how this pocket notebook changed my life.

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Pocket notebooks are wonderful tools for capturing and reflecting on thoughts you have during the day. I also believe them to be a nearly essential addition to a second brain system. I hope this video helps you start your own and start reaping the benefits of having one!

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It's so good to see young generation trying to get out of the claws of social media. All the best kid.


im seeing more people getting into notebooks and journaling and it makes me so happy. been journaling since i was 11? i'm 32 now. can't stop won't stop.


It’s encouraging to see a young person getting away from phones and thinking independently


Nice little video. 👍
If I may offer two tipps that work very well for me and my pocket notebooks:
1. If you can manage, bring two pens with different colours with you (black and blue being an obvious choice). First colour for jotting everything down, second for later revision, annotations, circles, arrows, underlining etc. This makes it easier not only to think on paper but also to re-think the deeper ideas again.
2. I like to keep real thinking somewhat separate from quotes or lists. For that purpose, I write in my notebooks from both ends by turning it around. Ideas, reflections etc from the front, miscellaneous stuff from the back.

Anyway, you're on a very promising track if you keep on spending time with your thoughts and notebooks instead of your phone. Keep it up!


Love seeing others still enjoying the power of a simple pen & notebook.🥰


Once upon a time, this would be called a "commonplace book." You're reinventing a rich history, and I think that's terrific!! ❤


You are wise beyond your years and are definitely headed in a great direction. I hope you don’t truly believe you are in an undesirable place right now. We’re all on a lifelong learning journey and what we’re experiencing now always benefits us later on. Such an inspiring video. Thank you!


Thank you, I found your little talk about your note taking as most interesting and enlightening - I wish I had started doing that when I was young. I will start now - I’m 84 so I guess it’s never too late. You’re young enough to get into the habit of recording your own thoughts and observations as well as practising written expression in general which is fast becoming a lost art. Lastly your self-education will be an asset in your life. Thanks again.


I love writing things down. It isn't much to think of at the time as you are filling those pages up, but years down the road, you will be delighted to come across an old journal book where it is like discovering a piece of your own lost history.

I know I I got some enjoyment out of relieving lost memories and events and also placing such events back in its correct timeline.

You are doing a wonderful for yourself by jotting things down into something tactile. It's a beautiful feeling.


Dude, I have this exact same notebook.
Been using it for years.
I've also used plenty of the larger 5x8 Moleskine's,
but this one fits in my pocket and goes with me.
I just changed over to a new one a week ago.
The old was filled up.
We are like brothers.


I appreciate the clarity of your thoughts.Yes, your ideas do come across in your speech! Thank you for sharing!


When I hear smart kids like you, my hope for humanity's future goes way up! Nice work! Keep these comin'! 😋


I couldn’t agree more. This is how successful people think. When I say successful, I mean emotionally intelligent, financially secure and generally content with life.

Writing uses a different set of pathways in the brain than typing or even talking. This keeps those thoughts around in “brain cache” allowing one to recall things very quickly. This is why comedians are usually really smart people: Timing is everything in comedy and being able to quickly reflect on speech and respond is a marque of intelligence.

I’ve used a moleskin pad for over 20 years. It installs confidence with customers, because they can see you’re taking their concerns seriously, that you’re listening. The benefits are countless. Never again will you have to struggle to revert a great ideas you had 2 weeks ago, but just can’t remember when it came up in conversation last night. This just works.


I've ordered a New Yorker Day Planner for the last 30 years. I'm 62 and love being able to see the week at a glance and the activities and meetings and free time all written down. I have friends who don't write anything down and live day to day. No wonder they always complain their life is chaotic.


Wow! What an amazing young man! You are a glimmer of light shining with hope for our future! Thank you so much for sharing!


Excellent points, thanks for sharing! I had a teacher as a senior in 1986 that would give us 15 minutes to journal, which was strange at first but eventually we all understood its purpose. SO glad he did that. I still have those notebooks all these years later and read what my past self was thinking, as you mentioned. Great video, hopefully we can keep the written word alive! Going to try that pen 😁


Great to see someone this young be so insightful. I need to share this with my daughter. Good work! and good luck!


I'm happy to see someone my age and my grade (I assume your entering college freshman year with me now?) having an appreciation for things like this. I've always wanted to get into journaling but there's always been some mental resistance I've had to it. But seeing someone with similar problems to me dealing with them through this notebook gives me hope for journaling again


You know we’ve walked a long way of digital evolution when you start to see an increasing number of instruction videos on how to use pen and paper… and you find it interesting🤔


I also have an aggressive dislike for blue ink too.
