A Priori and A Posteriori (PHA pt. 3/38)

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Belief r made by 4 things stimulus, processing, experience, then context in this order


It’s A pree-o-ree and A posté-ree-o-ree😭(as someone who learned latin it’s hard seeing/hearing people butcher the language like that😂) but let’s go, can’t wait to see where those leads.


As someone who grew up watching Schoolhouse Rock, I take offence to the claim that there are "8 planets in the solar system."


Last video I said I expect to disagree at some point in the 20s of this series. And then this video comes around with a concept that I am extremely doubtful about. I'll keep that in mind, let's see how essential agreement to the distinction between a priori beliefs and a posteriori beliefs is for the rest of the series.


As someone without any "proper" knowledge of how those terms are used in philosophy and coming from a more mathematical/statistical background, something's confusing me me about this point:
Wouldn't "Something can't be green and colourless" be posterior to the base definitions of what a colour is? (i.e. Things can have colours, one of them being green. -> Something can't be green and not have a colour, because green is a colour, thus a green object has a colour.)
Similarly, "1+1=2" and similar things are posterior to the base definitions of numbers and sets (and *those* are what we have to just assume is true/agree upon a definition for, i.e. our axioms).
What are our fundamental axioms in this approach to philosophy? So far, from what I've gathered, it's our senses and maybe some sort of arithmetic axioms.

EDIT: I should have watched the whole thing before commenting. The torture thing adds another layer to it. There are moral axioms/"a priori" agreements included, too. I'm curious to see where this will lead, but unfortunately I expect it to end up being indirectly circular. I hope it isn't! I've been looking hard for a good, non-cyclical way to approach Theism, so it'll sit more comfortably with me.


Really? The knowledge of _"No plant is green and colorless."_ is an _"a priori"_ knowledge, because we know _"a priorily", _ that _"Green is a color."?_
How about a color blind person then? Would such a person also consider such a knowledge to be _"a priori"_ like you as a non color blind person are doing?!?
