Top 10 Healing Home Remedies to Lower Creatinine Fast and Repair Your Kidneys | PureNutrition

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Are you struggling with high creatinine levels and worried about your kidney health? In today's video, discover the top 10 healing home remedies to lower creatinine level fast and repair your kidneys. With nearly 15% of U.S. adults suffering from chronic kidney disease, it's crucial to find natural ways to support kidney function. We’ll cover powerful herbs and supplements to lower creatinine level, including some hidden gems not widely discussed before. These remedies, backed by real success stories, can significantly improve kidney health. Join us to learn how to lower creatinine level and boost your wellness naturally. Don't miss these tips to lower creatinine level effectively!
#kidney #kidneyhealth #creatinine
🎥This Tea is The Fastest Way To Lower Creatinine and Heal your Kidney
🎥This is VITAMIN to Stop Diabetes and Heal your Kidney Damage Fast in 2 Months
🎥WITHOUT 8 These Foods YOU CAN'T Heal Your Kidney
🎥This is a Best Drink to Lower Creatinine Level and Heal your Kidney Fast
🎥There are 5 FASTEST Ways To Lower Creatinine & Stop Kidney Disease
The information provided on this YouTube channel about health and home remedies is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional medical advice. Viewers are advised to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any remedies or treatments mentioned on this channel. The channel owner and creators shall not be held responsible for any consequences arising from the use or misuse of the information presented. Viewers' discretion is advised.
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Hi doc, thank you very much for helping us, especially CKD patients. Your video helps me a lot to lower creatinine level.


Thank you, Purenutrition. I started watching your video presentations recently. My consultant renal doctor was already thinking of dialysis as my kidney was said to be at stage 3. I started taking the supplements you recommended and now my creatinine has improved a bit from 213 to 179. E-Gfr from 33 to 40!!! You are a blessing to the world. How do I get your books? Remain blessed. Thank you so much for helping me lower creatinine level.


Love you for being so dedicated to cure and ease kidney diseases. Keep up your good work to lower creatinine level.


Thank you for the wonderful guidance. God bless u po for helping us lower creatinine level.


Great tips! I'll definitely try these remedies.


I’m new thank you for sharing I’m not a diabetic but I am stage 5 kidney failure I posted my story on one of your other videos. I have kidney stones as well my left kidney had 5 stones, working only at 1 percent my right kidney has no stones and it was st 17 percent, but I got it up to 25 then it went down again. I’m struggling my nephrologist didn’t give me a diet. All he said was just don’t have any salt. He put me on blood pressure medicine, which I don’t take because my heart is in great blood pressure is good. I been dealing with kidney stones since 2015. I have a nephrologist and a kidney doctor. Normally My kidney can’t filter them out, doctor breaks the stones down and take them out, but my nephrologist told him not to touch my kidney stones. I’m not diabetic but my body has so much toxins and buildup. I’m swelling in my legs and my stomach and that’s been going on for months so they put me on a diuretic to get the fluid out because my kidneys can’tget out. And now they wanna start me on dialysis anything you can help with information wise would be great I have no appetite and not sleeping good and I’m in pain 24/7 I used to be very active now I can’t barley get out bed. I’m scared and need help where I live drs only care for them selves I’m on 1, 080 potassium two in the morning two at noon and two at night that crazy to me. Can you help me please and thank you


Thank you for all of this valuable information. Are you able to give guidance on finding a kidney specialist who will utilize the VLPD diet and ketoanalogues? I am presently located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thank you


I was really good with my vitamin C. I saw my nephrologist and he said stop taking vitamin C and that’s when I started noticing. I got sick two times this year already and they lasted two weeks each and it’s because I stopped my vitamin C and my kidney filtering them out. I’m wondering if my doctor is purposely telling me to not take certain things and take certain things like he’s trying hard to get me on dialysis. I’m actually deciding if I should get back on vitamin C. I’m really need help.


I thank you doctor for your kind advice. I live Dhaka, . Bangladesh, Is it at all possible from your end to send the alpha ketoanalogue tablets by mail. I will the total expenses. Thanks


Is there a book for the lower protein or no protein diet ?


I have ALL of these foods just laying around my house already and you don't try to get me to BUY ANYTHING from you or the pharmaceutical industry ! Thank you so much for NOTHING !
