The He(art) of Softness | Becoming A Feminine Woman

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Linen Night Dress from ThredUP:
Fun vintage autumn playlist:
My Favorite Irish Breakfast Teas:
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Tea with Lea Podcast:
I get a lot of my groceries from Misfits Market because they have organic produce/dairy/grassfed meat for much cheaper than my local grocery store.
Here is my link for $10 off your order: COOKWME-GL5CGV
Many of the vintage/antique items in the videos, including my copper collection, have been purchased from The Cellar Door Antique Market or other thrift stores.
Music is license and copyright free through artlist:
This Video:
Circle of Life by Letra
My Lonely Soul by Wesly Thomas
Colossians 3:23​​​​​​​-24 "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ"
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(NOTE: This is included in the Entering your Healing Era Program)
We pray you are blessed by the videos as you have blessed us.
Linen Night Dress from ThredUP:
Fun vintage autumn playlist:
My Favorite Irish Breakfast Teas:

To View The Tea with Lea Podcast, Story Corner Episodes, & For Bonus Content:

Patreon helps us to be able to do this work while allowing us to reduce mid roll ads, and to be very selective of any brand partnerships we do. Patreon will also be ad/sponsor free for you and algorithm free for us. Thank you from our hearts!
Cozy Corner Mercantile (Candles, Mugs, Totes, Journals, Notebooks, Tee Shirts, Other Apparel) :
::NEW:: Collection Available
Gifts Cards for the mercantile now available on the website.
Tea with Lea Podcast:
I get a lot of my groceries from Misfits Market because they have organic produce/dairy/grassfed meat for much cheaper than my local grocery store.
Here is my link for $10 off your order: COOKWME-GL5CGV
Many of the vintage/antique items in the videos, including my copper collection, have been purchased from The Cellar Door Antique Market or other thrift stores.
Music is license and copyright free through artlist:
This Video:
Circle of Life by Letra
My Lonely Soul by Wesly Thomas
Colossians 3:23​​​​​​​-24 "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ"
For Business inquiries & communications:
#feminine #femininity #feminineenergy #women #fall #autumn #gentle #mountains #slowdown #peaceful #slowliving #countrylife #cottagecore #homestead #stillness #forestcore #intentionalliving #quiet #cozy #homemaker #october #sweaterweather


As an older woman, I find myself learning from you. I (was) married to a military man 22 years (18 years ago) until he divorced me. During those years, I was alone A LOT physically raising 3 children. All close proximity in age. I learned I had to be a bit assertive during those years. Survival mode. I never remarried, but I never found a man who wanted to embrace being a true man. Now, I question whether I was the reason for that? In saying that, I am trying to become more feminine in my daily life. I also find my focus on God and family to have helped me go through these years alone. I truly no longer desire a relationship. However, it is nice on occasion when I dress a little more feminine to have a "few" men be respectful towards me. Thank you for teaching an older lady something necessary. God bless.


When I accepted Christ into my life, He began to change me from a “pro-choice” feminist, agnostic and ardent democrat btw, to a new creation: a woman who accepts God’s views on personal, spiritual and political issues. I am now pro-life, pro woman, pro God. He essentially changed all of my beliefs and I am so grateful. Great job speaking on this in such a lovely way. 🙏🏼💕


Soooo many young women need to hear this message. I pray it reaches multitudes 💞


"Thank goodness it was the 90's" amen!


I could have listened to an hour more of you talking about this. This conversation is SO needed right now.


I have wasted so much time and energy pursuing what I thought was the image of a “successful woman”. In the end, I discovered my true happiness and success lied in being a mother and taking care of my home and family. Making our house a home, loving, caring and providing for my family is the greatest joy and purpose I have ever known.


It's so true. I changed to only wearing skirts, no makeup, and an a respectful demeanor in public and I am even shocked how many men, young/mature/older hold the doors and are much kinder than when I walked around with cargo pants, tank tops and was aggressive all the time. These same guys who cat call others are polite and respectful to me. It really is how ypu present yourself.


Good morning! I will be 70 years old in a few days. Your video brought me warmth, clarity and joy as I move forward embracing femininity even more so than I do now.


I love learning from you as a 25 year old woman who lives in Miami wants to be married and live a feminine Christian lifestyle. Thank you for your videos I love them !!! And I agree I’ve changed my responses to things over the years and I get treated better but I also feel better and closer to God❤❤❤


Listen. I am 24 years old, and I can’t believe you are almost 40. Like you look like you could be my age. I’ve been watching you for years now, and I’ve just loved watching the Lord work in your life Lea. May God bless you. ❤


This is so well said! I’ve had a similar journey with femininity and “trying on” different facets of identity that I wasn’t meant to embody. I have never felt more like myself than when I’m in my home, submitting to my lovely husband, and leaning in to my gentle and nurturing tendencies. Everything else just feels like an ill fitted garment. And when I don’t embody those good things, it’s usually when I’m acting in my flesh and we all know how well that works out lol. God is gracious and patient and it’s a blessing every day we wake up to allow ourselves to be molded more into His image. What an honor!


Thank you for being a wonderful example to us. I am a woman in my 60's and I would have liked to have had someone like you speak this truth when I was young. I think things would have been different for many of us. Praying for the young women now that they understand being feminine is a beautiful thing. Abba ordained.
Shabbat Shalom. May Abba Yahuah bless you and James.🙏🙏❤


So much Wisdom in your words. The saddest thing I experienced on Earth as a woman is that women do not support each other, and that's due to the diminishing nurturing spirit you have mentioned. Thank you, You are a blessing ❤


All praise to the most high God for another day. Can't wait to hear what wisdom you have to share sister.


Growing up without a Father in my life made me try to find that Love from men. I was terribly insecure and as the song goes " lookin for love in all the wrong places" and I didn't know how to give or receive healthy love. Been through 2 divorces and alot of pain and heartache.
When I finally had enough I truly surrendered to the Lord. I have been going through an amazing transformation in every possible way. Mentally, physically, emotionally. I now look to Jesus for the love I craved, and He does not disappoint. I am really learning to love myself also. Which leads to your well spoken topic. I can be the woman God created me to be, not some version that I think will lure a man and make me feel complete. That does not work. I think alot of young women that do not have a loving masculine role model fall into this trap, and our society doesn't help. We desperately need Men and Women to embrace their Godly roles. ❤


Sooo glad I found your channel Lea! This video is so timely and I’m 61! This needs to be shared with young people!


Beautiful message! Be your best Mary Magdalene, the ultimate feminine quality that is truly transforming.


Every bit of this just spoke to my heart! It basically sounded like you were describing my journey down to the letter. I was definitely one of those loud, angry feminists with, as you said, a truck driver mouth. 🤦‍♀Oh, and not to mention, being the lead singer of a metal band! 😂 It seems so ridiculous thinking back on it! And now I'm a soft, feminine, headcovering, Yeshua loving, homesteading homemaker. Talk about a turnaround! The peace and love of Adonai worked miracles within my heart and spirit and it eventually made it from the inside to the outside. As you said, I've never had the kind of peace and contentment that I have now. I'm so glad that you're getting this message out into the world because so many women, especially young women, desperately need to hear this truth. 💖


Love it. Absolutely refreshed my heart and mind this morning.
Also, I played saxophone for 20+ years, and your background music actually brought me to tears- I miss playing so badly, I need to pick it back up. ❤
