Boris Johnson calls on bosses to get Brits back to work and says life could be normal by Christmas

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BORIS Johnson has ditched the work-from-home slogan and urged bosses to get Brits back to the office to save the economy.

The Prime Minister this morning called for the nation to return to “near-normal” to help boost Britain’s ailing economy which has been ravaged by the pandemic.

Speaking at a Downing Street press conference, the PM outlined his framework for a return to business as usual.

He said: "Instead of government telling people to work from home, we're going to give employers, more discretion and ask them to make decisions about how their staff who work, safely.

"That could mean, of course, continuing to work from home which is one way of working safely and which has worked for many employers and employees.

"Whatever employers decide they should consult closely with their employees, and only ask people to return to their place of work.

"If it is, as we really put our society and economy, it's right that we give employers more discretion."

It came during a sweeping speech where Boris unveiled a series of measures to get Britain working.

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Boris Johnson calls on bosses to get Brits back to work to save economy and ditches work-from-home slogan

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The problem Boris Johnson now has is that it is NONE of his business whatsoever how any Employer wishes to continue to allow their employees to work from home since many Employers have found that by allowing their staff to do their jobs from home it has seen a rise in productivity meaning that there is no point in having any large Office Blocks in Inner-Cities to do working based jobs online which can be done from anywhere and at any time
By having home working, this has cut out the need to.
(1). Have to get up too early. to;...
(2). Spend hours every day commuting in jam-packed trains buses of being stuck in roadblocks trying to get into work and back home again at the end of your working day.
(3). Allows the working parent to have their children at home more instead of having to race around both before and after work dropping off and collecting their child from places like nurseries.
(4). Reduces stress for employees from having to do any unnecessary traveling.
The Downsize for Cities is that MORE Catering outlets that before Covid-19 where there to mainly provide Food and Drinks etc for office working will have to close down through having a lack of trade. while alternatively, The Upside will be that anyone home working will have much more time to go out shopping in their locations reversing years of decline in local shopping while being able to do so in a more relaxed environment knowing that you won't have to spend hours traveling around when otherwise you might be able to just walk to your local shops at your own pace.
Home Workers will save considerable amounts of money by not having to buy overpriced Season Tickets on Trains, or any Petrol/Diesel for their Cars etc; just to go to work.
If any Offices are to be required in the future then they will be much smaller in size and also with a very limited amount of office staff in attendance while any home workers could find that any smaller offices are within a short distance of where they live that will only be used for supplies to be collected if any supplies that they need within the course of their employment are not delivered by a Courier to their front door for home working.
This advancement will save many online-based businesses a fortune in the long run and will increase their profits.
Home Working is therefore a Win, Win all around for those that can work from home, and for any office-based businesses themselves.


Time for the truth Boris! we know its not real!


Who in their right mind actually believes what this Government says anymore, we have all these so called Government
Health advisers spewing out their fairy tales everyday, never anything in our favour though.All it's been since day one
is it could be or it might be, never any definite information that actually informs us, all guesswork, supposition, and the
gullible are falling for it, what a sad place this world has become.




So passing the responsibility off on to employers


Boris Johnson just making things up just find the cure and let's go bk to normal


His scientific advisor just said we should work from home. Which is it Boris ya buffoon?


He says but mps still 2 metres apart in the house its that safe


What a coward this man is. He has the audacity to compare himself to Churchill.


This man is telling us all lies. I don't listen to the news because it's so depressing. Before all this started, I was depressed but this has made me worse. How can you tell the public that it's now a metre and we can mix with family members and have picnics and go to the park BUT we must remain 1/2 metres away from friends and family!!?? Who's gonna listen to that?! People weren't listening to the distancing in shops now it's worse. He needs to enforce everything back again because when things were in force the level of cases were down, now it's raising again. Haven't enough people died? What disgusted me was, the clapping stopped once everything calmed down. The NHS and care workers were still doing their bit but they weren't appreciated once the death rate fell. We should still be applauding them and clapping. That made me feel good. I've now turned a deaf ear to everything because things keep changing and this man has no idea what to do. Other countries are on lockdown still, why not us?? Now they are saying it's going to be worse in the winter months. Let's go back to the the way it was before where we were in lockdown, people didn't like it, but it was was saving lives, now look.


This entire thing has turned into a facist power gravb


I like working from home, not sure I want to lose 15 hours a week to commuting anymore


QUIERO FESTEJAR GRACIAS 🎖😇😇🛄🛄😇❎😙❎😎💲😎💲💲💲😘😘😙🏷🎀🙂😘🏉😎🆒😇🆒😘


Boris listen “Get a Grip or risk a Second Wave”


I have always wondered about how many indirect deaths this pandemic has caused ranging from suicides, drug abuse, alcoholism, domestic violence and other pre existing conditions just to name the few?
