3 Things You Should Know Before Taking Duloxetine (Cymbalta)

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In this episode, I discuss three things that you should be aware of before taking duloxetine (Cymbalta).

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I noticed a difference off the rip. I never talked to people, I was always nervous and depressed. after taking it. I just turned into a class clown and didn’t really care about people’s thoughts


Im on first week. It's making me skaky . Legs bit weak. Tiredness is not as bad. I do think the pain in my body is getting better. Will keep going. Thanks


I stopped taking Cymbalta after 5 days. The side effects were awful. I felt so much better after I stopped taking it. If you don’t have depression before taking this medication, you definitely will once you start suffering from all the side effects.


This should only be for people with depression honestly, unless you lack seratonin it is pointless, it just make u feel high and gross with a headache and unable to do any difficult thinking. Worst six days ive had since i was injured and i am throwing it in the bin.


The most important thing to know about duloxetine before taking it is that you could have extremely bad brain zaps for months after tapering off. It is absolutely not worth it, if you've never experienced these before there just is no way to describe how miserable they make you and how badly they affect your life and yet since they aren't common knowledge you likely won't get sympathy from your employer about it


Opposite for me. It worked for 2011 to just recently 2024 july.

I've upped my dose but I'm still crying.

Even worse, I'm 62 years old and lift weights to help my depression. I'm pretty strong, deadlifting over 400lbs.

I didn't realize how well deloxitine relieved my muscle and joint pain.

😢 Now my depression is back and cry over a sad movie and i have unbearable pain.

I'm starting to use ibuprofen which i dislike because of potential harm.

Use it if it works. It's been great for me.

Life is harder with out it, if you know what i mean. Pain and sadness is a hard way to live.

God bless and i hope this helps someone.


Ps remember, your body and brain will take a few weeks to get used to it. So give it a chance. Definitely worth it if it works for you.

I did run out and didn't prepare, so I did go thru the side effects of quick stoppage of meds. But if you know it's coming, it's easy to deal with.

Just don't be like me and order your refill before you run out.

Good luck.✌️


Why the hell did my doctor not relate my onset of high blood pressure to the cymbalta?!


I take it 30mg I'm almost in my 3rd week and I've lost 2kg and I felt good for few days now I feel like a zombie and I have headaches and feel super spaced out


My husband was on this almost a year for elbow pain from injury. He felt ok for a week then got insanely anhedonic. They bumped his dose up saying he was depressed from the pain, he was a zombie. He tried tapering with miserable side effects, a week ago he just stopped and as of tonight is in full blown delusional and aggressive psychosis and rhinks ges fine!. Look up the patient experiences, suits against Eli Lily etc. These drs should be ashamed of pushing this drug knowing the company has been ruining lives for over a decade. It acts similar to tramadol and it does affect opiate receptors while suppressing dopamine. There is no good in this drug or the "professionals" that push them.


I couldn’t walk for years while in this poison for chronic pain 😢 stopped the drug, pain stopped


Just started taking this bounty a month now all it does is make me constantly tired where want sleep all day just wondering if anyone else had this problem


Has not helped with my anxiety disorder. Tried 3 weeks with 60 mg. Now back to 30 mg, I think my anxiety is quite bad currently. On the process of finding a new drug.


On it: extreme introvert, hyper fixated on certain stuff, will put everything off that doesn't interest me or find excuses not to do it, dreads leaving the house for any reason & can't tolerate being in social settings for long periods of time without losing my cool. Over all not depressed, and my mind is quiet for once my ADHD is actually tolerable my head space feels peaceful.

Miss dosage or if I take it later than I should: Violent mood swings, thoughts of wanting to murder someone (usually a certain individual who wronged me and caused me to have a mental break down and have to be on this shit meds in the first fucking place I won't say the person name) obsessive & intrusive thoughts. Extreme negative downward spiral of negative suicidal thoughts, agitation, easily annoyed over anything and everything. (this is coming from a person who doesn't have anger issues just depression and anxiety) this med makes me fucking crazy and I hate But if I manage to take it on time my mind is quiet which is something I'm not use to my ADHD has always made me overthink 24/7 so it's weird not having my mind constantly thinking about stuff.


Im weaning off this medication due to blood pressure issues. Dont go cold turkey.


Be aware of the Black Box warning and lawsuits.


I recently came off of Lexapro about 2 months after 4 years of taking it until it stopped working. My doctor wants me to start taking cymbalta, and I'm uncertain about taking it. Mostly the fear of the side effects. I tried celexa after the Lexapro, and all it did was gave me insomnia (not staying asleep) bad dreams, and sense of losing control of my thoughts and feelings


This stuff has been amazing for me. It took 2-3 months for it to stabilize me. I titrated myself to 40 mg. Separating the little beads in the pill. For a month.
I was scared to take this stuff because of the stigma, and ignorant comments.
Anyway, I then went from 40mg to 60mg.
It’s been about 2 years. I’ve discussed titrating off with my drs.
I love being on this stuff tho. I feel normal. ❤ I wouldn’t mind taking this for life!
I hope this has trained my brain chemicals, so when I eventually do go off, I hope my brain will pump out enough, to what level I was at while ON the medication.
I hope this helps someone!


Can 30 mg work too or only 60 mg for aniexty


Another big problem is not telling your doctor the full truth. You don't want to look powerless but somehow you just keep getting unhealthy.


Im 14 months into 30mg duloxetine daily.
It has been Very good in my experience. I had backpain that really limited me. It has definitely helped with that. ( lower disk pain).
Ive had depression for 30 yrs. Ive had problems letting go of women, not good for me. For some reason, i just seem to not react like i used to. Im talkin bout the reaction in my moods, and attitude. I can deal with those things better. Im not freaking out on the inside, as i once did.
Ive had issues with premature ejaculations all my life. Now tho, i last and last. Sometimes, i dont cum, unless the chick is really into our moment together.
Not taking duloxetine, does make me feel shitty.
But so does, not having morning coffee.
