[PT. 1] YOU'VE GOT TO GET YOUR WRISTS ACTIVE IN THE SWING | Paddy's Golf Tip #8 | Padraig Harrington

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It seems that many players have been conned into thinking that an effective, powerful swing results from turning the shoulders or using the body. In actuality, 70% of a player's speed and face control comes from how well they use the wrist.

This is Part 1 of a two-part lesson where I focus on the role that the wrists play during the swing. Be sure to set your notifications and tune in for Part 2, coming later this week.

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He is such a sound golf instructor. Forget all the crap and polished productions. He just cuts to the chase, and doesn't let any schools of thought push him around. This is some of the best stuff I've seen, and I've watched a lot. He's no fluff, just logical. Thanks Paddy.


Paddy was born to teach choppers, but has picked up a few big jugs and other hardware and many millions along the way. Thanks for being down to earth and helping hackers. Good luck in the Ryder Cup.


85% of so called golf instructors selling their junk on YouTube are teaching less to hardly any hand and wrist action....this is what we call "Old School" or what really works....


This 9 minute video has seen me make the single largest improvement to my iron shots since I started playing golf. Night and day improvement. It's never felt so easy before - leveraging skills I learned playing tennis. Thanks Padraig!!


Thanks Padraig..tried this..it worked a treat...I remember watching you in Ireland in the smurfit European open many moons ago and you were in contention to win on the final day in front of home support yet you still took the time to sign every autograph ( including my hat)and you were happy to do it...Monty turned up in the car park and basically wasn’t interested when the kids ran over to get his autograph and he ushered them away..really grumpily I might add...you’re a class act Padraig and deserve every success you’ve had in your illustrious career...Legend!👍⛳️🏌🏼‍♂️🇬🇧 🇮🇪


I tried this at the range tonight and it totally transformed my iron shots. Before i was trying to smash the ball hard with limited success, but this showed me it's all about the timing of the release coupled with a smooth tempo. Thanks!


This tip is insane, I watched the video went to the range and had the biggest Aha moment of my golfing life, the crispness and distance felt amazing, complete transformation.


It’s a treat watching and listening to a player of Padraig’s stature. We all get hung up in textbook positions and never think about feel. Time to get out to the range.


The information paddy gives us is incredible, comeing from seasoned real pro. Listen to no other.
Well done paddy thanks for your time to helps us.


I have watched many videos and become somewhat confused. Went to the range today after watching this video and I now believe this instruction could be my salvation. Many thanks to this fine instructor, golfer and man. Best of luck!


I started and fell in love with golf a year ago at age 55. They say it takes a year to learn your basic swing. I have watched hundreds of videos that stress using straight arms, shoulders, legs and torso only. "Never use wrists is their message". I have struggled to get consistency. My golf partner recently told me my swing was too robotic too "Woody" and to use the wrists more. I refused from all the advice on YouTube. I tried flicking wrists last week on the driving range. What a Eurica moment? This video confirms my lesson and I am so greatful. Begin with short whip shots then lengthen the swing and incorporate the other principles. Thank you. I have subscribed as you hit the nail on the head for me.


Great video, could not agree more. So many instructors and videos are trying to increase lag by having you hold your wrist angles and not flip. What they don’t say is that all players have to release their wrist angles which means all players flip. The key is when the flip happens. Amateur players definitely release earlier than better players but we all flip. The key is timing when the release happens and lag is created by lower body rotation, not by artificially holding your wrists back. Well done Paddy 🏌🏻‍♂️


I’ve tried for years to figure out how to get the wrist down. Watched a million videos. Watched this one time and it changed my game forever. It was only possible with the right grip. My grip was waaaay wrong! It stopped my early release. And improved my distance dramatically. This video is priceless..


Hi Padraig! I love how you started YouTube to output the right knowledge bc there's such misinformation.
I'm a junior ambassador for the SCGA in California which serves under served juniors in the inner cities and it would be amazing if we could host a clinic with you. If you would be willing, let's connect! I know your time in the states are slim but whenever your free, we will be free. Talk to you soon!


Padraig, you are the perfect gentleman and great Golf Professional. The true pride of Ireland. ...And that's from a Welsh man. Great sensible video lessons.😊


Sir Paddy, I have to say I was never a big fan of yours. But after seeing your passion for helping others...aka...
Common Weekend on YouTube, I now know I was all wrong about you Sir. And for that, I sincerely apologize. This has to be the best most to the point succinct lesson I have ever seen. No positioning P 1-6 talk, but just simply how to freely swing and control the club, specifically the face. Hats off Sir! Thank you for your unselfish love of the World's Greatest game! I'll be rooting for you from know on in medal tournament play, but being American, no can do in the Ryder Cup! Lol! But still, good luck to the Europeans there as well! God Bless, and I wish you the best of luck out on The Tour! Your new fan...


Thanks Padraig, this has given me an extra 15 yards on my irons. Have followed you at Walton Heath several times and loved every moment. Thanks for sharing these tips with us amateurs, pure gold.


This is my second time commenting on this video but I just need to express how helpful this lesson was. I have watched countless hours of golf instruction online but this video right here has had the most positive impact on my iron game. Bar none. If I'm ever having a bad round or bad range session I literally just revert back to using my wrists in the swing and I inevidably hit it straighter and more consistently. I might not get the distance that I would from my full body driven swing, but my body driven swing is so inconsistent lately that the slight yardage loss is irrelevant. My golf progress had plateaud until I watched this video. A couple of range sessions later I played my best round of my life. Recently I got conned (again) into thinking I was missing out on something by not fully using my body, firing my hips, generating ground force etc etc. I started going back down that rabbit hole and and my swing quickly went to sh*t afterwards. Today I was having the MOST frustrating range session because of this and then I remembered this lesson. I dropped all the fluff and got back to short swings and using my wrists and started flushing straight shots immediately. Thank you Paddy.


Thanks, Paddy! Great to know that an elite player flips their wrists. Many an ‘expert’ sees a body stall & flip and starts teaching ‘hold the angle’ nonsense.


Thanks Paddy. These two videos are the best videos I have seen on the golf swing. I think most players learn golf without learning how to control the face at all, and then end up trying to control the ball with their bodies. Thanks a million, from Dublin. I believe your best is yet to come.
