'Black Panther' Fans Say Film Is A Cultural 'Movement'

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"Black Panther" is hitting the big screen and many fans are saying it's more than a movie, it's a movement.
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Every time Blacks get excited about something cultural,   hoards of negative people are  'chomping at the bit'  to tear it down. Blacks  celebrating Black Panther,   for any reason,   doesn't take away from anybody else. So what's the problem?   Black people know it's just a movie. They know Disney isn't Black owned.  They know where most of the proceeds go. To harp on that, is to miss the point.   This movie rejuvenates a feeling of unity, creativity,  and cultural pride.     Yes,   this  fictional  representation of a powerful African country did all of that.   If it didn't mean  all that for you,   so what?!   What I like is most Blacks aren't reacting to the haters,   just like they didn't react to those threatening to boycott.   Many are focused on what they can create in the future.  Their inspiration is about the future.   It took Blacks from Trinidad,   America,   Africa and London to make this movie.  May the Black diaspora continue to work together to create  and own  bigger and better things.


I'm so happy for you guys having this movie as a black celebration, All the black people look so happy and proud and beautiful I see how much this means to the African culture. GOD BLESS


Luke cage
Blade 1, 2 and 3
Black lighting
Has everyone forgot about those things


The world is so mean and cold, so we need as much positive energy as we can get. 1:45 (Wow, so true).


How is it a cultural movement when it's based on a made up comic book


I feel like I really screwed up on my life


That's right guys just keep diggin', Marvel keeps getting bigger, getting what they want, fans continue to get what we want, and sitting behind a computer pouting about it. Like, no matter how successful this gets, the salt just keeps flowing. Keep it up guys, you're doing great, lol.


Disney just bought themselves at least "10 YEARS" of black apathy and black non-competition!!  That's what this movie was entirely about.  That was the long con.  How do you keep black people in the plantation?  White supremacy plays a short con "and" a long con.  Black people getting happy for Black Panther for any reason proves that we've fallen for both.  Now the short con in case is that somehow this movie matters to blacks.  Disney probably made 4/10th's of a billion dollars (BLACKS DOLLARS) but blacks are so docile to believe that this is some sort of victory for you!  Dr. Claude Anderson and Dr. Cress Welsing mentioned this for decades.  The short con is no near insidious as the long con.  Now the long con is not some psychological masturbation, that's what they use to rear you in and keep you nullified.  Unfortunately, this historical event (thanks to white supremacy) has just told an entire generation of black people that any goals, competing, promotions for works of pop entertainment!
