David Jeremiah | The Foreknowledge of God | #johnmacarthur #paulwasher #rcsproul #voddiebaucham

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He doesn't decide to elect us because we choose HIM. He elects us so that we would choose HIM. We love because HE first loved.


Yes, the Bible tells us "For by grace we have been saved through faith. And this is not our own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.." (Ephesians 2:8) It's all by God's grace, even the faith we have is given to us by Him. Pray everyone will be saved that God will do to them what He does for me.


God does know withforeknowledge
The bible is a spiritual book so you should not assume that it is just a litteral rendition, it is far deeper than what any of us can comprehend. Have you not experienced reading a passage over and over and then suddenly you understand the passage in a new and expansive revelation as the Holy Spirit ( God) opens that passage unto you in a way you had not even comprehended before expanding your understanding


He says all of that, to then say God is limited in what he sees.


Dr Jeremiah showing he understands total depravity and unconditional election!
Praise God!


There is only two scriptures in the KJB that mention the word foreknowledge, Acts 2:23 and 1 Peter 1:2.
Acts 2:23 speaks about Gods foreknowledge of what would happen to Christ, his crucifixion, 1 Peter 1:2 speaks about the elect those beleiving Jews who believed that Christ was the Son of God, and was baptized.
The elect is all those that put their trust in Christ.


John 3:16 For God so loved the elect that He sent His only Son, that whosever is elected may have everlasting life.

I love Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching and 100% agree that we are totally depraved, but I think he missed this one a little.


I like what he said.
Basically everyone I've ever listened to who quotes Romans 3:23, quotes it out of context. They also NEVER quote the nwxt verse. Paul is talking to the Romans about God's glory, judgment, etc. He starts the sentence with "There is no difference:... (24) But they are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." It turns it from (almost) condemnation to acceptance.


I Like David Jeremiah!
However, he's out of his depth on Predestination!
His "Premise" is WRONG!
David says "What could God ''Seen" in any human heart?"
as if suddenly we are talking "MERIT"!
He "Jumped" issues from Predestination to MERIT!
IF you can't See his mistake here (even after me pointing it out) and you believe you should Teach, THINK AGAIN!

I cannot even "Imagine" what is "Eternity"!
Does that make the Fact that "Eternity" can not exist?
Scripture teaches BOTH Predestination and Free Will!
It simply DOES and we as mortals are NOT EQUIPED to pass that kind of judgment upon two "Apparently" Contradictory teachings!
I'm not sure but Dr. J comes from an "Anti-Calvinestic" background!


Anyone who trust this guy are babies in the faith, still on milk. But those who are maturing and are eating meat absolutely know this guy waters down the gospel message.


I mean just look, even Judas was chosen as one of the 12 apostles. He peeformed miracles and cast out demons despite his ultimate betrayal of Jesus. Yet God still chose him


David jeremiah is a great teacher


Hi everyone! God's elect/ chosen/ church will witness against the Antichrist. Here are 7 scriptures that will confirm this:
Matthew 10:17-22
Matthew 12:31-32
Matthew 24:9-14
Mark 3:28-29
Mark 13:8-13
Luke 12:10-12
Luke 21:10-17
Everyone else has free will. The elect have free will also. However, if they get out of line, God will put them back on track.


This guy needs to step away from the pulpit because he cannot accurately explain the gospel message. If his congregation read scripture they would see that he cannot explain the gospel. He doesn’t even understand that some verses apply to those who are not born again. Then there are verses that apply only to those who are born again. He does not understand that everything changed after Jesus atoned for all sin. He does not explain the book of Roman’s correctly.


Not true. Predestination is the road we walk. We have free will to choose.
“And I will take you, and you shall reign over all that your soul desires, and you shall be king over Israel. And if you will listen to all that I command you, and will walk in my ways, and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and my commandments, as David my servant did, I will be with you and will build you a sure house, as I built for David, and I will give Israel to you.”
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭11‬:‭37‬-‭38‬ ‭ESV‬‬

God predestined Jeroboam to be king of Israel. But he allowed Jeroboam to choose to obey his commands.

People misunderstand the phrase nothing is impossible for God. Nothing is impossible for him 'to do'. Whatever didn't happen, didn't happen. Reality forms to his word. Paul Washer explained it best by saying that God doesn't look into the corridors of time he is the author.


David, you are trying to interpret God's infinte, eternal mind with your own puny finite mind. Cant be done.
