People Have Forgotten This TRUTH About GOD | Jordan Peterson: Unravelling YOUR Faith

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"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Is true faith lying in words or in acting out God's will?


HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.

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HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.


I found out the hard way that Almighty God truly exists, i hit rock bottom and ended up in a pit of depression from drink and drugs abuse, i wholeheartedly repented of my sins, cried out to God and became a born again christain, i haven't drank nor took drugs in over 2 years .
Thanks be to God for Jesus and the cross, amen.


Dr. Peterson's biblical series is one of the greatest contributions to modern society. It’s such a blessing that my wife and I aren’t just married, but we’re also each other’s best strategic partner in the gospel and in business. I’m great at what she lacks, she’s great at what I lack and we have an Adviser to work with. Praise God!! And thank you for the awesome content!!


His central thesis is that one cannot say “I believe in God” unless one lives the perfect life of demonstrable belief. But that missed something very important about the Christian faith, which is the sad, humble, yet hopeful acceptance that I am flawed, but trying to live my belief, and I’m unable to do so without grace, but I believe God will help me live my belief. It’s a much more courageous thing to say “Lord I believe, help my unbelief “ and keep pressing on


"I'm afraid he exists" is the most profound and true statement a man could make. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom"I will put My fear in their hearts, so they will never turn away from Me." Jeremiah 32:40.


Jordan is the smartest guy on the internet....yet he won't be able to figure out GOD. We all need to come CHRIST by trusting him through faith...and receiving his free gift


Man, everything that has happened in this world and to me and my friends and family in the past 2 and a half years has been utterly indescribable. I spent my whole life trying to find truth and meaning while wallowing in sin (didn't even understand how sin blinds and enslaves the heart until more recently), and basically being tormented, cynical, and bitter - hating humanity for most of my life. I am just so thankful to God that He had his hand on me the entire time even though I actively tried to suppress, diminish, and argue against Him. His mercy and love is well beyond human comprehension. All of this covid propaganda and tyranny scared the hell out of me, and I mean that, it scared the HELL out of me. It made me realize that evil is truly real, and that evil resides in me. I saw how I NEED righteousness, how I NEED to know the ways of peace, it made me see how my own sin is being used as part of this entire evil global agenda taking place, and I need a SAVIOR to save my own soul. This is when I started to fear God properly, and this is when my heart finally humbled and cried out to Him to reveal Himself to me. Let me to you all, when you get this humbled and this aware of the evil in your own heart, and you choose to beg for righteousness, for truth, for hope, however you want to say it, THIS IS WHEN GOD HEARS YOU, and HE WILL ANSWER. He is real and He is alive, and Jordan Peterson is right to be afraid that He might be real, because HE IS REAL, HE IS LIVING. You just better get ready for it because life is going to be a lot different to say the least, but it will be BETTER. There is hope, and God can teach you truth, wisdom, how to treat people, what to focus your heart and mind on, all these things He can give you if you just sincerely ask. You will have to make sacrifices, but those things you hate to give up are, in reality, the things that keep you in bondage to sin, keep you weak, keep you bitter, keep you afraid, but it is WELL WORTH IT. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and that is a fact Jack!


Once more, Never think that you can live to God by your own power or strength; but always look to and rely on him for assistance, yea, for all strength and grace.


For those of us who know it and often fail to do it:
"I do believe; help my unbelief!"


"I'm afraid He exists"

"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom"


Oh my! “Do I have the right to say I believe in God?” Mr. Peterson says. I have been a Christian consciously for over 50 years an I say this to myself constantly! Remember the parable of the two men that went up to the temple to pray? The first man was so proud of his “godly” performance, but the second man “dared not to look up to heaven” and was overwhelmed and undone by the holiness of God. This is a huge and indispensable part of the Christian life! Simultaneously Saint and Sinner, having this unspeakable treasure in vessels of clay . .
All Truth is God’s Truth, and Truth will lead us home.


For me. I have been in to all these deep psychological and exestential questions and been into all other spiritual practices one can think of until I met Jesus in my home which completly changes everything. I gave my life to Him. I am not a better person because of this. I just acknowledged that I need Him. I am dependent on Him. He didn't invent the papacy etc so don't blame Him for people and evil deeds. There is evil in the world. Evil tries to pervert everything. Believe in God = Trust in God. God bless you all and may Peterson (who is a wonderful person and thinker) be saved by His grace too


This is my second day of listening to Mr. Peterson. This one is really powerful and I'm not even finished. I have a growing personal relationship with God is always my answer.


He truly brought me to Christ, through his biblical lectures and for that Sir, I'm forever grateful..
Thank you and God bless you!!
Glory be to God!


“I’m afraid He exists” has got to be one of the most self-aware and honest statements I have ever heard someone make about God. It takes a brilliant mind, and a great deal of humility to acknowledge something like that.
I pray Dr. Peterson will come to knowledge of the Gospel truth and be saved. He does not seem very far off from that in my opinion!


"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." You may be on to something Mr. Peterson 😊


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1:7‬


Believing in God is claiming that I acknowledge myself as a Child of God and that I am working out my salvation with fear and trembling. It is also claiming that I have the freedom to live with sense and purpose. I am no accident and my sins, even the mistakes that I may stumble upon from time to time are cleansed by the blood of My Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ 🙏 God has written in Our Hearts a Desire to Love Him, to know Him, and Responding and Cooperating with His Plan is far greater than Our own plans, God's Promises are Real, faithful , and True 🙏 The Divine Dimension is Real ❤


Yes, many people have forgotten that God is unconditionally loving. You may be separated from God in your mind for a time, but you will always be welcomed back like the prodigal son. Everyone eventually returns to God. Eternity is a long time.


It should be like what I heard from my little granddaughter who is six. She told me how much she loves God and God loves her. She was singing with joy of his greatness! We should have the innocent simplicity and humility of a child!
