Remember everything with this pocket notebook system

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A commonplace book might just be the best way to remember what you read, listen to, or learn. With this pocket notebook, you can collect and document wisdom from everywhere around you. This is the ideal system for creators and synthesizers to learn faster and remember (almost) everything. If you enjoy stationery journal systems, this is a great system to try.

*Notebooks + Pens:*

*Camera/Audio Gear I Use:*

Alt. titles:
How to remember what you read
How to document everything you learn
Pocket notebook method for creators
What is a commonplace notebook

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I picked up calligraphy as a hobby relatively recently; by Christmas of last year, my aunt from Canada came to visit with her family, and gifted me a thick leatherbound book with weathered cotton pages. And I though "what better way to keep practicing my nascent hobby than to start a Commonplace Book?"
I have made entries to it regularly and it is so... soothing and inteospective.

I'm glad I decided to start my own Commonplace Book, it is really something everyone should try.


I have journaled for the last 12+ years and not missed a day….its been with me on all my adventures, highs and lows - the changing of seasons - mine and the yearly seasons…


Great video. I have used a commonplace notebook for years, and one personal tip I would share is that I like to put my index in the back of the notebook. This allows me to make the index as big or small as it needs to be for that specific notebook


Don't leave the first few pages blank for space to index future ideas/topics. INSTEAD, just flip to the back of the notebook, start at the very last page and use the date (assuming your book doesn't have page numbers) and a very brief description of the content. (This can be a brilliant quote, something to be researched later, or just the address for the new dentist). Eventually, your content moving left to right will reach your index moving right to left. That's when your notebook is full.
Oh, important... revisit the things you index. Over time, with perspective and more knowledge, you can upvote/downvote them in relevance (eg the dentist moved! You have a better quote, etc.) so that skimming your index is really valuable and useful.


He speaks the truth, I’ve done this for years but not as thought out at his.

Keep em coming bro!


Pen and paper have been the de facto medium for millenia for a really good reason: pocket computers capable of taking notes are barely old enough to drink, lol.


My hybrid commonplace journal consists of Google Keep, a pocket notebook, multiple rolls of highlighting washi tape, and multicolored annotation tabs. I save things to keep, like quotes blog posts etc. I also utilize time slots to write those items in keep. I use Reclaim to auto-schedule time slots for morning, midday, and day-end check-ins. I added a Chrome extension based on the Focus To-Do: Pomodoro Timer & To-Do List. It doesn't sound very easy, but it takes longer to explain that to do. I finally talked my husband to start one. I'm showing him your video. Your way of explaining things will work great.


I use a common place journal just to capture spontaneous ideas while I’m doing life. I like the idea of going back and expanding on those topics.


Great video Eric. I have a longing to fill my notebooks more efficiently and I think I'm about to embark on a notebook journey... 1 for work outs, 1 for YouTube ideas, 1 for YouTube ideas for my other channel, 1 for... well you get it. I realised I have a bunch of Field Notes and Moleskines and probably not enough time left in my life to fill them all, so its time to just get on with it... Love your videos, keep up the good work.


Depending on one's desire for organization, a system worth exploring is the Hipster PDA, which had a fair bit of popularity some years ago. The concept is to use a stack of 3x5 cards instead of a bound notebook, held together by a large clip. Using cards enables you to have infinite refills, and organize your cards in any way in the future. The system is as complex or simple as you want. To aid with organization, write new ideas and notes on one card at a time, so you can put like cards together later. Date everything so you know when you wrote it. The cards can even be punched with holes for storage in a index card binders, or left unpunched and stored in index card boxes.

It isn't sexy like a bound notebook, but it is far more versatile for organization. It allows you to keep 'permanent' cards with things like writing prompts, gratitude lists etc where you want them, regardless of how much you written on other cards.

Something between the Hipster PDA and the bound notebook is the Midori Traveler's Notebook, which uses multiple notebooks about the size of a Field Notes inside a leather cover. The notebooks can be switched out when full, giving you the experience of a nice leather notebook with the versatility of swappable inserts.


I'm glad to see that you think about Scripture! I have a special notebook to write my thoughts about Bible, and rereading it helps me in some moments


Excellent video. Great points and I appreciated the calm and peaceful delivery.


Nice video! This is what my notebook system looks like:

I have some small stacks of notebooks on my desk/in my drawer, I wrote different titles on them according to whatever project or skill they are attributed. Then I attatched them to eachother with elastic bands so I know which ones belong together; if i'm writing notes on a difficuilt book, I will just attatch a notebook to the book with an elastic band.

This strategy forces me to have my notebooks close to me with any project or difficuilt book, this obviously makes me write way more and thus memorizing more.

Whenever I pick up one of the projects, I already have the notebook right there and there is no excuse I can tell myself to not take notes or be un-organized about it.

So right on my desk I pretty much have the current development of my brain mapped out.

Currently I have these 4 projects:
- learning Latin via Derek Cooper's "the basics of Latin grammar".
- reading/analyzing beyond good and evil, together with lectures on different parts of the book.
- reading/analyzing the prince and taking notes on it together with translating parts of it.
- And I'm following an online pharmacist's course because I need the certificate for my job.


Thank you. The power of pen, paper and writing 🙌


Great video I started carrying a notebook as a 2nd lieutenant in the mid 70s. I spent a couple tours as a staffer. When the general says
“It might be nice…. “ it is probably worth considering it more than a suggestion. To this day I carry a Moleskin notebook.


I’m 26 and I have memory issues, for me a journal takes so much worry and stress out of the day trying to remember things, I just whip out my notebook, jot something down and stow it away again, I also have the occasional doodle or bit of wisdom in there, I will never go back to not journaling. I also find that writing something down helps me to remember it even if I don’t go back and check my notebook later


I've read and listened to so many books about natural history that I have no idea where certain data I want to cite comes from! I'll be notebooking very soon.


I can’t wait to start using a commonplace notebook! Thank you for the great video ☺️


Love that shot with your bible! Getting into the word! Wonder who else caught that haha.


I have been journaling for a few years now and make my own journals from start to finish. It is only recently that I have started to use little common place notebooks ( self made). I now have one in the car, one beside me in the sitting room and one in the kitchen. I also use my journals for different interests and all is recorded using a fountain pen!
