Adults Take Responsibility

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This might be the single most important lesson that a young person can learn in order to live

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My Dad told me "remember son, any time you need a helping hand just look right down to the end of your arm and there you'll find it".


I feel like I am having a "How to become a man" speech, even at 34 years old I am still all ears, cause even I still have my daily struggles. Have a good day, sir!


My Dad said "This house is the only fair place you'll ever live."


Started tearing up a quarter of the way through. I'm a separated mother of four adult sons. Lost my wonderful Popop early in my teens, my unemployed dad cant even remember my kids names. Married a man who never spent a second teaching his sons anything of value. Videos like these are the values my sons needed to hear from a man when they were growing up. I'm adopting you as my imaginary dad. Thank you for such insightful, truthful, and earnest videos. They warm the heart and enlighten the mind.


Responsibility = An ability to respond!

"Even if you are on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there"


"There's no such thing as a self-made man. People cross our paths and change our stars" Is the most important counterpoint to take away in this video. Yes, we need to recognize that it is up to each of us individually to be our best selves - *but also* to always remain cognizant that we didn't get to the top only by being better than everyone else. Someone is always helping, and the luck of the draw remains a major primary contributor to individual success. So work hard, be competent, ask questions - but also build bridges, because if you're not starting out wealthy, the path from here to there is almost always a hopscotch involving other people.


I’ve had some really difficult times raising my kids, but I can say two things - we have a good relationship, and each of them takes responsibility for their lives. I’m proud of them.


This has to be one of the most “bang for your buck” most value for the minute videos on YouTube. Great work, I’d love to see more videos like this 👍


My moment was when my Mother died when I was 17. It was at that point my childhood was over and I knew I would have to start taking care of myself. My dad was still around but he took my mother's death heard being married for 20 years and kind of stopped being a father for a few years and was gone a lot. I had to look out for my little brother who was about 9 years younger than me and start worrying about paying bills and doing all the things my mother use to do. It was a rough time for me, but I am grateful for the experience and would not change anything besides maybe having my mother around longer. My dad eventually got better and our family healed. That said he passed away last month too, but had a good run. I am 39 now.


Excellent commentary sir. I am 58 years young and needed to hear every word you spoke here.

Thank you.


The more I watch you, the more I respect you. Thanks for all the goodness shared.


Lord, grant me the patience and wisdom to help my 12 year old son learn this valuable lesson


It took me 43 years to realize this.
Thank you for this kind of life lessons Essential Craftsman, and Jordan Peterson.


I am 15 years old, and I have always desired self-reliance. I am fortunate to have a great support system with my family and a small church, and through that have gained the opportunity to learn lots about different trades from being willing to help out on fixer-uppers.
A couple of months ago I started my first job doing tile, and your channel has been a great resource for knowledge, wisdom, and encouragement. Thank you for making great content, God bless.


AvE had sent me to this channel a long time ago.

It's cuz The Silver Fox knows his shit.


The thing I love most about this channel is that it's half craftsmanship, half philosophy. Both are truly timeless. I can't help but think of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" when I listen to videos like this. Hopefully everyone who watches will take this advice to heart.


I absolutely LOVE 💕 how this channel and EC2 have evolved into the greatest channels on earth. Every time I watched an early video on this channel I would say and sometimes even comment how Scott’s and now also Nate’s words have changed me and how I do some things in my life. I really enjoy all you two put out as evidenced by my being the first to comment on many videos. Thank you so very much, a have a great day.


I love how you also stress the importants of mentors. We need more mentors in this world. Too many broken homes for various reasons.


I know you mostly talk to young men, but my 17-year-old daughter loved this message.


I just woke up and this video happened to pop up. I have watched😢 your videos in the past but life took an unexpected turn and I haven't really watched much of anything for the last 3 months. Listening to your advice was exactly what I needed, so thank you ! Starting life completely over at 54 is not what I envisioned for myself, but it is possible and your encouragement and positivity reminds me of that! 😊 So thank you!
