Game of Thrones 5x03, Jon Snow declines Stannis Baratheon's offer

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Game of Thrones 5x03, Jon Snow declines Stannis Baratheon's offer #Game of Thrones,Game of Thrones
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This scene showed how great Stannis truly was. He knew he needed Jon if he wanted any northern houses bend the knee. But he recognized Jon chose honor and duty over revenge and power. Instead of being offended he offers Jon advice on how to rule the night's watch.


Stannis: "You're as stubborn as your father, and as honourable"
Jon: "I can imagine no higher praise"
That's actually really heartwarming.


Stannis: You have Too many enemies here!!
Jon Snow: I heard that you should keep your enemies close!
Stannis: Whoever said that didn't mean many enemies!!


If Jon accepted Stannis’ offer, he would’ve carried the stark name & the northern houses could support him in a war against House Bolton


stannous and Davos are a great duo. stannis convinces people to join him based on tradition and loyalty, while Davos is better at using common sense and appealing to people directly.


Jon should have taken Stannis's advice. He should have hadThorne semt away from Castle Black to guard another Night Watch post. Instead he died for keeping "his enemy close". But than again, if he wasn't murdered and resurrected, only the Gods know how humanity in the GoT world would have wound up...


Jon Snow sounds way better than Jon Stark imo


I’d love to see a meeting between Stannis and Tywin


Thinking back Stannis really got shafted hard here didn't he. Without a real good need on his end, he rides in to save the day when the Wildlings were about to take Castle Black. Then he's just chilling there, basically doesn't interfere with the Night's Watch politics at all. Doesn't even "get" to burn Mance, but has Jon defy his order and Stannis doesn't so much as take offense to it. I mean good for the relationships between the Free Folk and the Crows but kind of a dick move towards Stannis. He then goes on to lend his fleet to allow the Nightwatch to ship the remaining Wildlings to safety. That just happens offscreen like they didn't even bother to show Jon negotiating or anything, Hardhome is a week's ride on horseback, that's a huge operation but it's just understood that Stannis is willing to let them use his ships without any promises in return. And then he really does end up getting fuck all in return. Not a single sword pledged for his cause from neither the Nights Watch nor the Free Folk, and Jon doesn't take him up on the offer to be Lord of Winterfell either. Kind of ridiculous how many resources and time was wasted on nothing but a faint hope of reciprocation.


It's funny how Stannis doesn't trust oathbreakers, and here he asks Jon to break his oath and march south with him to take Winterfell. Like Davos said, "The King is a complicated man."


Show really fucked up big time on Stannis arc, in the upcoming Winds Of Winter there is a Great Northern Conspiracy unfolding against the Boltons and the hyped up Battle of Ice.


Davos was the best 😢 until they ruined him and Jon


It's really a shame how the show destroyed Stannis's character.... Imagine in the sixth season both of them leading charge on winterfell


It was Davos reasoning that made Stannis realize his purpose was to fight to protect the realm from the true threat North, and it was Davos who reminded Jon that he can't protect the realm if he refuses to be apart of it. Jon and Stannis are quite different in a lot of ways, but Davos clearly saw the stubbornness in them blinding them to what really matters and forced them to see it too.


Stannis was such an insightful character. It is a shame that it was because of his Charisma that he ultimately failed in his goal in the show. He was extremely knowledgeable and wise.


Jon Snow and Ned Stark were so alike! Both honorable to a fault and it got them both killed. Jon was just lucky enough to have an extra life he didn't know about or things would probably have turned out very differently.


Foookin Ollie! Stood there, watched and heard how Jon refused Stannis proposal and still he betrayed him. Also Jon should've listen to Stannis and send Ser Allis to east watch. ....I mean so many "if's" but darn Ollie!!!!


Imagine the talk with Ser Davos was the turning point. He walks out and changes his mind, then convinces the group of wildlings with the help of Tormund to fight alongside them in exchange for freedom, without the bending of the knee. Then jon makes Alliser Lord Commander with a pardon from Stannis, and the wildlings with Jon leading them along with Stannis leading his army takes Winterfell. Even if Stannis still dies during the battle this is such a better resolution for all their characters then the dogshit that is seasons 5 through 8. This practically writes itself... How hard was it to adapt the end of this story...


Back when Ser Davos and Jon were actually characters with their own ideas and motivations.


Stan is respects the value of duty and admired Jon Snows refusal
