Why Do We Wear the Mjolnir? (Thor's Hammer)

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music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

00:00 - Intro
00:22 - Why the Mjolnir?
01:17 - What is Mjolnir - the origin story
02:34 - When Thor lost his hammer - hungryboi
03:29 - Masculine Thor and Feminine Loki
04:20 - Mjolnir amulets & imagery in history
05:41 - Thor vs Christ - Njals Saga
06:18 - The Mjolnir from the Viking Age into Christianization
07:47 - The Hammers and The Dirt
08:26 - The adoption of Mjolnir in modern times
10:23 - What Mjolnir represents
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What I love about this is how the Mjolnir has a specific feeling and promise attached to it. Protection, and we have a clear story showing its power while wielded by Thor himself. What a fantastic way to symbolize Heathenry.


I got asked once by a customer why I was wearing my Mjolnir necklace. I told him that Thor is the protector of humanity and I worked a customer service job; I could use all the help I could get 😂


I complimented a Subway worker on his beautiful gold Thor Hammer. He was stunned that a customer knew what it was.
You never know who follows the old ways.


I still remember, as a child, my mom telling me that "It's just Thor throwing his hammer to protect us." during thunderstorms when they frightened me. It gave me great comfort, I remember. As an adult I wear a Thor's Hammer in remembrance of that and for protection from evil, giving me the strength to fight with his awesome power.


As I have recently gotten into heathenry I'm starting to realize the reaction that my body has when talking about this, hearing people talk about Mjolnir, the Gods, the Jotun. It sends a chill up my spine unlike anything in Christianity or other Abrahamic religions. It feels like home to talk about this, it feels right, natural even; meanwhile when I followed Christ, I felt no connection to him. Odin, Thor, Tyr, Loki, they all seem like people to me, they make mistakes, they have emotions, I understand their trials and tribulations. I see their imperfections and their personalities. I never saw that in Christianity. Perhaps I'm over reacting, but, this does make me feel something that nothing ever did. I'm glad I found your channel, you have brought a lot out of me and helped me grow as a person. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


When I chose to follow the Old Gods, I chose to wear a Fenrir amulet, to remind me of the nature of humans and the cycle of life, and that rage can be as much of a weapon as a source of devastation. I was very impressed by some interpretations of the Ragnarok myth, notably one where Fenrir is seen as a bringer of new life. A symbol for a reset, which does not deny the past, but erases the present, so that a new way path be paved. I took liking to that idea and Fenrir became my symbol of renewal and balance, which I proudly wear.


Regarding wearing Mjolnir, I wear mine openly in hopes a heathen that is in the broom closet may have the courage to strike a conversation up. To know they are not alone.


Probably my favourite myth.
Thor: Loki, Ymir has mnoljir and he wants Freya for it.
Loki: Cool, dress like Freya and I will help.
Thor: But you are a shapeshifter, shouldn't you be Freya?
Loki: Nah, this is perfect you got this.


I've been wearing a mjolnir now for a little over a year or so now, and out and proud at my job daily. It's gotten questions at work but, as I told my boss, I'm a polytheist who believes in their gods, and wear this to honor Thor, and as a symbol of protection. If that's a problem, we can discuss the proselytizing one of my coworkers had been doing for some time at that point.

It's nice being out of the broom closet to be honest. Even if I get the occasional jab about the gods.

The cool thing is, we had a construction worker come in a few times last month, saw mine, nodded down to his own around his neck. It was nice having another acknowledge it positively.


The hammer's resemblance to an anchor literally anchors me to my ancestors, and also reminds me that many of our ancestors associated the ocean with death and the afterlife.

I also wear it as a commitment to the well-being of heathens everywhere, regardless of who their ancestors were.


I am a firefighter and I wear my mjolnir as not only as a devotional piece to Thor but also as an inspiration to emulate his courage, strength, and protective nature.


I got mine from my Grandma. Its made of Amber. She got it for me when she went back to Denmark (where she's from). I wear it to show pride in my beliefs and to feel closer to the gods and my ancestors


I don't wear a hammer but I have a ring with Odin's Ravens. I explain to people who ask that it's a symbol of my religion.
I personally wear the ravens because I'm more interested in the gaining of wisdom then the strength often connected to the religion


Only reason I know someone I work under at my job is a heathen is because I commented on their mjolnir tattoo among other norse pagan tattoos all up and down their arm. They have a mjolnir on their fist and I commented on how fitting that was considering we work in the security industry and how many times they have used their hands to protect the people around them. It sparked a great conversation. I have also witnessed this individual interact with another individual having one of the worst breakdowns in their whole lives while we were working. My colleague is one of the toughest, roughest people I know, but simultaneously one of the most compassionate, tolerant, and sacrificing in terms of personal time and comfort to serve those they see around them in more need of it than themself. Truly fitting that they carry the symbol of mjolnir and truly appreciative of the opportunity to work under them and have the chance to learn from them on the job. Very glad this symbol connected us and opened a line of communication with them that I'm not sure I otherwise would have had.


Yes, I’d say exactly that: The Mjolnir became popular after the encounter with Christianity. Both the cross and the Mjolnir are signs of the Father-God’s favored son. Just as Thor is the god of the common man, unlike Odin who is a god mainly for kings and warlords, Jesus is also the god for the commoners.


I wear mine mostly because of the feeling of strength that I get from it. And I mean that in the metaphorical sense in that I have the strength to do the right things, make the right choices, and so forth. I 100% agree with your ending in that when we wear it, we should embody what it means and carry that in our everyday lives.


I own no mjolnir but I am making one, which is funny because I reached the closing line as I typed that. So it was:
Me: I own no mjolnir
Ocean: Find a way, or make one
Me: But I AM


While reading the book” Laughing as I Die “I discovered that the Gods never complained. Even though they know the outcome of Ragnorok they go about their business making preparations for that day to come without complaining. So I wear mine to remind myself to take what comes my way without complaining and that I am self sufficient to handle any situation.


I'm not wearing Mjolnir (yet) but i'm wearing a Bindrune that i made myself for Eir. I feel super connected to her and i'm trying to get closer by learning as much about heathenry and norse mythology as i can keep in my brain.


Your historical research is brilliant. I'm a Christian yet I love how passionate you are about this. At the end of the day, we are all human and what matters is our decency to each other. I'd pay to hear you speak brother.
