Why China’s Demographic Crisis Just Keeps Getting Worse

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China's acute demographic crisis keeps getting worse, with its largest population decline in over 60 years. So in this video, we explain the data behind the crisis, why it's not improving and whether Xi Jinping and the CCP can do anything about it.

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00:00 Introduction
02:13 Recent Statistics
04:43 Why China has the Worst Demographic Crisis
06:15 Can the CCP Solve It?
07:26 Nord VPN
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That's also important to mention, that China can't compensate their low fertility rate with immigration, unlike US and EU


One big reason for young Chinese couples not to have children. Is when go to the big cities from the rural areas they are not allowed to use the local child care facilities provided by local authorities and the same with health care. And accommodations for a family are massively increased so they often leave them with family and only see them in the Chinese new year for example so they just don't bother bother having them. There lots of similar things like this which I don't have time or authority to cover but that's the drift


Short-term incentives will have no effect for a simple reason. People make calculations and realize that the money and effort required for having and raising kids will vastly outstrip those incentives in the long run.


I suspect the situation is influenced by China's one-child policy, which aimed at population control but has inadvertently shaped a cultural preference for having just one child or none. This has created two generations without siblings, Uncles/aunts or nieces/nephews, posing a challenge in altering that mindset among newer generations.


Chinese property sector, which accounts for 30% of GDP, is crashing.
- Exports and imports, accounting for 37% GDP, are down.
- Foreign investment is falling over 90% compared to 2018.
- Foreign visitors are down 94% compared to 2019.
- Consumer prices are experiencing deflation.
- Youth unemployment hits over 21%, a record.
- Its fast-shrinking workforce is 10 years older than neighboring countries.
*Still, China keeps reporting outrageous GDP numbers.* Lol
Where does the growth come from?


I think it’s time to accept that most of the world will have population decline and start working on adapting the economies to that.


The gender imbalance is also a massive problem that you didn't touch on. Due to the one-child policy being active for so long, there is now a massive gender imbalance in China with 34 million more men than women and that imbalance exists almost entirely in the young adult group. In fact, when you get above 60 years old, there are more women than men. That's why saying that there are less than 10 births per 1000 people is so misleading because so few of those 1000 people are young women who can have children in the first place. If you only look at how many young Chinese women are having babies instead of their entire population, then they are actually more or less on par with Europe. The issue is that there are so few young chinese women in the first place.


Man, I still remember that's 1 video circle around twitter that shows a public security threatening a young man. Saying if the young man did not cooperate, he will make him and his next 3 generation's life harder. They young man simply reply "Sorry, I'm the last generation."


Proves yet again that in any economy that exploits its workers, there is a point where they are squeezed too hard to maintain the program. Your business model has adverse effects outside of the economy. The law of unintended consequences in human society that never stands still.


It’s absolutely crazy how a policy made in the 80s still haunts them to this day


Fact is, China played itself with their one child policy had they stopped it after 1 generation they might've been able too partly recover but it went on way too long and the damage was done. also cost of living is going up everywhere including China


It's crazy how much Xi the Pooh looks like Winnie the Pooh


All those vids that tried to predict that China would have a population of 2 billion by 2050 aged like milk on a hot summer day.


Can't they now enforce a "4 children policy"?


Ironically nord vpn does not work in China


Hi, TLDR team. Love Your videos and Your transparency and taking community feedback seriously. Small thing in this video though: can You show labels for both axis on graphs like in 0:23?


The problem isn't the falling population, that's not a bad thing, the problem is that our economic systems are built to require infinite growth in a finite world where such growth is impossible and an unreasonable expectation.


To truely understand how bad GDP growth in China is after during and after covid I'll give a example from a podcast (the redline) they interviewed a US national (forgot what her job was exactly but something to do with the financial sector in China), who has good connections with some top chinese trading companies and very important companies within China. She was always invited for parties at the end of the year to celebrate earnings and stuff and they would always talk about finance but also speculate how real this figures were. the last time she went (after covid) they didn't want to speculate about the true figures anymore cause of how bad it's gotten. they were genuinely scared to talk about it. We're not talking about a small lose of profit or GDP but a (suspected) 4-5% or something.


1:35 the 1960 population in
the chart 💀


My in-laws are mainland Chinese. It's too expensive to raise a child in China. Schools are literally money making enterprises dreaming up of all sorts of schemes to force parents to spend money on extras that their child doesnt need to supplement teachers salaries. Parents dare not refuse as they are afraid that teachers will then give their child poor marks. China's lopsided focus on high academic results mean patents fork out sums buy ecpensive property in an area near a prestigious school to qualify for their childrens enrollment. The Govt turns a blind eye to all this. The economic crises in China has also drained incomes and henxe the unwillingness to go forth and multiply. My son was born in China. I pulled him out of China when he was six. Ive never regretted it.
