Stop Blaming your Parents and Take Responsibility

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It's easy to blame our parents for everything that is wrong with our own lives, but taking responsibility and choosing the harder path of accepting that our parents did how they did and there is nothing we can do about that, but only forgive and move on - only this can lead to fixing the relationship with your parents
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How is your relationship with your family going? 🤔


Great vid, realized I have been struggling with this too so perfect timing. Yes our parents traumatized us but it's our responsibility to forgive them and move on because they couldn't help it.


And another thing, mother's need to stop blaming all the negative and rotten ways of a son or daughter on the father. Saying he or she is just like their father and never the mother. That kid is like no other than themselves as individuals. So stop this blaming the dad all the time. When it comes to tempers everyone on this planet has one.


Dangerous train of thought for people with abusive parents tbf. For them, it’s the polar opposite.


I’ll take responsibility by telling them to take responsibility or at least responsibility


I'm glad that you're getting along much better with your parents and showing others how to do the same.


I dont blame my parents for anything thats wrong with my life. Even as a kid i knew right from wrong. I was bad, i didn't care. I was messed up. So heres the thing, i didnt start out that way. I was a kind, loving, happy kid that was tormented and a rogue teenager/young adult emerged. And i did messed up stuff probably until my late 20's. Even some flare ups into my 40's. I have to live with everything messed up i have done and i'm looking for understanding because who i believe i am and some of my actions dont line up. I believe i was emotionally dysregulated, depressed, anxious. I was immature and selfish. And i wonder why i would be that way because i never truly want to hurt anyone or do anything messed up. I almost wonder if having a narcissistic mom, dad and stepdad created a type of borderline personality in me. I feel great in life now and am happy with who i am but at the moment i am trying to reconcile all the cringy things i did in life and although i am responsible for them, i also want to have compassion for the child that was put into circumstances that he felt he had to morph into what he didnt want to be to survive.


As a parent with adult children this helps me tremendously understand how to better communicate with my children. Its a new perspective and a great tool. Thank you.


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 6 months ago about self development. Now I have 584 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.


It's the parents fault kids didn't ask to be here


the timing was so good on this one. Just before some hours i was planning to quit my job for my passion in music because i was not enjoying it, was feeling inferior all the time and my mind was playing blame games but i guess i must own up to reality and not try to escape it by making excuses. thankyou Dom.🙏💯


For me it's the opposite. I started living with my granny and my eldest brother who have been living together from the beginning. My elder brother never lives with us with Mom and Dad.
My grandmother is a narcissistic who always backstab me and from few months past . There's a separation between my brother and granny because my granny cannot live with any one of my mom step mom and now my brother second wife too so they separate. But now my granny starts blaming me and all these people we called relatives always blames me . Now, i m all mad. I can't handle this anymore. How can our family be this cruel???😢


Dear you it is obvious you didn't have narcissistic and abusive parents


Hi! It's really inspiring to see someone opening up about such issue, which is sadly common nowadays. Anyway, good video, but I've got a feeling that you could've expressed you thoughts & experiences some more. ❤️


nice video, helped widen my perspectives on how to deal with family


You are very wise young man! For America, it's too late. Every therapist promotes parental blaming here, new labels and parental estrangement. There is so much blame, hate and cruelty being bestowed on nonabusive parents. Glad I could listen to someone with common sence and heart. Good luck to you!


Good video brother …. I don’t even go around my family anymore


"Everyone's parents is as easy and only as hard as what I know, so it can't possibly be something other than that"
Deep inside, you know how it really is. Your parents will never change. You need to adapt to their toxicity, develop a tolerance so that they will no longer succeed in bringing you down despite their efforts to do so, so that you will enable yourself to remain functional.


The main reasoning for this is when everyone around you is greedy and you still have a little innocence in you so you try your best and still your enviotment is fxxxed up to the point where you become desensitized to the world around you and lost in what's a struggle to do good or bad it really has nothing to do with blaming anyone at that point the decisions people you love deep for make affect how you end up sometimes those people never gave a fxxk about you in the first place but understanding it is hard for anyone to bring a life in this world and put that life last because of the world 🌎 the money wants and needs then you'd understand life is harsh unfair, and can be very difficult at times and to think that's just your life now you bring another life in don't teach it, just neglect the fact it's your child infront of you and like nothing is beyond me i feel if you don't have an i.q. to raise a child you shouldn't have one period not until 1 understands how to 1st and that's a fact instead of a phone give em a puzzle to figure out or a book to read on like trades anything to feed the mind, mind you characters in a series doesn't teach em really they just learn names like yo gaba wich lol


Your parents are right. You're a platform shutdown or demonitization from being out of a career/career.
