David Jeremiah on God's Provision for All

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I like David Jeremiah. We don’t have to agree with everything he says or does. Be kind and compassionate one to another.


Why are we as believers in Christ to put on the whole armor of God if He ( God ) Had already predetermined our fate.
It would make no sense to prepare for the evil day if we were already chosen by God to withstand.
Dr Jeremiah is a true man of God


I listened to a sermon of David Jeremiah tonight on Romans 8:28-29. In there he also mentions Eph. 1 on election from a Calvinist point of view. It all sounded very Calvinistic to me. He talked about how we are all dead like Lazarus and can do NOTHING, God has to do it. And at the end he says that “if God does it all, (our salvation) then why preach?” His answer was, “Because God tells us to preach to all and we don’t know who the elect are”.


Leighton, I'm gonna need you to go for at least 30 min next time. I setup my lunch and had an extra water bottle prepared for the session. lol ;) great video, keep up the good work.


You said many in that generation do not take sides or call it calvinism ( though they reject it). Thats one of the reasons why calvinism has grown. They have refused to voice their opposition that's very cowardice.


Unfortunately, as I listened to his recent sermon series on Romans he does in fact sound like a Calvinist.


Ephesians 5:14
“Wherefore he saith, AWAKE thou that sleepest, and ARISE from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.”
WAKE UP and Christ will GIVE you the light...He can't give it to you if you are SLEEPING...How CAN you RECEIVE it if you keep pushing the snooze button?


Dr jeremiah is here in my howetown of san diego he is dispensationalist heading up Shadow Mountain.


And yet, when he teaches Romans 9, he's all about unconditional sovereign election. Broke my heart when I heard him go into it a few months ago.


Is Calvinism really so bad? Can it possibly hurt anyone who comes to Christ? After all, Reformed Calvinist church goers arrive in their waxed cars and polished shoes. They wear their fancy cloths and carry a Big Bible smiling all the way to their seats. They don't swear spit or smoke. (well they do smoke after the service. Spurgeon smoked cigars from the pulpit as he preached so it must be ok and after all Spurgeon was a Calvinist! Funny the same thing can be viewed at a Mormon Church or at a Jehovah Whitness church. Calvinism is everywhere these days. So what harm can it do? Let me share my story and you tell me! At my first Church I had to leave because of the promotion of homosexuals as pastors . At my second Church Calvinism was hidden for 10 years. Once I heard it slip out I asked point blank questions! Eventually I was tarred and feathered and driven out. My third Church a Baptist Church, hid it for another 10 years, then one day it was preached by the leaving pastor. I was the only one outraged and I had to leave. Now I don't go to any Church because I can't find a single Church that has not embraced this heresy. The sad part of all this is that I feel completely alone and in the wilderness. God and me alone, God as my teacher and I am OK with that. On Occasion I have been invited by friends to Reformed Churches which also hide it, but my trained ears hear John Calvin inter woven in the preaching. It is almost impossible for them not to able to preach without mentioning and honour that Devil John Calvin! It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach and to the depths of my soul and everything I am as one of God's true children. I know the Saviour. I was born again 41 years ago and didn't know this poison even existed back then. I have been tormented by this doctrine of demons for 25 years. I mean really tormented because of how many so called Christians I have known over the years, suddenly blurt out they too are Calvinists. Its like being cut off at the knees. I am totally convinced that a a claiming christian that has studied in depth these issues and states that he is a Calvinist, he or she is NOT a christian. Other wise a house could stand, if divided against itself ! There are 2 gospels! Calvinist god does not love mankind! Jesus did not die for the sins of the World! God does take pleasure in the death of the wicked! Jesus was faking His tears over Jerusalem! This is all Blasphemy! Its Anti Christian! If you are reading this and you are a Calvinist after studying and know what you believe, then I can say with absolute confidence you are lost and doomed unless you stop following your god which is really satan, speaking through John Calvin. Ask God for the truth and He promises to show you the truth if its even possible for you any more. You are more lost than an athiest!


Gods plan is salvation is "sufficient" for all mankind but only efficient for those called by the Lord (Jn 15:16). he chose us before the foundation of the world.


For those who do like prophecy, Steve Gregg has some really good videos that show how the OT connects to the NT prophecies. He has several channels, just search his name.


Thank you so much for sharing your beliefs on predestination. I have been spiritually attacked and even called "reprobate" recently because I disagreed with the Calvinist view that God predestined most people to hell. Some popular preachers are discouraging many who were saved when they sincerely said the sinner's prayer. I realize that prayer is only a beginning of the Christian life, but they totally reject it, saying that it is "sending people to hell." I don't see God's love in their message at all. Only a divisive, elitist doctrine. Much more offensive to me than racism or sexism. But, these Christian preachers are telling millions that God only wants and loves a small, elect few - and, there is nothing you can do if He doesn't choose you to go to Heaven. It also bothers me that this doctrine is closely associated with Baptist beliefs, and I have attended, joined and worshiped at Baptist churches. I am now doubting that I should be a member of a Baptist church since I reject this theology.


I have a heavy heart at this moment. I have been a longtime listener of David Jeremiah’s radio program & have read his books as well. I recently bought his study Bible, published in 2019, and the commentary regarding Romans 9 and Ephesians 1:1-14 pertaining to predestination is UNQUESTIONABLY Calvinistic. In fact, there is a specific page titled, “Chosen for Salvation” as an Essential of the Christian Faith. It promotes the doctrine of Calvinism. David Jeremiah’s comments in this interview are puzzling to me because his teaching & past preaching on this subject are contradictory. I have no pleasure in sharing this.


We should be obsessed with all of God's word with a a focus on what God is doing in His world. The Lord said in Matthew 24 'do not be deceived.' This is an admonition to pay attention to the world around you and what is going on. If a Christian doesn't discern the times we are living in, they better open their eyes!


I have heard Dr Jeremiah say he is a Calvinist- on video!


Calvinism is detrimental to the Christian faith by making people think God is going to reject them regardless if they call on Jesus as their savior. God bless David Jeremiah.


David Jeremiah is a Calvinist. His side notes in his study Bible make it clear that he thinks individuals are chosen to be saved


this is all wrong title...Pastor a Calvinist and teaches election/Predestination and never teaches he is into the heresy of finished his sermon on it 6 minutes


What scripture says God has brought all of us to a decision? God is certainly plain to us in his creation but but scripture certainly doesn’t day salvation is a human decision BEFORE the explicit draw of God.
