Using I2C for any device on STM32 with HAL | VIDEO 26

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Time stamps:
Theory of i2c: 01:18
Hardware initialization: 14:12
Important I2C HAL functions: 15:44
In this video I describe how I2C interface works in general and in the case of STM32 using HAL. I provide you with two examples using different i2c devices, one old TI adc called ADS7828 and a newer MAXIM temperature sensor MAX30205 to show differences in datasheets and i2c implementations.
Analog devices page on i2c:
Code and picture of configuration for this video can be found in the following link:
Theory of i2c: 01:18
Hardware initialization: 14:12
Important I2C HAL functions: 15:44
In this video I describe how I2C interface works in general and in the case of STM32 using HAL. I provide you with two examples using different i2c devices, one old TI adc called ADS7828 and a newer MAXIM temperature sensor MAX30205 to show differences in datasheets and i2c implementations.
Analog devices page on i2c:
Code and picture of configuration for this video can be found in the following link:
Using I2C for any device on STM32 with HAL | VIDEO 26
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