FLCL - 'I love you.'

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This is my favorite scene in FLCL. Watching Naoto's shy, yet earnest, confession of his love and Haruko's surprised yet flattered reaction (inferred from her blushing) sent a flood of positive vibes to my heart the first time I saw this scene on [adult swim]. I don't know why it had such an affect on me. Maybe it's because I find it touching watching someone express heartfelt feelings in a way that is so honest and direct that their left emotionally vulnerable.

Anyways, I'm uploading this video in case anyone else wanted to see just this scene and was searching for it, just as I was before.

I finished watching FLCL for the first time on [adult swim] about a month ago before Kekkaishi began airing in its place. I might not rewatch the whole thing again, but I'll definitely keep coming back to this scene.

*The song is "I Think I Can" by The Pillows*
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When a 6 episode anime managed to find a pirate king quicker than one piece...smh


I have never seen a more confusing show and yet loved every minute of it


Naota's confession pratically said " You don't actually want me and been only using me, but the feelings I have for you are real. But we can't really be together" then he knowingly pulled out Atomski power, knowing that would make Haruko leave and was okay with it. He really grew up


Fun fact: the glowing eyes of Naota inspired the creators of "Avatar The Last Airbender" to create the concept of the Avatar state


Can we all stop for a minute and just appreciate The Pillows.


so, is there anyone else besides me who watched this anime from start to finish, had not a single idea what was going on and still gave no shits?


Man, the revealing of Haruko's true nature and Naota still saying he loved her...ugh hit me so hard


To me this is a beautiful if really sad moment... I don't think that Naouta thinks he's going to actually get her in a relationship with him. I don't think he ever really believed that. I think he is instead here acknowledging he has any deep feelings at all, and that he knows she has been using him this whole time, but he just can't help himself feeling that way anyway. We all have had that bad crush on a toxic person, or a person just way out of our possible league with zero mutual interest. Yet we cant hide from our emotions and he's admitting to it here...even though it hurts him, even though he knows she's probably just going to let him go or possibly even kill him for it, it's just him finally speaking his mind and doing his own reactions in the moment instead of just being led along like he always is. That is the lesson Haruko really taught him. Ironically it backfired on her. Seize your life by the reigns.


When Takkun becomes the Pirate King in 6 episodes, but Monkey D. Luffy still isn't, even after over 800+ episodes/chapters.


Who else got a warm feeling from "I love you"


You see, to me the reason I think he said " I love you" was because remember in the beginning when Naota said nothing interesting ever happens here? Then all of a sudden a Haruko comes out of nowhere and turns his life upside down...I think him saying I love you was actually thank you..but thats my theroy


Basically he fell for a girl who's been playing him?


0:58 Naota knows he's not going to be loved back so he just confesses his love to her.


Honestly, the greatest "I love you" ever.


Flcl as a whole just makes me feel scared. As a high schooler it made me really realize that i'll have to grow up one day and leave all the fun behind. Since quarantine is forcing schools to close, I wont get to experience what would have been the last of my high school days. I don't even get to say bye to anyone, I just have to let it go and grow up.

Just felt like sharing


This anime feels like having a really good dream and remembering it vividly, only to forget it all minutes later.


I like how when you pause on haruko when she reacts to Noata’s confessions there is a heart in her mouth


Kid went from standing up to the older woman, seeing her bare her fangs and reveal her true harmful, selfish, obsessive nature that stems from her ex, to right at the moment of triumph... baring his soul and reminding her of his innocent childish nature saying "I love you" to this person that threatened his future as a man.

Bravo. 👏🏾

I remember the Harus of my youth.


Love, the most pathetic of all our emotions.. he gives up everything for it, and show how powerful it really is


Still a better love story than Twilight
