Casey Davis: 'Can't Put My Name On A Same-Sex Marriage License' | The Last Word | MSNBC

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Three county clerks in Kentucky have refused to issue marriage licenses in defiance of the Supreme Court ruling earlier this year. Clerk Casey Davis joins Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss his reasoning.

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Casey Davis: 'Can't Put My Name On A Same-Sex Marriage License' | MSNBC
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It's never so much "freedom of religion" as "freedom of my religion" with these people.


Dear Kentucky clerks:
If you don't want to do your job for religious reasons... then QUIT!
Nobody WANTS to force you to violate your religious convictions, but when your religious convictions won't allow you to do your job, you have to quit.


How does this man even have the education to READ the Kentucky Constitution?


I wonder if he's prepared to go to jail like Kim Davis.


lol this women has divorced 3 times and she believes she can use Christianity as an excuse to discriminate?


Watching this, 8 years later. They all huffed and puffed, and swore fire and brimstone---but in the end, they folded. Every single one of them. Kim Davis, the cult leader, was voted out by her own voters, and is even on the hook for $100K in punitive damages and $260K in legal fees. An important lesson about the rule of law.


His argument is basically, "... because I am superstitious [full stop]".


If I was in her shoes I would not give the marriage license to them also. World wake up!!!!. As a christian I would not sin to please people. Gays and lesbians should create a different type of union other than marriage.


WOW, this is an easy one. Since they aren't elected, FIRE THEM. If the county refuses to fire them, charge their acting supervisor with violation of the U.S. Code-civil rights, a very serious felony charge and jail that person. See how simple this is?


Casey, God was on your side and you were so confident and so calm because of it. Praying for you and your family.


It is easy to locate, from public records and their personal writings, that the Founding Fathers of the U.S. penned the 1st Amendment to mean 'Freedom of religion" and "Freedom from religion". During our days as colonies, all were required to pay not only taxes, but tithe and adhere to the religious laws of the Church of England. Mattered not what your personal religious beliefs were, tithe to the COE was required. Also, I did a bit of study, online, and located the oath of office for public officials in Kentucky, and Section 228 of the Constitution of the Commonweath of Kentucky is the oath of office for public officials of Kentucky, and it reads, in part, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution Of The United States, and the Constitution Of The Commonweath Of Kentucky". That was written 1891. The only alteration was written in 1978, and did not change what I excised from the first document. How a person can swear to that oath, then claim the bible as their shield, even I think that is a bit of a moral stretch.


Can't SPELL his name on marriage licenses.


He's under the assumption that his STATE law trumps FEDERAL law, and he's misguided.


It appears Casey Davis needs to seek out treatment for his meth problem!


his face make me believe he is taking drug or something, etc


Too bad when a person takes a job at a government building or office, religion is left at the door. This man also forgets that Jesus said to love thy neighbor and to love one another as he has loved us. People like this man and Ms. Davis are the reason so many Christians get a bad wrap because other people and religions look at them and think all Christians are batshit crazy like them.


[I have not read it, so I am guessing] (4:44) The rest of the Kentucky constitution probably contradicts "Freedom of Conscience" that results in discrimination.
(5:49) I doubt he has read the entire State Constitution; each and every single, (with evidence that he understands all of the sentences and paragraphs from each and every word.


This was bound to happen after that Supreme Court hearing. This is exactly why marriage needs to be kept out of the government completely. Not everyone is going to agreee with this. People on the LGBT side don't want to be denied their rights, but people like Kim Davis and Casey Davis don't want to forced to compromise their beliefs. Marriage is something that should be personal and private and not determined by any government law. Maybe the Supreme Court should have figured out a way to pull that off so we don't have stuff like this in the media.


He's got that squinty look. I wonder if he owns a banjo? Deliverance, anyone?


Well said, Casey. You tell 'em son ! What a refreshing change to see someone having the courage of their convictions and not be swayed or bullied into submitting to judicial tyranny. We need a million Caseys and Kim Davis's to restore the world to a righteous place again.

"....We must obey God rather than men..." - Acts 5 ; 29.
