Why rents are dramatically increasing across the United States

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Isn’t it crazy how mortgage rates continue to rise with higher imports and declining exports? meanwhile the FED is yet to lessen cost. Something will eventually break if they keep raising interest rates and quantitative tightening


When I sold my house, I made sure the buyer was a family not a freaking investor. Be the change!


To be honest, we're all tired of hearing about the cause of these ridiculous rent/housing price increases. What we want to hear is what is being done to fix it. Otherwise 70% of this country will be homeless, and the other 30% will be corporate landlords with no renters.


I'm so tired of hearing "it's because we aren't building enough houses". There are plenty of homes, the problem is huge corporations outbidding real people and leasing the homes out.


20% of the houses sold in 2021 were bought by private equity firms to rent out at ridiculously inflated prices. Corporate greed is the real problem.


It feels like the United States citizens are being defeated financially and there should be laws to stop foreign investors and corporate takeovers of marketing


28 year old millennial here, college grad, decent job, and I've been on my own for 3+ years renting. I'm getting ready to move back in with my parents because it's either live with them or live with roommates. Rent has gone from ~$1100/mo in my area to over $1600 in that time. My only hope is to live with them until I can save a large lump sum for a down payment on a house. The American dream is quickly eroding and becoming impossible for people without high incomes or assistance.


Corporate ownership of single family homes should be severely restricted or outlawed. Let them own apartment buildings. We are watching the gutting of the American Dream at record speed. RIP middle class!


It’s disgusting what Private corporations are doing to everyday Americans like us.


The problem is homes are viewed as investments now and not a place to live and raise a family. Everybody wants be a landlord from regular people to corporations.


There's plenty of homes, they're just vacant from kicking people out of them because they want tenants to pay $6, 000 a answer isn't build more homes it's stop increasing rent!!!! All these rich people they think are gonna come live at these overpriced homes aren't coming so they would rather kick people out hoping to get more and now they get 0 a month instead 😂🤷


Working 50+ hrs per week and still not being able to afford things or save a substantial amount of money is getting depressing. I'm in my late 20's and no matter what I do the price of everything keeps going up. I work till I'm exhausted and it's all just to stay afloat. There's no way I can support a family or buy a house


We tried to buy a house but within two days of it on the market, it had two cash offers from companies way above asking price, taking it away from people who really need homes. Of course the rent that they will be asking will be more than what I would be paying for a mortgage in that same house. They are literally robbing us.


Having a roof over your head is starting to be a luxury in the USA, this is a shame. Housing as a commodity needs to be relooked at.


The fact that corporations are buying up houses as investments needs to get a lot more attention (and be stopped). I’m in my late 20’s and would like to buy a house but prices have gone up 50% in my area in 3 years.


I work full time and overtime as a Registered Nurse for one of the biggest healthcare systems in the state and I can barely afford my rent let alone “giving back to my community”


Here I am living in south Florida where I have been priced out of buying a house for three years, meanwhile rent went up 40% and now hearing this is nationwide. Their only solution is to build more houses, so what, the investors can buy them up and raise the rent on them too. When does this Stop?


I call BS… plenty of homes available! They are probably just vacant, because they were bought by investors. It’s frustrating to hear all the excuses beside the corporate greed that is actually the cause!


I mean, if only we have a law in place to stop institutions from buying entire lots of homes and turning them into rentals until the housing market balances again; that’ll give first-time home buyers a chance. But who am I to speak the rather obvious. 🤷🏻


Hey 60 min, rising rents could possibly be the result of hedge fund and foreign investment companies buying up all the houses with all cash offers over asking, while simultaneously waiving inspections and not even looking at the houses. Then they just increase the rent 3x… that might have something to do with it
