Absolute Guide For ArcGIS Beginners || Beginner Series For ArcGIS 2020 || Part 1 ||@geotechstudio

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In this tutorial, we have done:
Note: All the data accessing and assisting the task will only be entertained based on membership basis.
Adding the Data (excel or shp file): (00:25)
Dealing with failed to connect database error (common problem): (01:00)
Displaying X and Y coordinates on the canvas: (02:47)
Working safe with File: (04:49)
Dealing with attribute table (create or remove, data types): (08:00)
Features conversion: points to line, line to polygon: (16:51)
Calculating area, X and Y coordinates: (21:22)
Cutting the polygon: (23:00)
Creating shapefiles: (25:00)
Clipping the layers: (28:50)
Creating a layout for the final map preparation: (30:24)
Introduction to raster data: (37:00)
Reading the source information: (39:15)
Dealing with projection system: (41:00)
Dealing with tools of ArcGIS: (43:22)
How to find your UTM zone if you are unaware of it: (44:20)
Dealing with symbology and labelling of data according to attribute: (49:30)
Use of identify tools: (54:49)
Selection by attribute (easy selection): (58:00)
Exporting the map: (01:00:15)
This is absolutely for the beginners and if you need data to practice , leave your gmail in the comment box.
#Bhuwan_Paudel #gis #Qgis #erdas #usgs
If you have any confusion regarding this you can comments below.
Donot forget to like share and subscribe if you like our videos.
Link to other Videos:
DEM and LULC Data Preparation for SWAT Model :
Soil Map Preparation for SWAT Model :
Data Preparation SWAT Model : Soil Properties Data || SWAT Simulation:
Installation of ERDAS Imagine 2015:
Mosaicing in GIS:
Slope Analysis from DEM in ArcGIS:
Digitization in QGIS Using Snapping Options
Georeferencing on QGIS
Hotspot Analysis Using ArcMap:
Stream Order Analysis from a Digital Elevation Model using ArcGIS 10.X
Extraction or Digitization of Land features using Landsat 8 Data:
Calculating Land Surface Temperature using Landsat 8 images by ArcGIS:
Calculating the Criteria Weight by Multiple Criteria Decision Making :
Thematic Mapping of COVID-19:
Study Area Mapping:
Landuse Land Cover link:
Landslide Assessment video link:
USGS data downloading tutorial video link:
Fire Risk Assessment video link:
Water Delineation Tutorial link:
Georeferencing On ArcMap:
#arcgis_tutorial #ArcGIS_For_Beginners#GeoTech_Studio
Note: All the data accessing and assisting the task will only be entertained based on membership basis.
Adding the Data (excel or shp file): (00:25)
Dealing with failed to connect database error (common problem): (01:00)
Displaying X and Y coordinates on the canvas: (02:47)
Working safe with File: (04:49)
Dealing with attribute table (create or remove, data types): (08:00)
Features conversion: points to line, line to polygon: (16:51)
Calculating area, X and Y coordinates: (21:22)
Cutting the polygon: (23:00)
Creating shapefiles: (25:00)
Clipping the layers: (28:50)
Creating a layout for the final map preparation: (30:24)
Introduction to raster data: (37:00)
Reading the source information: (39:15)
Dealing with projection system: (41:00)
Dealing with tools of ArcGIS: (43:22)
How to find your UTM zone if you are unaware of it: (44:20)
Dealing with symbology and labelling of data according to attribute: (49:30)
Use of identify tools: (54:49)
Selection by attribute (easy selection): (58:00)
Exporting the map: (01:00:15)
This is absolutely for the beginners and if you need data to practice , leave your gmail in the comment box.
#Bhuwan_Paudel #gis #Qgis #erdas #usgs
If you have any confusion regarding this you can comments below.
Donot forget to like share and subscribe if you like our videos.
Link to other Videos:
DEM and LULC Data Preparation for SWAT Model :
Soil Map Preparation for SWAT Model :
Data Preparation SWAT Model : Soil Properties Data || SWAT Simulation:
Installation of ERDAS Imagine 2015:
Mosaicing in GIS:
Slope Analysis from DEM in ArcGIS:
Digitization in QGIS Using Snapping Options
Georeferencing on QGIS
Hotspot Analysis Using ArcMap:
Stream Order Analysis from a Digital Elevation Model using ArcGIS 10.X
Extraction or Digitization of Land features using Landsat 8 Data:
Calculating Land Surface Temperature using Landsat 8 images by ArcGIS:
Calculating the Criteria Weight by Multiple Criteria Decision Making :
Thematic Mapping of COVID-19:
Study Area Mapping:
Landuse Land Cover link:
Landslide Assessment video link:
USGS data downloading tutorial video link:
Fire Risk Assessment video link:
Water Delineation Tutorial link:
Georeferencing On ArcMap:
#arcgis_tutorial #ArcGIS_For_Beginners#GeoTech_Studio