The Opposite of 'Nice Guy' Is Not 'Jerk'

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Some people think the opposite of a Nice Guy is a Jerk.


Nice Guys are actually Jerks in camouflage.

Don't believe me? Watch this video and listen to the contrast between these men when they were suffering from Nice Guy Syndrome compared to when they broke free and became more self-aware, mature, and integrated men.

The Nice Guy version sounds an awful lot like a jerk...

0:00 - Who were you as a Nice Guy?
3:23 - What's the opposite of a Nice Guy?
5:37 - How to start getting out of Nice Guy Syndrome


#NiceGuySyndrome #NoMoreMrNiceGuy #DiamondDogs

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I have to disagree. A big reason is that whether you are a nice guy or a jerk is determined by the other person, or at least which one you're seen as. Women make nice guys because they teach boys that women want a man who treats them a certain way, including mothers who raise their boys to not be the bad boy men who treated them horribly, even though that's the men the mother is probably still attracted to. Most times if a woman is asked what a man needs to do to get her attracted, they'll often talk about buying flowers, taking her to a nice restaurant, essentially how much money he spends on her. Romcoms teach that the nice guy gets the girl in the end, after she's been hurt by the bad boy along with the idea that women love over the top productions of romantic displays. But men become confused when they do these things yet women are still drawn to the bad boys who do everything that hurts the woman.
To give one example where yes, the opposite of nice guy is to be a jerk, most dating/relationship coaches teach how women test men, along with discussing men needing to set boundaries that will be tested. They explain that "nice guys" will simply go along with a woman, thinking that always being 100% agreeable will make her happy and like him. Or if they set a boundary and she appears upset over it, if he gives in and drops it, he's seen as failing her test. But most women don't just "test" to see if he passes, they test to see how far it can go before he does relent. So if a man fails to set a boundary or he gives in as soon as she pushes against it, he's seen as failing her test and being the nice guy in hopes she doesn't get upset with him. But what happens if he holds his ground? Does he pass? Not really. Most women just keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing. If at any time he gives in, again, he's the nice guy and has failed. If he doesn't, in the end, she hasn't gotten her way and is upset. If she's upset, she'll often end the relationship. And if the relationship ends because the man refused to do what would make her happy, that makes we all know the answer. He's now a jerk (at least to put it mildly).
So yes, what is the opposite of a nice guy? A jerk. There is no in between, at least to the woman.
