The physics books that no one wanted

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Main channel: @tibees

Edited by Noor Hanania
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As a recent graduate of physics in Poland seeing Landau's Statistical Physics here made me chuckle. I studied this book front to back multiple times xD


The Emperor's New Mind was my lunchtime reading for a couple of weeks in 1989. I've not popped it open since I finished it, but it held my attention at the time.


What I love about physics history are the ways that scientists have used science to expand science. Ways of building hypotheses using existing knowledge and unique approaches to building conclusions. There were personal styles and ways of considering things that set each explorer on their own path. I can't get enough of it!


Roger Penrose is brilliant and he is correct about A.I. When we think of A.I. we think of ChatGPT and image generation models mostly but none of those have the insight and capacity of the human mind.

All ChatGPT knows is 67 comes before 68 based on billions of conversations fed into it with each word or three given a number. Then the system is trained to look at how likely is one of those tokens to appear next based on the training data and the question presented.

If a conversation isn't fed into it before it's not going to know how to respond. This was simply called Big Data in the 2010s, then we lost our minds and thought we created life.


At 26:58 we see the price of Landau's "Statistical Physics" book is only $2.00. That is indeed a bargain for such a classic book.


At 12:16 the "Piaggio" book that Dyson read was "An elementary treatise on differential equations and their applications."


I thought the second review on the back of the dyson book to be particularly poignant, as well as the tragic details around the imprisonment of Landau. Both minds concerned about these lofty scientific exploits while being subject and victim to the practical, harsh realities of life. I feel like that is a concept that is very relatable to a lot of intellectual types, myself included. I certainly don’t have it as bad as being in the gulags though! Nonetheless, toiling away at manual labor, acquiescing to angry people who haven’t had a single intelligent thought enter or leave their brains. Maybe in the future people will be free to think without dealing with these horrid things.

Landau would make a great subject for a biographical video. Love your stuff Toby! ❤


Tibees is a psychologist acting as a physicist. I mean the venn diagram for all this is. Well consider this; virtual old book smell, historical science figures, brilliant young lady (with soothing voice) voice over, dead smart guys compared to moden standards and Tibees.


I have several books that were donated by my University Physics Institute library: they offered first to other libraries on the University, to professors and then they stamped: DONATION over all other stamps of the library and let them on the library entrance for anyone to take.


I’ve read and appreciated Penrose’s “The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”. But going from that to his theories on quantum consciousness (which I think he was just getting started on in “Emperor’s New Mind”) feels like going from Isaac Newton’s “Principia” to his treatises on alchemy.


I read 'Penrose Emperor's New Mind' as a Computer Science student, who's only had some undergrad Physics course in the 90'ties. I quite liked the book, found it very interesting back then, even if I wasn't convinced with what seemed to be one of the conclusions, like that AI won't be able to develop true mathematical intuition and genius. But even if one doesn't agree with that, it's very readable popular science book giving some introduction on some quantum physics, math and computer science topics. ( I also got Penrose Book ''The Road To Reality'', which is more demanding/challenging to read, because very mathematical, seemed more like a work book. Compared to that ''The Emperors New Mind'' is a more typical popular science book, introducing you to some science topics in some quite ''relaxed'' way, I'd say. )
edit: If I understood Penrose right back then, he thought Genius requires Consciousness, and Consciousness involves Quantum Physics, and Quantum Physics is incomplete, where it matters, because to Penrose oppinion gravity plays an important role, when it comes to the ''collapse of the wavefunction'' ... ( But maybe I remember or got this all wrong ... So many years ago. Actually personally I think of intuition more as associative memory and neural network pattern matching activity that goes unconscious, until it digs something out and makes you aware of it. )


Everybody wants landau/lifshitz. It belongs in every physicists personal library


Penrose argument (having not read the book) reminds me of these hallucinations llms are having and how constrained they are just to get them to do what they're told. Imagine something with human level intelligence just, listening 😂


i love Tibees! also youre becoming a book collector now! its a very interesting world, book collecting!


I have the Einstein and Penrose books, I enjoyed them very much. I especially liked The Meaning of Relativity, my first real introduction to general relativity. I disagree that the math is not for beginners, I did not have a background in tensor algebra at the time, but found it easy enough to follow. I would love to have a copy of the Fermi book!


I'm so glad to see a new upload on this channel!


I had a paperback copy the Chicago Problems.


OMG, Please, please, please do more stuff like this. You're just the best :)


Thank you, I found several titles that I want to get and put to use.


I like to start my day by reading about Logic, I feel it enhances my focus on whatever I do later.
