21 Horizon Forbidden West Advanced Tips - HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST NEW PS5 GAMEPLAY

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Are you hours into #HorizonForbiddenWest? If the answer is yes and you need some more advanced tips, Zoe Delahunty-Light has you covered! This Horizon Forbidden West advanced tips video is full of tricks she learnt from over 90 hours playing the game, as well as some slight cheeses that can help stealth builds stay alive for longer. This video is full of brand new Horizon Forbidden West PS5 gameplay in 60fps and if you want you can also take a look at Zoe's Horizon Forbidden West review or her other video on Horizon Forbidden West tips! #Eurogamer

00:00 - Hello Folks :)
00:52 - ABR
01:43 - Slitherfang Tactics
02:23 - Stalker Tactics
02:51 - Rockbreaker Tactics
04:02 - Boosted Machines
04:36 - Underwater Fast Travel
05:11 - Invisible Valor Surge
06:05 - Amber !
06:30 - Invincible Trick
06:51 - More Gun
07:09 - Legendary Armor
07:28 - Best Stealth Weapon
08:04 - Crows Nests
08:45 - Splitting Spike
09:16 - Difficulty
09:42 - Headshots n Helmets
10:07 - Climbing Trick
10:29 - Warrior Bows
10:50 - Early Legendary Armor
11:01 - Plasma Explained

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Hey folks! You can find all my Horizon Forbidden West videos in this playlist


Rockbreakers being able to sense your movements through the ground is literally an insane mechanic. And the fact that you can stand on a rock and throw rocks to trick them shows even more attention to detail in this incredible game


Didn't take me long to realise that this franchise desperately needs a spin-off game with Studious Vuadis as the main character. Nobody has scroll game like that man does.


Expert tip: you can actually fast travel from ruins and sunken caves. All you need to do is scroll up to the ground level on the map and pick your destination. You could do this in zero dawn as well.


Side missions will level you up way faster and get you way more gear than the base storyline


Killed the first Slitherfang on the third try and only then discovered that I had shot off a gun from it at some point early on which would have made the fight a lot more easier. Smh.


Some tips it took me a while to discover, hope they are useful to you:
1. You can hold down on the d-pad to rearange your tools, hide them and only put what you really need for fast access.

2.You can hold up on the d-pad to replenish your herbs so you don't have to look for herbs on the ground during a long fight.

3. Fish needs to be captured while swiming, not with an arrow like other animals.


Thanks! It says im 20+ hours in and only 20% finished lol. Im going all the side quests and just taking my time. I’ve waited for 5 years for this game and don’t want to breeze through it. It deserves my extra effort


rolling isn't the only way to avoid attacks. it's been confirmed that sliding is also invulnerable for the first dozen or so frames of animation. slide-rolling doubles that.


Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it in the comments, but the key for Rockbreakers is to crouch walk whenever you're in their vicinity. They won't be able to sense your movements.


You can Head Shot the guys with Helmets provided you are using "piercing arrows" with the sharpshooter bow. They go right through the helmet.


I love that "Skyrim" has become a verb for climbing high spots in games lol


In case anyone didn't know you can shoot shock orbs before they hit you.


Rockbreaker tactics, courtesy of the movie Tremors.


Using the Focused Shot with a Sharp Shot bow will really get you some extra distance while “Skyriming”. I liked clearing the rebel camps from high ground that way.


Playing this game on very hard is a blast when enemy robots are very aware of you even from far away


Fast travel does work in the caves and buildings! Pull up your map and you will see a map of the dungeon you're in, and then press your down d pad until you are on the outside map. Then select the campfire you want and fast travel away. I swim into the caves grab what I want then fast travel out. It works!


Pro tip: Try to go to thornmash as soon as possible. You will be able to buy glowbast sharpshot arrow. Trust me, it's gonna ease your journey. Play side quests. You will enjoy a lot.


Does anybody else go heavy on melee combat, or is it just me? There is something satisfying about taking down big machines up close and personal.


Warning for splitting spike move on spike thrower and high volley for hunter bows, if your overridden sun hawk is flying above you, you might accidentally hit it. Once was killing a snap maw by spamming high volleys but the last one that woulda killed it didn't come back down I was confused but finished it off with a few more arrows and then called my sun hawk to fly to another site, as it grabbed me I noticed a group of like 5 arrows sticking out of its left wing.
