11 Tips for your Ayahuasca Ceremony to go deeper.

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You are about to go to an Ayahuasca ceremony, and you don't know what to do?
This video will help you with 11 tips on how to connect deeper with Ayahuasca during your journey.

0:00 - 0:11 Intro
0:12 - 0:39 be well rested
0:40 - 1:20 take a “purgante”
1:21 - 1:57 be attentive in the ceremony
1:58 - 3:34 Focus on yourself
3:35 - 4:52 surrender
4:53 - 5:30 Trust the facilitators
5:31 - 6:04 Respect for Ayahuasca
6:05 - 6:43 Seeing Ayahuasca as a medicine and friend
6:44 - 8:36 Sit instead of laying down
8:27 - 9:15 Drink more Ayahuasca
9:16 - 10:18 Drink Ayahuasca in the jungle
10:19 - 11:00 Don’t look to get somewhere
11:01 - 11:10 Outro
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Adore Ayahuasca. .been working with her for 23yrs. Its not necessary to drink in Amazon! For many its not possible to do so. Loved that she's made her way around the world.

My journey with her beyond words.
And yes everyone SIT UP! She make a warrior out of you.


Fantastic video. Thank you very much for sharing your experience!
If I can add my advice, think about the reason you are drinking Ayahuasca, it will help you to understand the process. And… don’t expect the results to come out straight away after ceremony. Sometimes it takes months to understand what she has shown you.
If you’ll be prepered and if your deeper intention will be to develop yourself, you’ll not come back as the same person. The experience with aya will change your life.



I had profound experiences with this medicine in Brasil and then had the medicine in the US with much diminished but still beneficial results. Your last point about being in the medicines origin is well taken.
In one ceremony I had five cups with no effects except severe nausea and diarrhea. The shaman told me that I only needed the cleanse. She only gives what is needed. ❤


Great advise!! In my 2nd ceremony the medicine told me to move the energy.


Good stuff. Will definitely sit up next time and take more cups for sure


Hey man great video thanks for putting it together! You answered a lot of my questions. I've got one coming up this weekend and I've been nervous since it's my first. But now I'm going to approach it with a sense of openness surrender and allowing. 🕊️
I will definitely stop process foods about a week before.

You didn't mention the purging.. That's the part I've kind of freaked out about :-) is that pretty intense in most people from "both ends" if you know what I mean :-) anyway thanks a lot and I will definitely listen to the plant and treat it with upmost respect and as a medicine. I was in the Army 28 years And I'm looking forward to more self discovery.



i think doing at least some sort of shadow work first would be a good idea too


I just had two private ahyuasca ceremonies with an experienced shaman and nothing happened 😢 the ahyuasca didn’t work


What is the name of the purgante that you mentioned?


Ayuhasca everyone says
Ayahuasca is written.
Just noticed


Can I ask someone please I have been going through trauma counselling and addiction therapy for years it has helped a little but I keep relapsing back into addiction I hate it I just want to be useful in life I good person but my life just keeps getting ruined by addiction! I have been clean and sober for 1 year again now but I have been on an opioid blocker 4 a few months but I have the option to take the beautiful plant in a safe place with beautiful people who have over 12 years of working with the plants. Can I still drink the plant while coming off the opioid blocker?


Hi there, 10 days left to go to ceromony of Ayahuasca am not scared at all but i have alots of problems in my life, i dont know how to set intention and in some videos the peoplle sayas not to set intention is better, if you have any sugestion please tell me, by the way this is my first time am experiancing thanks in advance ❤🙏🙏 🙏


Is it a good idea to lay down before you connect with its effects? Like as you are waiting for it? And when it comes sit?
