Absolute Guide For ArcGIS Beginners || Beginner Series For ArcGIS 2020 || Part 1 ||@geotechstudio

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In this tutorial, we have done:
Note: All the data accessing and assisting the task will only be entertained based on membership basis.
Adding the Data (excel or shp file): (00:25)
Dealing with failed to connect database error (common problem): (01:00)
Displaying X and Y coordinates on the canvas: (02:47)
Working safe with File: (04:49)
Dealing with attribute table (create or remove, data types): (08:00)
Features conversion: points to line, line to polygon: (16:51)
Calculating area, X and Y coordinates: (21:22)
Cutting the polygon: (23:00)
Creating shapefiles: (25:00)
Clipping the layers: (28:50)
Creating a layout for the final map preparation: (30:24)
Introduction to raster data: (37:00)
Reading the source information: (39:15)
Dealing with projection system: (41:00)
Dealing with tools of ArcGIS: (43:22)
How to find your UTM zone if you are unaware of it: (44:20)
Dealing with symbology and labelling of data according to attribute: (49:30)
Use of identify tools: (54:49)
Selection by attribute (easy selection): (58:00)
Exporting the map: (01:00:15)
This is absolutely for the beginners and if you need data to practice , leave your gmail in the comment box.
#Bhuwan_Paudel #gis #Qgis #erdas #usgs
If you have any confusion regarding this you can comments below.
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Link to other Videos:
DEM and LULC Data Preparation for SWAT Model :
Soil Map Preparation for SWAT Model :
Data Preparation SWAT Model : Soil Properties Data || SWAT Simulation:
Installation of ERDAS Imagine 2015:
Mosaicing in GIS:
Slope Analysis from DEM in ArcGIS:
Digitization in QGIS Using Snapping Options
Georeferencing on QGIS
Hotspot Analysis Using ArcMap:
Stream Order Analysis from a Digital Elevation Model using ArcGIS 10.X
Extraction or Digitization of Land features using Landsat 8 Data:
Calculating Land Surface Temperature using Landsat 8 images by ArcGIS:
Calculating the Criteria Weight by Multiple Criteria Decision Making :
Thematic Mapping of COVID-19:
Study Area Mapping:
Landuse Land Cover link:
Landslide Assessment video link:
USGS data downloading tutorial video link:
Fire Risk Assessment video link:
Water Delineation Tutorial link:
Georeferencing On ArcMap:
#arcgis_tutorial #ArcGIS_For_Beginners#GeoTech_Studio
Рекомендации по теме

Very useful video sir.. thanks for your great effort... its the best video for beginers


Such a great explanation ...Thank you so much...God bless you...


Thank you for your great efforts ❤️..
Can u please help me by attaching the exercise files..
I will be pleased...
And thank you again.


sir I have a question that why we convert values from decimal degrees to meters and vice versa?


Very useful video
Can you please help me by sending Data to folow the exercise?
thanks for your great effort.


Thank you so much. May I have The data for practice please


Can ask for ARCGIS installer please.
Thank you


Very interesting tutorial. Could you please help me by sending Data to follow the exercise?
thanks. my mail is here


sir if seen my comment tha n please sir share data with me
