How your movements can heal your brain | Joaquin Farias | TEDxNapoli

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Can certain neurological conditions make us forget how to move? In this talk Dr. Farias explains how is possible to awaken silent neural pathways in the brain, bringing lost movements, emotions and memories back to life.

Joaquin Farias is the director of the Neuroplastic Training Institute Toronto and researcher at the University of Toronto. Since 1996, He has been working on providing effective alternative and complementary care for patients affected by Dystonia and Parkinsons' Disease by pioneering new theories on neuroplasticity induced by movement therapy.

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I suffer from this myself. I developed a tremor and rigidity in my right arm. By the time I was in high school, I could no longer write. I became very self conscious and ashamed. I started having panic attacks and was diagnosed as agoraphobic. I blamed myself for being a failure and my obsessive mind took my self loathing and shame and weaponized it against myself. To make a long story short, this problem, along with my mental illness took EVERYTHING from me. I'm 55, have no friends and struggle to make a living doing menial work. I'm recovering from cancer and unlike most people that have cancer I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that my cancer wasn't terminal. I couldn't wait to take my last breath. Now I must try to go on. This insight gives me some hope. Thank you.


This man is literally like an angel to those of us with chronic brain disorders. We’ve been taught we have to just deal with the pain and basically have no life, until we don’t want to live anymore. But we are learning another way.


This man knows what he's talking about. I had to discover such 'healing movements' for cervical dystonia on my own for the past 15 years (swimming works for me, but I have to be persistent)....just stumbled on Federico Bitti and in turn Dr. Farias. God bless them and anyone who suffers a movement disorder.


This is a true gift and blessing from God. I have learned so much about my condition that other health professionals have never been able to address. It is so interesting and makes people like me feel like we can become asymptomatic and move normally again little by little. I love this program that Dr. Farias has designed. It is so helpful!! A real gold mine!


I did this myself by walking and dance, doctor's said I was HOPELESS. BUT I WASN'T. NOW I DANCE.


Thank you for this. As a professional dance movement psychotherapist I know movements can heal, but this explination gave me an AHA for why my job is working so good. Thanks again.


This video is just half of Dr. Farias' TEDx. The theme of the TEDx Napoli was 'conversations'. Dr. Farias and his patient Federico Bitti, presented together, first Dr. Farias and then Mr. Bitti. The entire piece is deep and shows the point of view of both the therapist and the patient who shared together the therapy process. You can find the second part of this Tedx talk on youtube, it is called rewiring the Dystonia. rewiring the brain with movement and dance.


I haven’t taken his course, but my amazing Movement PT Professionals use the re-train the brain techniques, and it has helped me immensely. I’m so thankful ❤


So fascinating! I wish he had gone into more details.


Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed that. Will search for more videos and materials on that.


Hi, I am from India. After a minor argument with my father in January 2011, my Father forced me to take psychiatric treatment and medicines until September this year (2022). During this long time, I suffered from blepharospasm for nearly 9 months in 2013, and oromandibular dystonia thrice, for nearly 10 months in 2015-16, for nearly a year in 2018-19, and for the third time since August 2020 until now. I mean I am still suffering. I want to join Dr Farias' program but don't have a credit card, nor am I acquainted with anybody who has a credit card.


Mind/body did mankind lose sight of this? Eat healthy, move more, work that body every day


that boy was able to play tennis, oh god, it is a miracle (to be specific this is science) wow


Please explain the process of neuroplasticity for writer's cramp


Can we find out what sort of movement for what condition?
For example what movement would he advise for brain injury to the frontal lobe?


It's a matter of relearning just as you did as a baby.


We will be able to prescribe choreographies for each condition!!! Una frase poderosísima! Muchas gracias!!!!


How neuroplasticity helps in writer's cramp? means what is the process?


Does it help functional neurological disorder?


I have been through Dr Farias platform for a year, during this time, my dystonia gradually worsened rather than improving and I have now stopped doing it for last 4 months. So 20% dystonias has
spontaneous remission, which cant be attributed to neuroplasticity
