I was consistently able to keep my lead wrist in the recommended ranges both at the top and at impact without any unnatural-feeling manipulation. Your timing couldn’t have been better. Thank you and keep up the great work my friend!


I've played golf for 57 years and done the opposite but will embark on your theory - like it - thanks😊


What a great video Giles!!! I can compress the crap out of the ball, but the angles of attack spray left and right, this drill and the pushing motion helped me with pace and over all strike dramatically! Thank you so much. This is one of the best, effective and simplified videos I’ve ever watched.


Very well explained and demonstrated, lifelong golfer and still learning.


Giles you are only a young guy. But this video is the most mature instruction i have come across in forty years - well explained. I tried this 'pushing down on the handle 'move and felt entirely different to my normal golf swing. Which has always been inconsistent with no real power. I'm going to the range - pronto! Brilliant vid.


You have to be the greatest explained and demonstrator on You Tube.
Thank you so much!@


This is IMHO your best lesson! So Good. The left hand going down to right toe fixes so much. Tilt, saying centered over ball etc!


Outstanding! As a right-side dominant player, I could never feel the left wrist working like it should in the backswing. As soon as I shifted my focus to hinging my right wrist, great things began to happen. Been playing the game for 35 years and misinterpreted the one-piece takeaway as a very late wrist set (which turns into cupping, overswinging, etc.). While focusing on the right wrist hinging (which feels very) earlier in the backswing, the results are outstanding. My shot height is back, but compression is solid and divots look great. Handle is in front of clubhead at impact as verified by video. Thank you!


Have to train and try this!!! Your explanation is amazing for players like me, being left-handed but playing right-handed.


You are the ONLY golf coach I have ever heard (and I’m saturated in the learnings of most!) offer any guidance for left hand do I ant, right handed golfers such as myself…. You’re an absolute


I’m right hand dominant but play left handed always have when swinging a bat or club so pushing down on my right makes sense, best coaching videos on YouTube in my opinion.


Followed your tips following a decline in my golf. Wow! What an improvement! Accuracy, distance. Most impressed! Martin from Brighton


Best video I've ever seen on wrist movement. Thanks Giles!! I've been hitting my drives farther with that thoracic extension move, it's a work in progress. I'm 62, and I've bombed a few 300 yarders though.
